
Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

author:Sisyphus on the mountainside
(The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are literature citation sources at the end of the article)

On October 15, 2003, China's first astronaut Yang Liwei successfully entered space aboard the "Shenzhou 5" spacecraft, opening a new era of China's manned spaceflight.

In this historic space journey, a puzzle has puzzled Yang Liwei and the entire space community for 13 years.

Alone in the silence of space, Yang Liwei actually heard a strange "knocking sound", as if someone was knocking on the outside of the spacecraft.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

In the face of this strange and unknown phenomenon, Yang Liwei maintained an extraordinary calmness, he did not panic, but responded calmly, and dutifully completed various space test tasks.

It wasn't until 13 years later, in 2016, that this mystery that haunted the minds of Yang Liwei and many aerospace experts was finally revealed.

Behind this is the spirit of tenacious struggle and courage to explore by Chinese astronauts, and it is also the reliable quality of the heavy weapons of a great country that are proud of themselves.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

The dream of a young hero, the road to the sky begins

Yang Liwei, an ordinary boy born in Liaoning, has had an extraordinary dream since he was a child. In the 60s of the last century, when New China was waiting to be rejuvenated and working hard, the younger generation's worship of heroes was unprecedentedly high.

Yang Liwei is no exception, he planted a seed of flying exploration in his heart, and is determined to become a glorious pilot.

In order to realize this dream, Yang Liwei began to study and train hard. The hard work paid off, and in 1983, 18-year-old Yang Liwei became a pilot as he wished.

During his days in the army, he successively flew many types of fighters such as "Qiang-5" and "Jian-6", and flew safely for up to 1,350 hours, growing into an outstanding first-class pilot. Yang Liwei forged ahead in his ordinary military career and was fully prepared for his extraordinary mission in the future.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

In 1995, the manned space program was fully launched, and China began to select the first batch of astronauts. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Yang Liwei resolutely signed up for the selection.

After layers of screening and rigorous assessment, Yang Liwei stood out and became one of the first 14 members of the Chinese astronaut team. This is not only an honor, but also a sign that a difficult journey is about to begin.

The days that followed were unforgettable. The astronauts have to complete nearly 100 training subjects in five years, and the difficulty and intensity are far beyond imagination. From basic theories to professional skills, from physical exercise to mental construction, every training is rigorous to the point of almost cruelty.

In this process, Yang Liwei and his comrades-in-arms always maintained high morale and tenacious will. Five years later, all 14 of them graduated and obtained the qualification of third-level astronauts, creating a miracle of zero elimination rate, far exceeding the 50% elimination rate of the United States and Russia. Yang Liwei took a step closer to the goal of the first astronaut flight with the first comprehensive result of the team.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

In 2003, the high-profile "Shenzhou 5" spacecraft was about to be launched. Among the 14 players in the previous years, only 3 were selected for the first flight echelon. The expectations of millions of people, countless days and nights of training, will be tested at this moment. On October 14, a brief but solemn meeting was held at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

When Yang Liwei's name was read, everyone present was moved - he will be the first astronaut to set foot in the vast space on behalf of the Chinese nation, soar above the sea of stars, and write a new chapter in history.

The mission is on the shoulder, and the mission must be achieved. On the eve of the launch, Yang Liwei made final preparations in the space capsule. When the morning light was slightly dewed, he saluted the camera in the cabin and solemnly swore an oath. Right next to him, the engineer who accompanied him through the various procedures was leaving.

At the moment when the hatch was closed, the engineer's "see you tomorrow" expressed the deep concern and ardent expectations of tens of millions of Chinese people.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Towering Kunlun, the vast sea. From an immature teenager to an excellent pilot, from a top member of the team to a first-time astronaut, Yang Liwei has interpreted the spirit of Chinese astronauts with his efforts and persistence.

When the engine of "Shenzhou 5" is ignited, he is about to start a new journey in China's aerospace history and march towards a broader unknown world.

At that moment, how many people were excited and cried, and how many people were proud of it. Yang Liwei, an ordinary name, an extraordinary life, a great Chinese dream.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Chase dreams for nine days, break through the walls and see the universe

On October 15, 2003, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center attracted much attention. The "Shenzhou 5" spacecraft is about to carry China's first astronaut Yang Liwei to break through the shackles of the earth and reach the vast space. The preparations before the launch are in full swing, and every link is rigorous and meticulous, and there is no room for half a point difference.

At 8:30 a.m., Yang Liwei changed into a spacesuit, and under the escort of the staff, took the departure bus to the launch tower and took the elevator into the space capsule. In the cabin, Yang Liwei carefully checked all the equipment and instruments to ensure that everything was ready.

When the Beijing command hall issued the instructions for entering the cabin, the ground staff quickly completed various preparations. Finally, an engineer reluctantly said "see you tomorrow" to Yang Liwei, and then closed the hatch.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

At 9 o'clock, with the countdown of "10, 9, 8, 7 ......", the tense and excited atmosphere of the audience reached its peak. At the last moment before the launch, Yang Liwei solemnly saluted the camera through the porthole.

