
Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

author:Convergence Media Magazine
Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

Source丨Synthesized from Guizhou Media Vocational College, Guizhou Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, Guizhou Daily

On June 28, 2024, the unveiling ceremony of Guizhou Media Vocational College was held as scheduled.

He Yunjiang, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, and Yang Tianyi, Member of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, attended the unveiling ceremony and delivered speeches. Fu Yingchun, Director of the Vocational Education and Adult Education Division of the Provincial Department of Education, Xiong Xi, Director of the Qingzhen Vocational Education City Management Committee, Sun Yongbo, Deputy General Manager of Guizhou Colorful New Media Co., Ltd., Liu Yao, General Manager of Guizhou Vocational Communication Education Technology Co., Ltd., and heads of relevant departments of the Provincial Radio and Television Bureau and the Provincial Radio and Television Station were invited to attend.

The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Li Dejian, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice president (in charge of administrative work) of Guizhou Media Vocational College.

Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

He Yunjiang, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, put forward three requirements for the college:

First, it is necessary to further strengthen the direction of running schools. It is necessary to further improve the political position, firmly grasp the direction of socialist school-running, resolutely implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, always adhere to educating people for the party and the country, and put political standards and political requirements throughout the whole process of running schools and teaching and educating people, and strive to cultivate more high-quality applied media professionals with both virtue and art.

Second, it is necessary to further position the quasi-school. It is necessary to rely on the advantages of the industry, strengthen the construction of disciplines, embark on a road of running a school that is truly suitable for media vocational education, has a modern level, and has a media talent training structure, and runs a media vocational college that is rooted in Guizhou, deeply cultivates the media, and has distinctive characteristics. Closely follow the characteristics of the media, focus on the radio and television media industry chain, rely on the resources of the radio and television system, strengthen the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, continuously improve the quality of running the school, build the brand of the School of Communication, and enhance the social reputation and popularity of the college.

Third, it is necessary to further consolidate the foundation for running schools. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of the campus, increase the introduction of talents, strengthen the construction of majors, strengthen safety awareness, strengthen students' ideological and political education and mental health education, keep the bottom line of safety, do not touch the red line of discipline, consolidate the foundation of running a school, and provide support for the high-quality development of the college.

He Yunjiang emphasized that on the new journey, I hope that everyone will base themselves on a new starting point of Guizhou Media Vocational College, give full play to the advantages of the radio and television system, help the college continue to promote the reform of the media talent training model, enhance the influence of media vocational education, and provide talent and intellectual support for the prosperity and development of the radio and television media industry and cultural industry in our province. It is hoped that the college will pursue its dreams on the new journey, set sail, open up new horizons, show new style, and continue to write new glories.

Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

Yang Tianyi, member of the Education Working Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, put forward requirements for the college.

First, it is necessary to find out the positioning of the school and give full play to the characteristics of the media. Based on the media industry, serve the overall development of Guizhou, strengthen professional construction and school-enterprise cooperation, optimize talent training programs, and cultivate media craftsmen in the new era for the propaganda front of our province.

Second, it is necessary to seize development opportunities and achieve latecomers to catch up and surpass. It is necessary to take up the mission and task of "raising the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, revitalizing culture, and showing the image", and cultivate more high-quality technical and skilled personnel, skilled craftsmen, and craftsmen of great powers.

Third, we must insist on establishing morality and cultivating people and deepen the reform of education and teaching. We must always adhere to the original intention of educating people for the party and the country, and deepen the "three comprehensive education". Continuously enhance the ability of social service, strive to improve the level and quality of running schools, and ensure that students not only have professional skills, but also have noble moral sentiments and a sense of social responsibility.

Fourth, it is necessary to optimize the professional structure and connect with the development of the industry. It is necessary to closely connect with the needs of regional economic and social development and industrial structure adjustment, and form a professional layout that is compatible with the regional industrial structure. We will continue to improve the mechanism of integration of industry and education and collaborative education, and solidly promote the high-quality development of vocational education.

Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and improve the quality of education and teaching. It is necessary to intensify the building of the teaching staff, encourage teachers to actively carry out research on education and teaching, and improve the quality of education and teaching.

Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen social services and expand foreign exchanges. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of media characteristics, actively participate in social service projects, strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship education, promote students' entrepreneurship and employment, and at the same time further open up the pattern, put themselves in the international environment of open development, continue to export high-quality traditional culture, and promote and expand foreign exchanges and cooperation.

Yang Tianyi emphasized that as a newly established media vocational college, Guizhou Media Vocational College shoulders an important mission and responsibility, and the party committee team of the college should lead all teachers and students to measure the land of the motherland with their feet, discover the Chinese spirit with their eyes, listen to the voice of the people with their ears, sense the pulse of the times with their hearts, and record the great rivers and mountains with their lenses. It is believed that a high-level vocational college in the media with a beautiful campus environment, a strong cultural atmosphere and distinctive school-running characteristics is about to shine.

Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

Jiang Liuen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Guizhou Media Vocational College (presiding over the work of the Party Committee), pointed out in his speech that the development process of Guichuan is a history of struggle full of hardships and sweat.

The establishment of Guizhou Media Vocational College is a major decision made by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. It is a strategic choice to improve Guizhou's education system and improve the level of media education in Guizhou; It is the only way for the college to comply with the national media integration and digital transformation and upgrading; It is the requirement of the times for the college to cultivate people who master new media technology, have the spirit of media craftsmen in the new era and promote Guizhou's national characteristics.

Jiang Liuen said that the college will keep in mind the mission of educating people for the party and the country, further clarify the idea of running a school, do a good job in discipline planning, promote the deep integration of industry, education and research, and strive to cultivate media craftsmen in the new era who are sunny and confident, brave to stand at the forefront of the tide, use what they have learned and thought to tell the story of Guizhou, spread the good voice of Guizhou, and strive to build the college into a media university rooted in Guizhou, deeply cultivated in the media, with distinctive characteristics and outstanding advantages.

At the same time, it will inherit the fine tradition, with a more open mind and an inclusive mind, and embrace all rivers; With more enthusiasm and pragmatic style, we will work hard to promote the high-quality development of the college.

Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

Li Dejian, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice president (presiding over administrative work) of Guizhou Media Vocational College, said that the establishment of the college is inseparable from the strong leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and the care and guidance of the provincial education department, the provincial radio and television bureau and other superior departments.

Today, Guizhou Media Vocational College was officially unveiled, marking another solid step on the road of cultivating media, and marking the official birth of the only media public vocational college in Guizhou.

Another new university in the name of "media" is unveiled!

According to reports, Guizhou Media Vocational College will be established in 2023 with the approval of the Guizhou Provincial People's Government and recorded by the Ministry of Education, and is affiliated to the Guizhou Provincial Radio and Television Bureau. The college is located at No. 50, Chengcheng Chou Avenue, Qingzhen Vocational Education, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, covering an area of 362 acres and a construction area of 178,000 square meters. At present, there are 176 full-time teachers, including 3 professors and doctors (including those currently studying), and 98 double-teacher teachers.

The first enrollment in 2024 will be 5 majors: broadcasting and hosting, integrated media technology and operation, art design, computer network technology, and e-commerce. In the past 60 years, the college (formerly known as Guizhou Radio, Film and Television School) has been based on radio and television and facing the media, and has been deeply engaged in the field of radio and television media for a long time, and has cultivated tens of thousands of radio and television media management cadres and high-quality technical and skilled talents for Guizhou and even the southwest region, and has been praised by the industry as the "Huangpu Military Academy" for the cultivation of media talents in Guizhou.

Source: WeChat public account "Media Circle"

Editor: Deng Rumeng, Zheng Shuxian

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