
Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

author:Basketball Skills Teaching Skills Jun

Pickled pepper is one step ahead of Clay~

Woj broke the news that he rejected the player option worth $48.79 million next season, ignored the Clippers' three-year offer of $149 million, became a complete free agent, and signed the 76ers with a maximum salary of $212 million over four years.

Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

It is reported that Pickled Pepper made a heavy promise in the meeting with the 76ers management that he will join forces with the Great and Maxey to compete for the NBA championship!

The salary details are as follows:

24-25 season - $49.2 million

Season 25-26 - $51.7 million

26-27 season - $54.1 million

Season 27-28 - $56.6 million

Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

Do you still remember the "famous scene" of the Emperor and Pickled Pepper as guests commentating on the finals on June 15th? When looking forward to the future of the 76ers, the two brothers are in love from that eyebrow

Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!
Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

At that time, the host talked about the 76ers' imaginary enemy, the Green Army, and the Emperor bluntly said that he hated this team very much and hoped to find some way to sanction them;

When he said "I hope to add some players in the offseason", he also glanced at the pickled pepper next to him strangely.

Perkins, who was on the far right, immediately understood and took the mending knife: "No need to look for it, the strongest reinforcement is sitting next to you (George) now." ”

Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

Although the facial expression of pickled pepper is quite well done and does not show any flaws, it can actually be guessed one or two in the market.

Because the 76ers do have all the conditions for pickled peppers to join: championship ranks + long-term contracts.

Maybe the brothers haven't reacted yet, where did the 76ers get so much salary space? That's because Tobias Harris' five-year, $180 million has expired this summer and is currently a full free agent.

As a result, the 76ers have become the top 6 teams in terms of salary space this summer, and they are a strong contender for stars.

Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

Although they stood out in the battle and became the ultimate winner, the 76ers' operation is also a combination of opportunities and risks.

The chance, of course, greatly increases the probability of winning the championship;

As for the risk, it is natural to return to the contract itself, 27~28 season, player option, 56.6 million, and the pickled pepper will be 38 years old at that time!

In other words, no matter what the results of the Big Three are after merging, there is a high probability that Pickled Pepper's contract will be firmly tied to the 76ers~

Blockbuster official announcement! George joins the 76ers for 212 million! The new Big Three are coming!

The stronger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish. Perhaps the real masters are those who go against the trend, rather than follow the trend.