
330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

author:Jiangyu is wide
All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article.
330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!


Who would dare to believe that the owner of a bathing center can stand shoulder to shoulder with foreign presidents, and he also spent 330 billion yuan to help foreign countries dig the Grand Canal.

He is known as China's version of "Musk", and he even threatened to launch 32 satellites in 6 years.

I never thought that all this was a lie made up out of thin air, which deceived everyone, and now he has long been empty and doesn't know where to go.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

He is known by countless people as the most mysterious richest man in the history of Chinese business, and has appeared on the Forbes list together with Jack Ma and Ma Huateng.

What's going on? Who the hell is he, and why has he deceived so many people?

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

The identity of the rich man is a mystery

Not long ago, Beijing Xinwei Technology Group Co., Ltd. declared bankruptcy, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Wang Jing's company.

Reference source: National SME Share Transfer System 2024-4-11 Beijing Xinwei Technology Group Co., Ltd. Administrator

Announcement on the receipt of the company's decision to terminate the company's stock transfer

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!
330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

Wang Jing was born in 1972 and is a Beijinger, but he himself says that he is just an ordinary person.

But he is very good at "packaging" himself, and in 1993, Wang Jing opened a bathing shop, but claimed to be the "principal of Changping Health School".

It's a good makeover, and people who don't know the truth really think he's not ordinary.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

In 2010, Wang Jing acquired Beijing Xinwei Group and injected 130 million yuan into Xinwei.

But where did he get the money from the owner of a bathing city? He is rumored to have accumulated a fortune from investing in mining in Southeast Asia in the late 90s.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

Wang Jing's strength was also proved that year, and Xinwei Group turned losses into profits and successfully rescued an insolvent and on the verge of bankruptcy.

And, under his leadership, through innovation in technology, capital, and market, the group was successfully listed in September 2014.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

In the year he took over, his vision began to turn to the field of communication satellites, and he cooperated with Tsinghua University.

It just so happened that the government also encouraged private capital to enter the space field, and in 2014, he and Tsinghua University successfully launched the "first star of China's private enterprises".

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

This is a good thing, and it has also greatly enhanced the popularity of Wang Jing and his companies.

He also struck while the iron was hot, and publicly stated that by 2019, 32 satellites would be launched.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

He packaged himself as a perfect image, and his Xinwei Group did go public that year.

If you want to say how good he is at packaging, then after the listing, he let a number of securities be strongly recommended by shareholders Xinwei Group.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

After the name of "the first star of China's private enterprises" was launched, coupled with the promotion of securities companies, Wang Jing succeeded again.

And in 2015, his wealth reached an unprecedented height, and he was completely unusual.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

Wang Jing's "Commercial Road"

Wang Jing has appeared in the Forbes list with Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Wang Jianlin, etc., and he is worth 39.17 billion yuan, ranking 12th on the Forbes list in China.

Reference source: China Finance 2016-10-5 Doxxing mysterious businessman Wang Jing: connect the world in another way
330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

However, according to detailed information, Xinwei Group has successively cashed out a total of about 28 billion, and most of this money has fallen into the pockets of the company's "top leaders".

These have to be mentioned, Wang Jing made a public appearance on June 14, 2013.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

He actually sat shoulder to shoulder with Nicaraguan President Oate and signed an exclusive commercial agreement for the development of the Nicaraguan Canal.

That is, Wang Jing is ready to build a bridge in Nicaragua, with a total investment of up to $50 billion, in return for which he will receive a 100-year concession for the Nicaragua Canal.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

And the return of such a 100-year franchise, the president of the country is actually happy with it.

This means that after the bridge lands, Wang Jing will be able to obtain pricing power on 8% of the world's logistics, that is, whoever wants to cross the bridge will pay the toll.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

Not to mention whether this matter can be built, let's just say why such a high return fell into Wang Jing's hands.

Why did this big pie "hit" him? There are many untold secrets behind him.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

Wang Jing is very good at packaging himself, and it turns out that this high-profile bridge repair for Nicaragua has won the trust of many shareholders.

The stock price also quickly rose from 8.45 to 26.53 yuan, and a lot of money was invested in it, and Wang Jing's goal was achieved, but there was no follow-up to the bridge.

Reference source: Jiemian News 2015-8-24 Wealthy Chinese businessmen claim to have invested $50 billion to dig the Nicaragua Canal, but we can't find it
330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

After 2016, he turned his business again to Nicaragua's communications satellite system, and plans to cover 95% of the world's population with his company's satellites.

Such ambitions are really not small, from an obscure bath shop owner, to the sudden acquisition of a communications company, to the construction of bridges and the launch of satellites, he is really worthy of being praised as "the most mysterious businessman" by the outside world.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

However, the "big pie" that Wang Jing painted for the world has not yet been realized, or it will not be realized.

In 2019, the Shanghai Stock Exchange officially suspended the listing of Xinwei Company's shares, but Wang Jing was so smart that he pledged all the Xinwei shares in his hand before that.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

But Wang Jing, who tasted the sweetness, has not stopped, I don't know if it is a fake drama or an addiction to acting, Wang Jing even stretched out his hand to Ukraine.

Wang Jing's Beijing Tianjiao Aviation Industry Investment Co., Ltd. took Ukraine to court on November 19, 2021, with a complaint.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

According to the company's announcement, Ukraine has violated the Sino-Ukrainian bilateral investment treaty, so Beijing Tianjiao Aviation Industry Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Wang Jing, wants to claim all losses caused by the investment from Ukraine.

What is the loss? It is Ukraine that has suffered losses from unfair treatment of Chinese investors over the past 5 years, including illegal measures.

Reference source: Observer.com2021-11-29 The acquisition of Madasic was blocked, and Chinese companies claimed $4.5 billion from Ukraine
330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

Netizens said that to be honest, this is no different from being vexatious.

And the disclosed figure stunned everyone, and it was as high as 4.5 billion US dollars, equivalent to 32.7 billion yuan.

Wang Jing's business story may not have stopped, and now he doesn't know where to go, but the French Open is restored!

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!


Wang Jing is successful as a businessman to a certain extent, but the most important thing is to keep his original intention.

The so-called gentleman loves money in a good way, and as a listed company, he must take the responsibility on his shoulders, rather than blindly pursuing profits.

330 billion to dig a canal, 6 years to launch 32 satellites, the final volume of 28 billion huge money disappeared!

For Wang Jing's various behaviors, we must believe in the country, believe in the law, and firmly believe that justice will never be absent! Anyone who tries to cut corners will be punished by law.

I still hope that the majority of shareholders can keep their eyes open, be content and happy, and one of the most important things in life is to cherish the present.