
Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

author:A North Drifter who loves sports

On July 1, 2024, Beijing time, the Snooker Champions League will continue, and the top 8 seats will be contested on this match day. This year's Snooker Champions League is a ranking tournament. Williams, Sean. Murphy and other famous players all played and ushered in the season debut. Although the prize money and points ranking are smaller, this competition is a ranking competition, so the winner will qualify for the championship of the championship this season.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

In this competition, 19 members of the Chinese army played, among which Ding Junhui and Zhang Anda, the world's highest ranked, did not sign up for this competition, and Si Jiahui led 19 people. In the first round of the group stage, the Chinese army achieved a record of 6 wins and 13 losses, among which He Guoqiang, Long Zehuang, Fan Zhengyi, Wu Yize, Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong successfully advanced to the top 32. In the second round of the group stage, every 4 people will be divided into groups for a group round-robin, and the group winners will advance to the top 8.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

In the second round of the group stage that has ended, the Chinese army He Guoqiang, Fan Zhengyi, Wu Yize and Long Zehuang played, of which only Long Zehuang advanced to the top 8, and the other three were out. On this match day, the Chinese army Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong will compete for the top 8 places. Williams, Ben. Wollaston and Stewart. Carrington as a group, Ma Hailong, Jack. Jones, Matthew. Stevens, Martin. Odnair and others were in a group of four.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

Ma Hailong 2:2 Jack. Jones

Jack. Jones, ranked 14th in the world, is currently in the top 16 in the world and is the best player in the world. Forde is the only player who doesn't have a ranking tournament title. Jack. Jones started from the qualifying round of the World Championships last season, passed all the way, and defeated Trump, Bingham and other world champions in a row to reach the finals, and finally lost to Karen. Wilson was runner-up. China's young teenager Ma Hailong, ranked 95th in the world, made his first professional appearance last season.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

In the first game of the game, neither of them achieved a single-shot victory. Jones made many defensive mistakes, and Ma Hailong seized the opportunity to score many times, and finally won the first game 83-38 and got off to a good start. In the second game, Jack. Jones gradually found his grip in the game, scoring 71 points in a single stroke and winning a game 72:0. In the third game, Jack. Jones had a chance to win the game, but unfortunately he lost the simple bottom bag red ball and gave the good situation to Ma Hailong, who seized the opportunity and scored 96 points in a single stroke to win, leading 2:1. In the fourth game, Ma Hailong handed over the ball with a single stroke of 6 points. Jones scored 125 points in a single stroke to win the game and equalize the score.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

Mark. Williams 2:2 Stewart. Carrington

Mark. Williams is ranked No. 9 in the world, and Stuart. Carrington ranked 86th. "75 Three Heroes" Mark. Williams has won 26 ranking tournaments in his career, including seven in three majors, and has achieved a double Grand Slam. Last season, the veteran who is nearly half a century old won the British Open and the Players Tour Championship in a row. Also known as the "75 Three Heroes", O'Sullivan won 5 tournaments last season, although Higgins did not have a championship record, but he entered the semifinals of the game six times in a row, and his state is still relatively stable.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+

In the first game of the game, Mark. Williams is worthy of being the "most accurate man" in the world, seizing the opportunity to get started with his accurate long platform, scoring 90 points in a single stroke to win the game and get off to a good start. In the second game, the two entered a long tug-of-war, alternating to score points, and finally Stuart. Carrington pulled one back at 70-56. In the third game, Stewart. Carrington took advantage of the victory and chased after it, seizing the opportunity to score multiple times, and finally won the next game 87-19. In the fourth game, Mark. Williams won with a single stroke of 87 points to equalize the score.

Break 100! Snooker Champions League battle report: Ma Hailong 2:2 World Championship runner-up, Ma Uncle Bang 2 strokes 50+