
She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

author:Mickey is back
She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin


I believe everyone has read the four famous Chinese novels.

Among them, Shi Nai'an's "Water Margin" is really shocking, and I have an endless aftertaste after reading it once.

Although it is a fictional novel, every word reveals the real society and real human nature.

108 Liangshan heroes, with distinct personalities, high spirits, blood and tears.

However, there are many male characters portrayed in the book, but there are few strokes of women, and the most impressive woman in the book is Pan Jinlian.

What I don't know is that there is another woman, she is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang!

relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin.

So, who is she?

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Poisonous woman Pan Jinlian

Pan Jinlian is really a bad woman in "Water Margin".

But if you read it carefully, she is not a tragic figure derived from that era.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

For Pan Jinlian's evaluation, we will look at it in two.

In Pan Jinlian's early story description, she was born smart and clever, had a stunning posture, and dared to resist, and was completely a positive character.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

But the turning point of the story is that a beautiful woman with no background is very tragic in feudal society.

Pan Jinlian's original family was very poor, her father was sick, and there were many children in the family, so she was sold to Zhang Dahu as a maid in desperation.

The plot is very cliché, Pan Jinlian, who has a beautiful appearance, is remembered by the male protagonist and wants to have a relationship with her.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Pan Jinlian knew that Zhang Dahu had a wife, and she was very difficult to mess with, she was unwilling to step on this troubled water, and she never obeyed Zhang Dahu.

Pan Jinlian was overwhelmed and sued Zhang Dahu's wife.

Zhang Dahu felt that the fat in front of him couldn't be eaten, so he was beaten and reprimanded again, and he was so angry that he married Pan Jinlian to Wu Dalang.

Wu Dalang is short in stature, ugly in appearance, and has no ability, Pan Jinlian doesn't like him at all.

At the beginning, Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang's marriage was okay, but after a long time, Pan Jinlian couldn't bear to be lonely.

At this time, it also happened that Wu Song was appreciated by the apparitions and became a capital head, and Wu Dalang recognized Wu Song when he was selling baked cakes.

Wu Song's appearance is extraordinary, tall and mighty, Pan Jinlian was tempted when she saw him.

As a sister-in-law, Pan Jinlian took the initiative to seduce Wu Song, and deliberately messed up her clothes while she was drinking.

But Wu Song is a righteous gentleman, and when he saw Pan Jinlian doing this, he immediately scolded her for being a "pig dog".

Pan Jinlian couldn't hook up, but became angry and sprinkled all her grievances on Wu Dalang.

Later, by chance, when Pan Jinlian was closing the window, the fork rod in her hand was not held steady, and she fell and just hit Ximenqing, which is interesting.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Originally, Ximenqing was about to get angry, but when he looked up and saw such a stunning appearance, he turned his anger into joy, and went to apologize to Pan Jinlian instead. This scene was seen by the princess who asked for Ximenqing, and decided to match the two together.

With the help of Wang Po, the two of them secretly Chen Cang, using Wang Po's house as a cover, and doing unscrupulous things.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

But there is no impermeable wall in the world, and the neighbors all know that Wu Dalang was kept in the dark at first, and later someone told him that the angry Wu Dalang immediately went to catch the traitor, but was beaten by Ximen Qing and vomited blood.

And after Pan Jinlian woke up Wu Dalang, she didn't want to take care of him, but Wu Dalang threatened Pan Jinlian to tell Wu Song about her scandal.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Pan Jinlian immediately panicked, and hurriedly went to Wang Po and Ximen Qing to discuss this, and finally poisoned Wu Dalang with arsenic.

After the incident, Wu Song came back and saw that his brother was separated from his yin and yang, but his sister-in-law said that he was sick to death, revealing suspiciousness.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Pan Jinlian's life ended like this, she was ruthless, did not abide by women's morals, and poisoned her husband, she is indeed a veritable poisonous woman in "Water Margin".

Ruthless woman Sun Erniang

In the ranking list of Liangshan heroes, "Dominatrix" Sun Erniang ranks 103rd, but you can't imagine her ruthlessness.

Sun Erniang's image in the book does not look like a woman at all, in the author's description, it is very deliberately masculine, from the appearance to the feeling of personality, lacking female characteristics, and the style of acting is even more ruthless than that of men.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Sun Erniang was born in a family of bandits, her father is Sun Yuan, a famous bandit in the Mengzhou area, nicknamed Shanyasha.

Maybe Sun Erniang inherited her father's ruthlessness and followed her father to practice martial arts since she was a child.

Although Sun Yuan is ruthless, he is very concerned about his daughter, and for the happiness of his daughter, he recruited a son-in-law Zhang Qing.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

After the two got married, they opened a tavern in the cross slope, selling steamed buns and beef to make a living.

It sounds a bit good, but Sun Erniang opened a black shop, using sweat medicine to stun rich businessmen passing by and make adult meat buns.

Sun Erniang's business was not a serious business, but it was always safe and sound, until Wu Song killed Pan Jinlian, Wu Song was assigned to Mengzhou, passing by their small shop, which made Sun Erniang suffer.

