
Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

author:Convergence Media Magazine

Approaching "July 1st", many news reports used expressions such as "celebrating the July 1st Party Day" and "welcoming the July 1st Party Day".

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

In recent years, there has been controversy over whether "July 1st" is called the party's founding day.

What should be the correct usage? What are some other common editing errors about "July 1st"?

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party?

1. There is no relevant explanation in the authoritative dictionary

In the more authoritative dictionaries such as "Modern Chinese Dictionary", "Cihai", "Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary" and "Chinese Dictionary", there is no entry or explanation for "Party Founding Festival".

2. There is no relevant statement in the party history log

According to the content of the "Party History Log" on the Communist Party Member Network, July 1 is the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The explanation is: July 1 is the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The birth of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the most difficult and dangerous time for the Chinese nation is a groundbreaking event in the history of the development of the Chinese nation, which is of great and far-reaching significance.

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

3. Baidu Encyclopedia has no relevant entries

Baidu searches for "Party Founding Day", and Baidu Encyclopedia appears as "The Founding Day of the Communist Party of China", also known as "The Birth Day of the Communist Party of China". Only the Chinese name of the entry is marked as: Party Founding Day.

The entry explains: After the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 23, 1921, under the brutal rule of the reactionary warlord government, it could only be kept in a state of secrecy and there was no environment for public activities. During the period of the Great Revolution, the Party was busy with the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the workers' and peasants' movement, and the support of the Northern Expedition, and there was no condition to commemorate the birth of the Party.

The designation of July 1 as the anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China was proposed by Comrade Mao Zedong in May 1938. At that time, Mao Zedong proposed in his article "On Protracted War": "July 1 this year is the 17th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. This is the first time that a central leading comrade has clearly stated that "1 July" is the anniversary of the party's birth.

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

4. There is no relevant statement from the country's leaders

In the People's Daily Online's "Xi Jinping's Series of Important Speeches Database" and "Follow the General Secretary to Learn Party History Database", search for "Party Founding Day", and there is no relevant expression.

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

5. There has been no relevant report in the People's Daily in recent years

A search of the People's Daily in recent years on the People's Daily found no content about the "Party Founding Day".

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

6. It is rarely expressed in publications related to the history of the Party

In the books published in recent years about the history of the Party and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, there are very few references to the "Party Founding Day". Most of them are expressions of "July 1st" and "the ××× anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China".

However, "Party Founding Day" has become a common name among the public, and has been widely used in news reports in recent years.

In addition, most calendars mark July 1 as "Party Founding Day".

In the news calendar, July 1 is marked as "××× anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China."

What is certain is that

According to the research of party historians, the founding day of the Communist Party of China was July 23, 1921.

In the 7th edition of the Dictionary of Modern Chinese, the definition of "anniversary" is that a major event has occurred that is worth commemorating, such as National Day, the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and International Labor Day.

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

In the dictionary, it is stated as: the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the "founding day" is not used.

While respecting the public's conventional names, news reports should use standardized language and refer to official expressions.

The "July 1st" report avoids 8 types of non-standard expressions

1. [Mistaking "celebration" and "welcome" for "commemoration"]

Non-standard expression: commemorating the ××× anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Normative expression: Celebrate the ××× anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the ××× anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

"Commemoration" means to express nostalgia for a person or thing with something or action.

2. [There are no "ordinary party members" and "special party members"]

Non-standard expressions: "ordinary party members" and "special party members"

Normative expression: as an ordinary party member, a special group of party members

In recent years, there have been many expressions about "ordinary party members" and "special party members" in news reports.

Members of the Communist Party of China, referred to as CPC members, CPC members or Party members, are divided into full members of the Communist Party of China and probationary (alternate) members of the Communist Party of China.

The term "ordinary party member" is generally only used when leading cadres participate in organizational life as ordinary party members.

It is used to explain that "we are all equal and ordinary members of the branch life meeting, which is also the obligation of the Communist Party."

The explanation of the Communist Party member network is that the expression "ordinary party member" can be used, such as "Comrade ×× not only participated in the democratic life meeting of party members and leading cadres, but also participated in the organizational life meeting of the branch where he belongs as an ordinary party member." However, in practice, we need to be cautious about using the term "ordinary party members" to avoid ambiguity, because we do not allow "special party members" in our party.

In addition, in general, Party members who do not hold leadership positions are not referred to as "ordinary Party members".

Article 8 of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China stipulates that every Party member, regardless of his or her position, must be assigned to a Party branch, group or other specific organization, participate in the Party's organizational life, and accept the supervision of the masses inside and outside the Party. Leading cadres who are party members must also participate in the democratic life meetings of party committees and party groups. It is not allowed to have any special Party members who do not participate in the organizational life of the Party and do not accept the supervision of the masses inside and outside the Party.

There is an expression "special party member" in the party constitution.

Party members who "do not participate in the party's organizational life and do not accept the supervision of the masses inside and outside the party" are called "special party members."

There are also some news reports that mention the status of "special party members", which generally refers to special groups and party members with special circumstances, which can be expressed as: special group party members.

3. [Mistaking red songs for "party songs"]

Non-standard expression: singing party songs

Specification: Sing red songs, sing red songs

In recent years, there have been many expressions about "party songs" and "classic party songs" in news reports.

For example: sing these 35 classic party songs together; 100 years since the founding of the party, sharing the party song; Sing the party song and the party song, advocate green environmental protection; Singing party songs with childlike innocence and skillfully making party flags; Attend party classes, sing party songs, and praise the party's kindness.

Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, the broad masses of the people have composed many songs praising the Communist Party of China and the great motherland, and these songs are called "red songs", or "red songs" for short.

Because these red songs are basically singing praises to the Communist Party of China and the great motherland, and they are highly sung, the broad masses of the people are familiar with them, and they are conventional, and they are orally called "party songs".

In oral communication, it is also reasonable to call these red songs and songs that praise the Communist Party of China "party songs".

But when writing news reports and official documents,

4. [Mistaking "The Internationale" for the "Party Song of the Communist Party of China"]

Non-standard expression: "The Internationale" is the party song of the Communist Party of China

Normative expression: "The Internationale" is the national anthem of the Chinese Soviet Republic

The Internationale was the anthem of the First and Second Internationals, and was the national anthem of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1944. At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, after the Soviet Union declared the victory of socialism, the "Internationale" was adopted as the party song of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Internationale became the anthem of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

From 1931 to 1937, it was the national anthem of the Chinese Soviet Republic, the first national red regime in China. The first step in the general procedure of the oath-taking ceremony of the Communist Party of China is to play (sing) the Internationale.

Beginning with the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Internationale is played at the conclusion of each National Congress of the Communist Party of China and local congresses at all levels.

5. [Mistaking "July 1st" as "July 1", "Seven, One", "Seven. One"]

Non-standard expressions: "seven, one", "seven, one", "seven. a"

Normative expression: "July 1st"

In news reports, "July 1st" is often written as "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "July 1", "7. one".

There is no need for punctuation between the word "seven" and the word "one".

The State Language Commission stipulates that when the monthly numbers of the three months of January, November and December are connected with the daily numbers, a spacer "·" should be added to the middle, such as the "12.9" movement, the "11.7" case, and the "1.16" instructions; For the rest of the months that cannot be misunderstood, the monthly numbers are connected to the daily numbers, such as the "228" uprising, the "516" notice, the "913" incident, etc., without a spacer.

6. [Mistake the "oath to join the party" as "the oath to join the party"]

Non-standard expression: review the oath of joining the party, practice the oath of joining the party, and remember the oath of joining the party

Standardized expression: review the oath of joining the party, practice the oath of joining the party, and remember the oath of joining the party

Approaching the "July 1st", many party organizations began to review the oath of joining the party, practice the oath of joining the party, and keep in mind the oath of joining the party.

However, there were incorrect expressions in the news reports: revisiting the oath of joining the party, practicing the oath of joining the party, and remembering the oath of joining the party.

The oath of the Communist Party of China to join the party: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, keep the party's secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, strive for communism for life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party.

The oath of the Communist Party of China is a solemn promise made by new party members to the party and the people when they join the party, and it is also a code of conduct that party members must abide by, which embodies the party's basic requirements for party members.

7. [Mistaking "wearing party member badges" for "wearing party emblems" and "wearing party constitution"]

Non-standard expression: wearing the party emblem and the party constitution

Standard expression: wear a party member badge

The party member badge is a symbol of the identity of the party member, and the party member must wear the party member badge at the time and occasion when participating in the theme party day activities, attending important party meetings, and other party organization requirements.

In recent years, there have been incorrect statements in news reports: wearing the party emblem and the party constitution.

The party emblem is the emblem that represents a political party. The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern composed of a sickle and a hammer, which is the symbol and symbol of the Communist Party of China. The hammer is the labor tool of the workers and symbolizes the working class; The sickle was a tool of peasant labor and symbolized the peasant class.

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

The party emblem is a pattern that cannot be worn and can only be used for hanging and making.

The badge of the Communist Party of China, referred to as the badge of the party member, is an important way to show the identity of the party member. The size of the badge is 24mm×22.5mm×2mm, and the material is zinc hanging imitation gold.

Is "July 1st" called the founding day of the party? The standard expression of "July 1st" news reporting is here

Party member badges are symbols and symbols used by Party members to personally wear and indicate the political identity of Party members. Wearing a party member badge must be solemn and solemn. The Party member badge should be worn in the middle of the left chest, and the Party member badge that is damaged, defaced, faded, or does not meet the production regulations shall not be used. If worn at the same time as other badges, the Party member badge should be placed above the other badges.

The full name of the Party Constitution is the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, which is the fundamental law prescribed by the Communist Party of China for the realization of the Party's program, the carrying out of regular activities, and the regulation of internal Party affairs, the basis of the legal system on which the Party relies to establish and operate, and the basic norms and regulations that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and all Party members, and has the effect of the Supreme Party Law and the Fundamental Law.

8. [Mistake "paying party dues" for "paying party dues"]

Non-standard expression: payment of party dues, collection and payment of party dues

Standardized expression: payment of party dues and collection of party dues

The "payment" and "payment" of the payment of party dues and the collection of party dues are easy to confuse.

Article 1 of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China Chinese workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and advanced elements of other social strata who have reached the age of 18 may apply to join the Communist Party of China if they recognize the Party's program and constitution, are willing to join and actively work in one of the Party's organizations, implement the Party's resolutions and pay their Party dues on time.

Article 26 of the "Provisions on the Collection, Use, and Management of Party Fees of the Communist Party of China" The collection, use, and management of Party fees should be an important part of the disclosure of Party affairs.

Source: WeChat public account "Media Tea Party"

Author: Zhuo Muyuan, media person

Editor: Deng Rumeng, Zheng Shuxian

[Disclaimer: This account is a theoretical and practical platform for integration and innovation in the field of propaganda and media, and is an official public welfare account, and this article is reprinted for the purpose of conveying more information. If there is a source label error or other inaccuracies, please contact us. We will correct it in a timely manner. Thank you]

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