
The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

author:Ah Zhe Kankan


The Mystery Behind Biden's Rule: Who Controls America? 》

Hey friends! Recently, the American political scene has been very lively, and there is an incident that makes everyone's eyes widen and they mutter. And guess what? That's the confusing relationship between Biden and his wife!

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

For a while, the discussion about whether Biden will withdraw from the election has been rising wave after wave in the United States. At this juncture, the American media suddenly broke out a shocking inside story, which shocked everyone!

What do you say? said that Biden doesn't listen to anyone's opinions, but only listens to his wife's orders. As soon as this news came out, it was like a bomb, turning the field of public opinion upside down.

Let's start with Biden's current situation. In the past few days, American lawmakers and a large number of people have been clamoring for Biden to withdraw from the election. Why? The reason is very simple, everyone thinks he is too old, and sometimes he can't even say a complete sentence clearly. Think about it, how can this work as the leader of a country?

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

But in this chaos, the media said that if Biden withdraws from the election, it depends on his wife's intentions. This is strange, does Biden really listen to his wife like this? What's the mystery behind this?

Let's think about it. In the past few years of Biden's administration, it has created a lot of "history" in the United States. Let's talk about age first, he broke the record for the oldest age of a current president of the United States. This point makes many people mutter, can you bear the heavy work of the president at such an old age?

Looking at the approval rating, it was also pitifully low, setting a new record. What does this mean? It shows that many people are not satisfied with his work

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

And some people say that many of the decisions Biden made before were actually a reflection of his wife's will. If this is true, it will be the first time in the history of the United States! Could it be that Biden's wife is the one who is really manipulating the regime behind the scenes?

Let's take a look at some of Biden's policies and actions first. For example, in international affairs, at the same time, disputes are stirred up in many parts of the world. As a result, the image and status of the United States in the international community have been greatly affected. Everyone thinks, is this Biden's own idea, or is his wife behind it?

There are also some domestic problems, economic development is not smooth, and social contradictions are becoming more and more prominent. At this time, everyone is even more skeptical, is Biden really capable of making the right decisions, or is everything controlled by his wife?

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

But ah, we can't just listen to the wind or the rain. Perhaps the relationship between Biden and his wife is not as simple as we seem. Maybe Biden does listen to his wife when making decisions, but that doesn't mean he's a puppet.

It is very common in life for couples to consult with each other and support each other. Perhaps Biden's wife can provide him with some unique insights and advice in some ways to help him better handle government affairs.

However, if it is true, as the media says, that Biden is completely commanded by his wife, then this is a big problem. The leader of a country should have his own independent thinking and judgment ability, and be responsible for the interests of the country and the people.

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

So what is the truth? It's hard for us to say right now. However, this incident has made us think deeply about the political system in the United States and the decision-making process of its leaders.

Thinking back to the question we asked at the beginning, what is the relationship between Biden and his wife? Perhaps only they know it best in their hearts. But in any case, as the leader of the United States, Biden should be responsible for his actions and decisions, and truly think about the future of the United States.

Finally, let's summarize again. The U.S. media broke the news that Biden only listened to his wife, which raised questions about Biden's ability to govern and the power relations behind it. Biden has set a number of negative records during his tenure, and whether many of his decisions are really influenced by his wife still needs to be further observed and judged. But in any case, the future direction of the United States needs a responsible and capable leader to lead it.

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

The Biden-Trump election contest has always been in the spotlight, fraught with fierce competition and complex political factors.

In terms of policy advocacy, there are significant differences between the two. Trump has emphasized tax cuts, reduced regulation to boost economic growth, a tough immigration policy, and a diplomatic "America First" campaign. Biden, for his part, focuses on social equity, promotes a massive economic stimulus package, advocates more liberal immigration policies, and emphasizes international cooperation.

During the election campaign, the two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of words, attacking each other's policies and personal qualities. Both men actively enlisted voter support and promoted their ideas through various means, including rally, speeches, and social media.

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

The election results have also sparked a series of controversies and legal disputes. This election contest not only reflects the division and political polarization of American society, but also has a profound impact on the future development of the United States.

The strengths and weaknesses of Biden and Trump in the election can be analyzed in a number of ways, and here are some possible points:

The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

Biden's advantages:

  • Incumbent President: As a sitting president, Trump has the advantage of executive resources and media exposure, making it easier to communicate his messages and policies
  • Policy propositions: Biden has made a range of policy propositions, including climate change, health care, education, and more, that may be supported by some voters.
  • Moderate image: Biden is often seen as a moderate, rational politician, and this image may appeal to some voters, especially in the current political climate.
  • Biden's disadvantages:
  • Age issues: Biden is one of the oldest presidential candidates in U.S. history, and his age is likely to be a focus of concern for some voters, worried about his health and energy.
  • Leadership: Some have questioned Biden's leadership, arguing that he may not be decisive enough on some important issues. Political divisions: There are deep political divisions in American society, and Biden may face opposition from both within and outside the party, making it difficult to achieve unity.
The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections
  • Trump's advantages:
  • Economic policy: The Trump administration's tax cuts and deregulation may have contributed to some of the economy's growth, which could be one of his election successes.
  • Core voter support: Trump has a loyal core of voters who support his policies and rhetoric, which could provide him with a steady source of votes in the general election.
  • Trump's disadvantages:
  • Controversial rhetoric: Some of Trump's remarks and actions have sparked widespread controversy, including racial issues, immigration policies, and more, which may affect his image among some voters.
  • Response: The Trump administration's response in the early days of the pandemic was met with some criticism, which could have an impact on his approval ratings.
  • Legal issues: Trump faces multiple legal proceedings and investigations, which could become a burden for him in the general election.
The "man in power" behind Biden? The pros and cons of the Biden and Trump elections

It is important to note that the above are only some possible views, and the actual situation may vary depending on the preferences of voters, changes in the political environment, and other factors. The outcome of an election often depends on a combination of factors, and the final outcome is difficult to predict.