Wu Song came to the store, and Sun Erniang served him steamed buns and wine, but he didn't think that the meat filling in the buns was not clean.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Wu Song took advantage of this to ridicule a few words: "I heard that no one dares to pass by there when the big tree crosses the slope, the fat ones are cut into steamed bun fillings, and the thin ones are taken to fill the river." ”

Of course, Sun Erniang would not admit it, but under Wu Song's repeated provocations, she finally couldn't hold her breath and gave Wu Song a dose of sweat medicine.

Wu Song saw through Sun Erniang's trick at a glance, pretended to faint, and when she made a move, Wu Song woke up and pressed Sun Erniang directly to the ground.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

After that, Sun Erniang and Zhang Qing followed Wu Song to Liangshan together, still using the tavern as a cover, privately transmitting information and receiving heroes.

Why do you say that Sun Erniang is ruthless? This can be seen from the division of labor and cooperation between her and her husband Zhang Qing, Zhang Qing is just picking up human meat steamed buns to sell, but slaughtering guests and making human flesh food are all done by Sun Erniang, who is completely murderous and ruthless, enough to feel her viciousness.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

The queen of "Water Margin".

Speaking of the merry sluts in "Water Margin", it must be Pan Jinlian described above, or Pan Qiaoyun, Jia Shi, etc.

But what you didn't expect was that these few people were completely pure little white flowers in front of her.

She is Duan Sanniang, the daughter of Duan Taigong, the owner of Duanjiazhuang in Dingshan Fort, Fangzhou, and is the third in the family.

Duan Sanniang's most prominent feature is her pungent personality and ugly appearance.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

In the original book, there is such a description of her appearance: her eyes are fierce and her eyebrows are thick and murderous. The waist and limbs are stupid, and there is no grace at all; The skin is stubborn, but it is covered with powder. The strange hairpin ring is inserted at one end, and the fashionable bracelet exposes both arms.

Duan Sanniang looks like this, she can be said to be the ugliest woman in the book, but don't look at people's ugly families, but there are really a lot of men who are harmed.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

In the description in the book, Duan Sanniang had already harmed many children of good families before she got married.

And her husband is even more miserable, Duan Sanniang's husband is very cowardly, where can he stand the torture of this kind of fierce woman, just one year after marriage, her husband passed away in her torture.

Duan Sanniang didn't know how to converge, but was even more unscrupulous, following her brother Duan Er and Duan Wu all day long, and setting up stalls to gamble.

The people in the nearby village were very scared when they heard Duan Sanniang's name, so she had a nickname called "Big Worm Nest".

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Duan Sanniang, who was so domineering, met her opponent Wang Qing in her twenties.

Wang Qing originally served as a deputy platoon army in Kaifeng Mansion, but because he had an affair with the daughter of Tong Guan's brother Tong Zhen, after being exposed, he was retaliated by Tong Guan and was sent to Shaanzhou to fill the army.

Wang Qing was unwilling, killed Zhang Shikai and Pang Yuan, fled, and later came to Fangzhou with the help of Fan Quan, hiding in Dingshan Fort.

When the rumors passed, Wang Qing came to Dingshan Fort to hang out, and had an argument with Duan Sanniang, who was setting up a stall to gamble, and had a big fight.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Duan Sanniang is also a wonderful girl, because she actually fell in love with Wang Qing in this fight, and asked her father to propose marriage.

Wang Qing did not refuse and agreed, but when the wedding was held, the officers and soldiers came to arrest Wang Qing.

The two fled overnight, and with the help of Li Zhu, Wang Qing and Duan Sanniang decided to take refuge in Liao Li, the king of the mountain.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

Liao Li felt that if Wang Qing came to the cottage, he might lose control of the cottage and rejected them.

Wang Qing was very angry, and had a vicious plan in his heart, and joined forces with Duan Sanniang to kill Liao Li and occupy the mountain as king.

What's amazing is that Wang Qing is a very strategic person, occupying this mountain with only a few hundred people, and in just a few years, it has developed into an army of tens of thousands of people.

And Wang Qing proclaimed himself the king of Chu in Nanfeng, and established Duan Sanniang as the queen, openly opposing the imperial court.

She is more poisonous than Pan Jinlian and more ruthless than Sun Erniang, but she relied on debauchery and erosion to become the queen of the Water Margin

The imperial court was unable to suppress it, which made Wang Qing even more arrogant.

But after all, it is a mountain and a grass coward, and the court will not let it go, and because of the constraints of the story, Wang Qing was still sent to conscript, and the husband and wife were both executed by Ling Chi.


In "Water Margin", the portrayal of women is very full.

They are not all evil, and in their lives, there are also some shining points, which also reflects the understanding and evaluation of women in the society at that time, and also writes about the complexity and contradiction of women's status in feudal society, and also shows the strength and wisdom of women.

Information source: "Water Margin" Shi Nai'an

ZHU Yixuan. Water Margin Data Compilation. Nankai University Press.2002