
Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

author:Mobile phone tips sharing

Douyin, I believe everyone is familiar with it. It is not only a short video platform, but also an e-commerce platform. Today, a fan said that he saw a product on it, and he wanted to see it when he clicked in, but the password was not lost, and the money was deducted. What's going on? Douyin has friends who have tied cards, so be sure to watch the following video carefully to prevent heavy losses of funds.

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

First, let's turn on TikTok. (as shown in the image above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

How do you turn off this danger switch after it is turned on? Click "Me" in the bottom right corner, (as shown in the image above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

Then click on the three bars in the upper right corner. (as shown in the image above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

Then you can see "My Wallet", open it first, (as shown in the picture above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

Go to your profile home page and click "Settings" in the top right corner. (as shown in the image above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

In the settings, you can see "Douyin password-free payment". (as shown in the image above)

If you pay successfully without entering the password when selecting the product, you must have turned on the Douyin password-free payment function. After activation, you can pay without a password within the limit. Generally speaking, there is no need to enter a password for a single order of less than 200 yuan. Now you should understand why this switch is dangerous, especially for friends who bind bank cards, be sure to check if this function has been activated. If it is activated, be sure to close it in time and click "Turn off password-free payment" at the bottom.

In addition to turning off password-free payments, there is also a dangerous setting that is also important and will directly affect our credit reporting. Where? First return to the home page of the wallet,

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

Find "Douyin Monthly Pay". (as shown in the image above)

Why is this feature dangerous? Because it is a lending function, it is the same as Huabei and borrowing on Alipay. If you don't pay attention to the payment method when you buy something, you will deduct money from Douyin's monthly payment. In the case of unknowing, it may be overdue, and if it is overdue, it may also have to be on the credit report, and if it becomes a laid-back, it may affect the purchase of a house, children's education, etc. Everyone hurry up to check whether it is turned on, and if it is, it is recommended to turn it off.

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

How to close it? Click Settings in the top right corner, (as shown in the image above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

After entering, swipe up, you can see a function to turn off Douyin monthly payment, click in, (as shown in the picture above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!
Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

The system will let you select the reason and skip it directly (as shown in the figure above)

Douyin has a card to close this function, otherwise I don't know why the money is less!

Click OK and close, enter the payment password to successfully remove this dangerous setting. (as shown in the image above)

Through this video, I believe you have a certain understanding of the two dangerous switches of Douyin. If you don't understand or learn, you can watch it a few more times, or save the video first so that you don't find such a detailed tutorial when you close it. That's all for today's video, thank you very much for your support, and we'll see you in the next video!