
Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

author:Mr. Shishu
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware


Is it wrong to cure the sick and save people?

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate
"The way of traditional Chinese medicine, the heart of the people, the thousand-year-old inheritance, the source of health".

When it comes to the culture of traditional Chinese medicine in the mainland, it can be said that it has a long history and is broad and profound.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

As a treasure of the mainland, the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture is the demand of the times and the necessity of history, and the importance of traditional Chinese medicine culture is self-evident.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

However, there is a case that has caused controversy among everyone, an old Yao Chinese medicine doctor who has saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years with "zero mistakes", but was reported by a foreigner who has been cured because he does not have a medical certificate.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

He only needed a few yuan to see a doctor, but he had to pay a fine of 60,000 yuan, which quickly caused controversy, and even many people were upset with the old Chinese medicine doctor.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

So, what happened? Is a generation of good doctors about to fall?

Sentenced to save people without a license?

When it comes to the representatives of Chinese characteristics, the first thing must be the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

The culture of traditional Chinese medicine in the mainland can be said to have a long history, and the origin of traditional Chinese medicine can even be traced back to ancient primitive societies.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate
The legend of "Shennong tastes a hundred herbs, Yiyin makes a decoction, etc." all reflect the understanding and origin of medicine by the Chinese ancestors, and many celebrities of traditional Chinese medicine have also been born from ancient times to the present.
Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

For example, the well-known "Zhang Zhongjing, Li Shizhen, Hua Tuo" and so on, and the books they compiled have also had a profound impact on later generations.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Compared with Western medicine in Europe, which is "medicine is poisonous", Chinese medicine in the mainland pays attention to "harmony is precious", and what is pursued is the harmony of the human body itself.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

We will use everything that nature has given us to regulate our bodies and heal our lives.

With the continuous invasion of Western medicine culture, Chinese medicine has gradually been neglected by everyone, and we are also vigorously promoting Chinese medicine culture in order to revitalize the treasures of the mainland.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

However, can you imagine? In reality, there was an old Chinese medicine doctor who was sentenced for treating diseases and saving people? What was the cause of the incident?

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Let's turn the time to 2017, an old Yao doctor Pang Fuwan was treating the villagers and getting medicine as usual, however, at this time, several uninvited guests in formal clothes broke in.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

They claimed to be from the Health and Family Planning Bureau, and after learning that Pang Fuwan did not have a medical practice certificate, they claimed that he violated the legal provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Medical Practitioners and was illegally practicing medicine.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

not only required him to immediately suspend business for rectification, but also imposed a fine of 60,000 yuan on him.

This was not a small amount for Pang Fuwan at that time, you know, he only charged a few yuan for seeing a doctor and saving people at that time.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

This sudden fine made him very angry, he said that he usually went to the mountain to collect medicine, has always been to "cure the disease and save people" as the original intention, and have been engaged in 52 years, his medical skills are left by his ancestors, he thinks that he is not wrong to treat the disease and save people.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Therefore, he refused to pay the fine of 60,000 yuan, and later, the more he thought about it, the more angry Pang Fuwan took the Health and Family Planning Bureau to court.

Subsequently, the court found that the county health department's decision to impose a penalty was not improper.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Therefore, Pang Fuwan's claim was dismissed, but Pang Fuwan did not give up, and then he continued to appeal to the Guangxi Provincial and Autonomous Region Court, hoping to get a fair verdict.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

The provincial court attaches great importance to this case, which is not only related to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture, but also related to the medical treatment of countless ethnic minority compatriots.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Later, the judge also conducted an investigation, and it was reported that because the Yao people have lived in the deep mountains and old forests for generations, it is very inconvenient to go down the mountain to seek medical treatment.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

There are many poisonous insects and the like in the mountains, once bitten, the villagers can only go up the mountain to collect medicine from local materials, so as to ensure the health of the tribesmen.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

In this way, after hundreds of years of accumulation, the Yao people passed it on from generation to generation, and Pang Fuwan was one of them.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

He not only remembered the pharmaceutical culture left by his ancestors, but even passed on the family's Yao medicine to his son.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Because they spend a lot of time in the mountains, most of them are not familiar with Chinese characters, and the medical texts that have been passed down from generation to generation are also the language of the Yao people.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Therefore, this led him to not apply for the examination for the medical license, but Pang Fuwan showed that although he did not have the certificate required by these laws.

