
is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

author:Mu Lingyang
"Brigade Commander, thank you, thank you Brigade Commander, I knelt down for you, Brigade Commander!"

mentioned one of the excellent anti-Japanese dramas in the past 20 years, the drama "Bright Sword" is definitely well-deserved, and the image of Li Yunlong in the play is very real, which has changed the audience's perception of previous anti-Japanese film and television dramas.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

In this drama, Li Yunlong can be said to be an absolute contrast, one second he angrily scolded Zhao Gang for not daring to fight with the brigade commander, but the next second he had to kneel down for the brigade commander.

Of course, the success of "Bright Sword" is also inseparable from some supporting roles, such as Ding Wei played by Wang Quanyou, Kong Jie played by You Li, etc., all of which have left an indelible impression.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

Although the latter released "New Bright Sword" remade all the famous scenes of the old version of "Bright Sword", the effect was surprisingly poor, which attracted overwhelming complaints from the audience.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that in fact, the reason why "New Bright Sword" can't compare to the old version of "Bright Sword" is not because the other party has preconceived ideas, but because its realism is far less than that of the old version of "Bright Sword".

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

At this point, we can see the gap between the two from the plot of Kong Jie's return of favor in the two versions of "Bright Sword", and the so-called details determine success or failure.

"The old version of "Bright Sword" Kong Jie chopped his hands"

Speaking of the person with the most inferior ability in the Iron Triangle in the northwest of Jin Province in "Bright Sword", it is undoubtedly the loyal and honest Kong Jie, he can't compare to Li Yunlong in terms of tactics, and he can't compare to Ding Wei in terms of strategic vision.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

And the only thing that Kong Jie is better than the two of them is that he never goes out of the circle to do things, absolutely obeys the orders of his superiors, and is not like Li Yunlong who "engages in small hills" or "does business" like Ding Wei.

Of course, in fact, for Kong Jie's ability, "Bright Sword" has already been shown, because he was a defeated general as soon as he appeared, and he was defeated twice in the battle with the Japanese army.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

It's just that about Kong Jie's first defeat, many people may think that it was the Yangcun encounter, and the independent regiment was attacked by Yamamoto's special forces in the middle of the night.

And this battle can be said to have greatly damaged Kong Jie's vitality, in addition to sacrificing a political commissar, nearly half of his troops were lost.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

However, what everyone doesn't know is that in fact, before the battle of Yangcun, Kong Jie also fought a defeated battle, and also lost a political commissar, and this was told by Zhang Dabiao during the Battle of Cangyunling.

After he confirmed that the Japanese troops on the opposite hill were the Bantian Wing, he said to Li Yunlong: "The last Yunling counter-sweep, the 386th Brigade Independent Regiment fought an encounter with this Bantian Wing, the regiment commander Kong Jie was seriously wounded, and the political commissar Li Wenying died. ”

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

Through Zhang Dabiao's words, we can see that Kong Jie had already fought a defeated battle in the Yunling counter-sweep, and in combination with the Yangcun encounter, Kong Jie was already the head of the regiment who had suffered two defeats as soon as he appeared.

Immediately afterwards, after the headquarters learned that the independent regiment had lost again and was still crushed by the Japanese army, it directly withdrew Kong Jieyi to the end and let Li Yunlong, who was embroidering, come to take over.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

Because Li Yunlong and Kong Jie had both participated in the Long March, he felt very uncomfortable when he saw his old comrades-in-arms being demoted to feed the horses.

In the end, after some thought, Li Yunlong used his own interesting expression to successfully "rescue" Kong Jie and let him stay in the army as the deputy commander.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

After Kong Jie learned the news, his face was first full of incredulity, and then after thinking about it, he guessed that it was Li Yunlong who interceded for himself.

originally thought that Kong Jie would be grateful to Li Yunlong, but as a result, he picked up a big knife without saying a word and came to the other party, and after saying "But Lao Tzu doesn't like to owe others favors the most", he was about to chop two fingers with a knife.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

Fortunately, Li Yunlong reacted quickly and stopped the other party before Kong Jiedao's knife fell, so that he was able to save the other party's two fingers.

And it was precisely because of this incident that Li Yunlong also saw Kong Jie's "stunned", so the title of "Kong Er stunned" was deducted from Kong Jie's head.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

But one thing to say is that the scene of the old version of Kong Jie chopping his fingers can be said to be very real, and he shows that kind of "stunned" vividly.

In this clip, Kong Jie gives people the impression of pure truth, and after saying some heart-wrenching words, he immediately raised his big knife and prepared to cut down.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

But when we look at the scene of Kong Jie chopping his fingers in "New Bright Sword", it feels like a scene play, and there is no intention of cutting it down at all.

"The new version of "Bright Sword" Kong Jie chops hands"

For the storyline of "New Bright Sword", I believe it is self-evident that on the whole, except that the actors' appearance is different from the old version of "Bright Sword", all aspects are no different from the old version of "Bright Sword".

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

In "New Bright Sword", after Kong Jie learned the news that the headquarters made him the deputy head of the regiment, he behaved very sluggishly, not as incredible as the old version of Kong Jie.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

In addition, during this period, the new version of Kong Jie kept thinking about Li Yunlong's voice in his mind, giving people a feeling of embarrassment or embarrassment.

The most outrageous thing is that when the new version of Kong Jie raised the broadsword and was about to return Li Yunlong's favor, he actually pointed the broadsword at the soldiers of the new regiment first.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

Not only that, when the new version of Kong Jie raised the machete and was about to chop his fingers, his movements were very hesitant, giving people the feeling that he was deliberately waiting for Li Yunlong to stop him, very indecisive.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

And the next scene that happened in the two versions of "Bright Sword" can better reflect the gap between the two, because in the old version of "Bright Sword", Li Yunlong comforted the other party after snatching the big knife in Kong Jie's hand.

After all, Kong Jie's emotions were still very excited at this time, and if his words stimulated the other party again, then he was likely to stage the scene of "chopping his fingers" again.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

But in "New Bright Sword", it was completely the opposite, after he dodged the big knife in Kong Jie's hand, he did not persuade the other party with good words, but directly began to reprimand Kong Jie.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

Through the comparison of the plot of the new and old versions of "Bright Sword", we can naturally see that the old version of "Bright Sword" is too real, while "New Bright Sword" is a bit "contrived".

"The gap in the details of the two versions of "Bright Sword"

Of course, in addition to the acting skills and realism of "New Bright Sword", "New Bright Sword" is as close to the old version of "Bright Sword", and the details are even more difficult to explain.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

For example, the concept of the word "dirty" in the two versions of "Bright Sword", and the old version of "Bright Sword" controls the heat very well, and it is natural to deal with it cleanly where it should be dirty.

For example, when he was fighting, Li Yunlong, including the soldiers of the Independent Regiment, almost all of his faces were covered with black cannon fodder, but when he was in the army, he was very clean.

is also Kong Jie's chopping hand, but the gap between the two versions of the bright sword is too obvious, and the new version is like a play on the spot

But "New Bright Sword" is different, it only blindly highlights the "dirty", but neglects the word realism, whether on the battlefield or in the command headquarters, the faces of the soldiers are dirty.

All in all, the gap between the two versions of "Bright Sword" is still relatively obvious, the old version is comfortable to watch, and the new version is more or less embarrassing.