At this moment, he is the pride of China, and the 1.3 billion Chinese are watching him and blessing him. With a loud bang, the "Shenzhou 5" spacecraft took off into the sky, carrying the heavy trust of the Chinese sons and daughters to fly to the sky and realize their dreams, piercing the sky.

The spacecraft, propelled by rockets of all stages, rushed out of the atmosphere and entered a predetermined orbit. Yang Liwei is finally in the vast universe. Through the porthole, he saw the whole picture of the earth intuitively with his own eyes for the first time.

The beautiful and magical blue planet, half glittering by the sun, half hidden in darkness, surrounded by white clouds and mist, the motherland and the vast ocean reflect each other, beautiful.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

In space, Yang Liwei carried out a series of established scientific experiments. He conducted experiments on the physiological effects of space gravity and weightlessness on human body, and investigated the changes in the body's motor function and cardiovascular function in the microgravity environment. Space material processing and preparation experiments were carried out to explore the mystery of material processing in microgravity environment. It also conducts multispectral imaging of the atmosphere, land and ocean through remote sensing equipment to provide data support for global climate and natural disaster monitoring.

Yang Liwei is meticulous in every operation in space, and he is well aware of his mission and responsibility, and he must complete the mission in the best condition.

However, to Yang Liwei's surprise, the journey to space was not all smooth sailing. Strange phenomena on the spaceship continued. After the spacecraft entered the shadow area of the earth, a dazzling bright light suddenly appeared outside the window, which lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared, which surprised Yang Liwei.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

There are even weirder things happening, during the flight of the spacecraft, Yang Liwei heard a similar knocking sound many times, as if someone was rhythmically knocking something outside the cabin.

Despite his doubts, Yang Liwei always remained calm and reasonable, carefully observing the environment outside the window, checking various data, and reporting the situation to the ground command center in a timely manner, hoping to find out the cause as soon as possible and eliminate hidden dangers.

Despite all kinds of accidents, Yang Liwei still responded calmly and resolutely carried out the set tasks. From time to time, he picked up a video camera and shot a magnificent image of the earth out of the porthole; From time to time, scientific experiments in many fields such as mechanics, biology, and materials are carried out in the cabin; From time to time, through communication with the ground, the flight dynamics are reported and the latest information in space is transmitted.

Never before in the history of mankind has anyone observed and recorded the earth so clearly at such a close distance. Every action and experiment of Yang Liwei and "Shenzhou 5" has written a strong stroke on the journey of human exploration of space.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

After 21 hours and 14 laps around the earth, the established scientific research and test tasks were successfully completed. Yang Liwei returned safely, and the "Shenzhou 5" spacecraft landed safely. When the cabin door opened, the Chinese people were so excited that they burst into tears. What was once a dream has finally become a reality.

For Yang Liwei, this thrilling journey into space has come to an end, but the mystery remains unsolved. Where did that disturbing knocking sound come from? What does it portend? Everything needs to be further verified. However, no matter what the road ahead, China's astronauts will be indomitable and courageous, and continue to move forward towards the dream of becoming a space power.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Strange knocks at the door, mysteries to be solved

After successfully completing his first space mission, Yang Liwei returned to the ground safely. Amid the warm welcome of the people of the whole country and the rush of media coverage, he became a true national hero.

However, despite the great success of the "Shenzhou 5", the anomalies encountered during the space journey, especially the mysterious "knocking sound", made Yang Liwei and the experts in the ground command center puzzled.

After the flight, Yang Liwei immediately made a detailed report to the ground control center. He described hearing a sound similar to a knock on the capsule several times in space, clear and rhythmic, but strangely no objects outside the capsule.

Yang Liwei judged at the time that this was different from the sound produced by the spacecraft being hit by space debris or attitude adjustment. For this abnormal situation, the ground command center attaches great importance to it and immediately launched an investigation.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

The news spread quickly and attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. People have speculated about the cause of the "knocking sound", and there are different theories, and some people have even begun to make up all kinds of bizarre stories.

In response to questions from the media, a spokesperson for the China Manned Space Engineering Office said that it is not yet possible to accurately determine the source of the sound, and further analysis of flight data and spacecraft conditions is needed to carry out in-depth research.

With the continuous development of China's aerospace industry, "Shenzhou VI" in 2005 and "Shenzhou VII" were successfully launched in 2008, and Yang Liwei's "space knocking" has once again become a hot topic. Because during these two flights, astronauts also reported a similar knocking sound.

Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng had also heard this sound many times on the "Shenzhou 6", and Zhai Zhigang clearly felt that the knock was happening nearby when he left the cabin. The personal experience of many astronauts has further confirmed the authenticity of the "knocking sound", but the mystery has not yet been solved.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

The news spread abroad and aroused widespread concern in the world's space circles. Space experts from Russia, the United States and other countries have expressed their views on this phenomenon.

