
Goodbye macho! After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? Harden and Kawaii lost their buddies

author:Online writer Xia Shaobin

After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? What's going on? It's incredible! #头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛#

Goodbye macho! After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? Harden and Kawaii lost their buddies

According to U.S. media reports, the Clippers are going to trade Wei Shao, and the Nuggets want him very much, and Wei Shao also wants to go to the Nuggets very much. So why did the Clippers trade Westbrook? There are several main reasons for this.

The first reason was that George was leaving. The main reason why Wei Shao was able to join the Clippers in the first place was George's strong request.

At that time, Wei Shao's career had fallen to a low point, and he had a terrible season with the Lakers, and almost no one wanted it.

Goodbye macho! After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? Harden and Kawaii lost their buddies

In fact, the Clippers didn't want Wei Shao at that time, but due to the strong demand of the second boss George, the Clippers had to make a compromise. But now that George is leaving the Clippers, there is no reason for the Clippers' management to stay behind.

Goodbye macho! After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? Harden and Kawaii lost their buddies

The second reason is Wei Shaotaicai. Wei Shao's performance in the past season was not good, especially in the playoffs, Wei Shao's performance can be described as a disaster. He's the worst player of any team in the playoffs, especially since he's very inefficient on the offensive end.

He can be relieved that opponents don't have to defend him on the court, so that he can't shoot. Why does Wei Shao earn such a low salary, even Paul is not as good as him? You must know that Paul is several years older than Weishao, but he can still get a contract with an annual salary of more than 10 million. And Wei Shao can only get an annual salary of 4 million, this is the gap.

Goodbye macho! After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? Harden and Kawaii lost their buddies

So why do the Nuggets want Wei Shao? The main reason is the lack of people in the Nuggets. Their substitutions are very poor, but because the salary of the starters is too high, they don't have much money to find a strong substitute, so they can only use Wei Shao to make up the number.

Although Wei Shao can't shoot, he still has a hand to break through. Wei Shao is very passionate about playing, and he can motivate Jokic to stop being too Buddhist.

Goodbye macho! After Wei Shao wants to go to the Nuggets, expose the terrible facts? Harden and Kawaii lost their buddies

If Wei Shao really went to the Nuggets, this would also expose the terrible truth! The Nuggets are out of luck winning the championship. Why? Because Wei Shao is the same as Paul, he has a championshipless physique, which team he goes to, which team cannot win the championship, do you say this is the truth?