However, at that time, the relevant personnel had given him a license to practice medicine as a social doctor, and this license did not stipulate the number of years.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Therefore, he believed that he could cure the sick and save people, but after investigation, the judge found that Pang Fuwan's license was in place before the law was issued.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

This also shows that his medical license has expired, and he does not have a medical qualification certificate, and the court has not wrongly decided.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

I thought that this was the end of the matter, but the next incident made the judge completely change his opinion of Pang Fuwan.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Treating diseases and saving talents is the foundation

When the judge was driving to Pang Fu Wanjiazhong, he happened to meet a woman who was bitten by a poisonous snake, and in the face of this situation, the judge immediately got out of the car to save the person.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

After recognizing the woman, an aunt next to her immediately led the judge to the injured woman's home.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Subsequently, the great god personally called Pang Fuwan, an old Chinese medicine doctor of the Yao nationality, to go for treatment, but the judge felt that he did not have a medical qualification and could not be treated.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

But it takes 5 hours to drive people to the city, and the best treatment time for a snake bite is 3 hours.

After a short period of consideration, the judge still felt that human life was at stake, and then Pang Fuwan began to treat, and after a series of prescribed medicine and bandaging, the woman's illness really improved a lot, and the whole person's complexion gradually improved.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

This incident also made the judge realize the level of Pang Fuwan's medical skills.

Not only that, the villagers in the village also have a very high evaluation of Pang Fuwan, for some minor diseases, Pang Fuwan's treatment effect is always very good, and the fee charged is only a few yuan.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

I couldn't bear to see Pang Fuwan's Yao medicine lost, so the judge suggested that he go for the certificate.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

But he can't read a few big characters when he is over half a hundred years old, and those medical exams also cover a lot of knowledge of Western medicine, which is more difficult for the old Chinese medicine doctor than to ascend to the sky.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Subsequently, after the efforts of the judge, he finally found a certificate of qualification for traditional Chinese medicine, and he informed Pang Fuwan of the good news at that time.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

And Pang Fuwan was also very happy after learning the news, although he was 70 years old, and his memory was not as good as that of a young man.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

But he also has his own son, and he also expressed his hope that his son can always take the exam, and after getting the qualification certificate, he will continue to come back to see patients and save people, and carry forward Yao medicine.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate


The practice of medicine comes first, and the law comes last.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Although Pang Fuwan, an old Chinese medicine doctor, does not have a qualification certificate to practice medicine, compared with the certificate, it is the original intention of the doctor to treat diseases and save talents.

As a doctor, getting the corresponding certificate is not only responsible for the patient, but also responsible for yourself.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

Traditional Chinese medicine, an ancient medicine that has been passed down for thousands of years, vividly shows the traditional Chinese culture and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation.

Is it "illegal" for Chinese medicine to save people without a license? The old Chinese medicine doctor saved lives and helped the injured for 52 years, but he was convicted for not having a certificate

So, what do you think of Pang Fuwan in front of the screen? Leave your answers in the comments section!


1. More than 500 people from Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi Province participated in the first batch of Yao medical practitioner examination training. CNR【Citation date:2021-10-18】

2. The judge's statement "Employing an unlicensed "old Chinese medicine doctor"? The Paper【Quote date:2023-11-03】

3. Why was the old Chinese medicine doctor who has been treating diseases and saving people for 52 years fined more than 60,000 yuan? Hubei Xia Xiaozhong Hospital【Citation date:2023-06-02】

In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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