Russian space experts believe that similar sounds have also appeared on the International Space Station, which may be caused by the thermal expansion and contraction of the space station module.

Some experts speculate that the solar wind caused high-energy particles to hit the surface of the capsule, producing a sound similar to that of a knock. However, there is still a lack of conclusive conclusions on the situation of the "Shenzhou" series of spacecraft.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

In order to unravel the mystery of the "knock on the door", Chinese aerospace experts formed a joint research team, and with the assistance of Yang Liwei and other witnesses, they studied and judged in various ways and tried to find the answer.

They conducted a detailed analysis of the acoustic data during the flight, carried out a large number of ground simulation tests on the thermal insulation and protective materials and structural characteristics of the spacecraft cabin, and also conducted in-depth exchanges with international counterparts. Despite many efforts, little has been achieved.

For a time, the "knock on the door of space" has become a major unsolved mystery in the field of China's manned spaceflight. In this regard, Yang Liwei and many experts have always maintained a calm and objective attitude. They agreed that it is not uncommon for humans to encounter unknown phenomena in the process of human exploration of space.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

After the hardships of cold and summer, the mystery is finally revealed

Despite a lot of research and experimentation done by experts over the years, they have not been able to come up with a convincing explanation. As time passed, the puzzle faded into public view, but the astronauts never gave up their efforts to explore.

In 2016, Yang Liwei was invited to participate in a popular science event held in Ningbo. At the event, a primary school student asked Yang Liwei: "Uncle, is the knock you heard in space an alien?" "

Faced with the child's innocent problem, Yang Liwei showed a knowing smile. "I've asked myself this question countless times, but I'm sure we'll find it one day," he said calmly. "

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Shortly after this event, an astonishing piece of news came. Many years ago, ESA conducted an experiment called "Yuegong-1", in which volunteers lived for months in a capsule that simulated the lunar environment.

After the experiment, the volunteers reported that they often heard knocking sounds inside the cabin, but nothing unusual outside the cabin. According to the analysis of ESA experts, the knocking sound may be caused by the thermal expansion and contraction of the capsule caused by the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the space capsule, and the change of structural stress.

The news was transmitted back to China and attracted great attention from Chinese aerospace experts. They realized that the "Moon Palace No. 1" experiment might be the key to solving the mystery of the "knocking sound".

The expert group immediately contacted ESA, and the two sides had an in-depth exchange and exchanged a large amount of experimental data. The Chinese experts also invited Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and other witnesses to participate in the discussion, asking them to recall the specific environment and the status of the spacecraft when they heard the sound in space.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Through careful analysis and demonstration, the experts finally came to a conclusion: when the spacecraft is traveling in space, because the cabin maintains a constant temperature and the outside temperature changes drastically with the sunshine conditions, the cabin structure will produce thermal expansion and cold contraction, and the internal and external temperature difference stress will cause the small deformation of the cabin, and then produce regular sounds.

This sound is transmitted through the ship's structure, giving the illusion of a tapping. Moreover, due to the particularity of the space environment, the sound transmission will be abnormal, which adds to the mystery.

At this point, the mystery of the "space knocking sound" has finally been revealed. Over the past 13 years, this enigmatic voice has brought countless sleepless nights to Yang Liwei and Chinese astronauts. Now, the truth is revealed, and everything makes sense. The experts' conclusions have been widely recognized by international counterparts, marking that Chinese astronauts have overcome another global problem.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Looking back on the entire exploration process, it was Yang Liwei's calm and wise handling that laid the foundation for the final solution of the puzzle. He responded calmly and recorded in detail in space, which provided valuable first-hand information for follow-up research. He always believes in science and treats unknown phenomena with a professional attitude, showing the excellent quality of an astronaut; He dared to doubt and explore, inspiring generations of Chinese astronauts to forge ahead and continue to surpass.

In the course of human exploration of space, there are many unsolved mysteries like "knocking on the door". But as Yang Liwei said: "No matter how ugly the sound is, it is also the voice of the universe, which is worth listening to and exploring." "Chinese astronauts will uphold this spirit, constantly challenge unknown frontiers, and forge ahead bravely towards the great goal of building a space power.

Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space, and the mystery was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

Today, the Shenzhou series of spacecraft has successfully achieved 13 launches, the construction of China's space station is in full swing, and the success of Chang'e lunar exploration and Tianwen fire exploration has been reported frequently.

Looking forward to the future, China's aerospace industry will surely ride the wind and waves, sail far, and march towards a more far-reaching sea of stars, and continue to write a new chapter in mankind's exploration of the universe.


  1. 万婷编著. 神舟飞天梦[M]. 2021
  2. (Ireland) by Brian Harvey; Translated by Xu Yongjian, Guo Linghua, Bao Xiaoyue. China's Aerospace Great Leapfrog Development II 2nd Edition[M]. 2021
