
Traditional Chinese medicine reminds: People with spleen deficiency may have these 6 kinds of problems, it is recommended to understand

author:Dr. Wang Zhimin

In TCM theory, the spleen and stomach are the core of the digestive system, and their function is not limited to digesting food, but also involves the absorption of nutrients and energy conversion of the entire human body. Spleen deficiency refers to the dysfunction or weakness of the spleen and stomach, resulting in poor flow of qi and blood, affecting various physiological functions of the body. With the changes in modern lifestyles, more and more people are beginning to experience spleen deficiency, which manifests itself as a series of physical discomforts and health problems. This article will delve into the concept of spleen deficiency and its typical manifestations, especially the six common diseases caused by spleen deficiency, and aim to help readers understand how to prevent and improve these problems through dietary and lifestyle habits.

Traditional Chinese medicine reminds: People with spleen deficiency may have these 6 kinds of problems, it is recommended to understand


The spleen is mainly transported, and is responsible for the subtle absorption and transformation of the water valley. Spleen deficiency leads to weakened spleen and stomach function and decreased digestive ability, which is often manifested as dyspepsia. Patients may experience loss of appetite, bloating, constipation, or loose stools, and food cannot be fully digested and absorbed, leading to malnutrition and decreased physical strength.

Dyspepsia caused by spleen deficiency is mainly due to the loss of spleen health, which cannot properly transform the subtlety of the water valley, so that the food stays in the gastrointestinal tract for too long or cannot be effectively absorbed after digestion, resulting in the above symptoms. In addition, spleen deficiency may also cause loss of appetite, causing patients to lose interest in food and even have a picky eating. TCM treatment for spleen deficiency emphasizes that by adjusting the dietary structure and appropriately increasing easily digestible foods, such as porridge, cooked foods and root vegetables, it can help reduce the symptoms of indigestion and restore normal digestive function.


The spleen is mainly transporting the subtlety of the water valley, and its functional weakness will lead to insufficient qi and blood biochemistry, resulting in symptoms of fatigue and fatigue. Patients with spleen deficiency often feel low on energy and lack of energy, and even if they have enough rest or sleep, they still have difficulty recovering their spirits.

Fatigue and fatigue caused by spleen deficiency are mainly due to the abnormal movement of the spleen, which leads to the inability of the subtlety of Mizutani to be properly transformed and supplied to the whole body, resulting in insufficient qi and blood, and unable to nourish the muscles, bones and muscles, so the patient feels weak and lacks energy. TCM treatment emphasizes the importance of regulating the diet, adding easily digestible and highly nutritious foods such as chicken, fish, beans, etc., as well as proper exercise, to promote the flow of qi and blood, which can help improve the symptoms of fatigue and fatigue, and improve the body's vitality and immunity.

Prone to pantothenic stomach pain

Spleen deficiency leads to weakened gastrointestinal function and upward reversal of gastric qi, often manifesting as symptoms of pantothenic acid, stomach pain, or stomach distention. Patients may feel stomach discomfort, stomach acid reflux after eating, causing discomfort such as bitter mouth, dry mouth, nausea and so on.

Pantothenic acid stomach pain caused by spleen deficiency is mainly due to the loss of spleen health, which cannot restrict the upward reversal of stomach qi, resulting in acid reflux of food in the stomach, causing stomach pain or stomach distension. In addition, spleen deficiency may also lead to excessive or too little gastric acid secretion, which in turn affects gastrointestinal function, causing patients to have symptoms such as bitter mouth, dry mouth, and nausea after eating. TCM treatment recommends avoiding overly irritating or greasy foods, such as spicy and fried foods, keeping a light diet can help alleviate stomach discomfort, and at the same time adjust your daily routine, avoid overwork and mental stress, help improve gastrointestinal function, and reduce the occurrence of pantothenic acid stomach pain.

Easy edema

Spleen deficiency can lead to imbalance of water metabolism, which is manifested as stagnation of water in the body and easy to develop symptoms of edema. Patients may experience slight edema in the lower extremities or eyelid area, especially in the afternoon or evening.

The edema caused by spleen deficiency is mainly due to the loss of spleen health and inability to transport water and dampness, resulting in the retention of water and the formation of edema. Patients may develop local edema, especially in the afternoon or evening, especially in the afternoon or evening, with little change in weight. TCM treatment recommends appropriately limiting salt intake and eating more diuretic and damp foods, such as watermelon, cucumber, winter melon, etc., which can help promote water metabolism and excretion. In addition, proper physical activity can promote blood circulation, which can help reduce edema and improve edema problems associated with spleen deficiency.

Introverted and depressed

The weakening of the spleen's subtle function will affect mental activities, leading to introversion and depressed mood. Patients with spleen deficiency may feel emotionally unstable, prone to anxiety, depression, and even insomnia.

The depressed mood caused by spleen deficiency is mainly due to the loss of spleen health and the subtle imbalance of the water valley, resulting in the loss of mental nourishment. Patients may exhibit mood problems such as emotional instability, irritability, anxiety, or depression, and even affect sleep quality. TCM treatment suggests that by adjusting the dietary structure, avoiding cold, raw and cold foods, and eating more warm and easily digestible foods, such as porridge, cooked food, root vegetables, etc., it will help regulate the function of the spleen and stomach and improve the symptoms of depressed mood. At the same time, appropriate relaxation activities, such as walking, tai chi, etc., can help relieve tension and improve mood. In addition, it is recommended that patients maintain a regular work and rest time to avoid overwork and mental stress, which helps to improve sleep quality and stabilize mood, thereby alleviating the problem of low mood caused by spleen deficiency.

Traditional Chinese medicine reminds: People with spleen deficiency may have these 6 kinds of problems, it is recommended to understand

Prone to skin problems

Spleen deficiency will lead to poor flow of qi and blood, affecting the nutrient supply of the skin, and prone to dry skin, itching, acne and other problems. Patients may experience rough skin, rashes or acne that can seriously affect their appearance and health.

Skin problems caused by spleen deficiency are mainly caused by the loss of spleen health, which affects the adequate supply of qi and blood, resulting in the loss of nourishment and protection of the skin, and is prone to external stimulation and symptoms such as dryness and itching, and may even trigger inflammatory reactions, leading to acne and other skin problems. TCM treatment emphasizes that by regulating the function of the spleen and stomach, adjusting the dietary structure, and eating more foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, etc., it helps to improve the nutritional supply of the skin, enhance the skin's resistance and repair ability. In addition, proper skin care, choosing gentle skincare products, and avoiding excessive cleansing and irritation can help reduce the occurrence and deterioration of skin problems.

Traditional Chinese medicine reminds: People with spleen deficiency may have these 6 kinds of problems, it is recommended to understand

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