
"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

author:Gu Yue's little flying dragon

"Du Hua Nian" is also reborn, why are the eldest princesses Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan willing to live a new life, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to come out of the past? It's not because of the feud of the palace punishment, nor is it because the tragedy won't happen again, the reason behind it is surprising

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

The three people who were reborn in "The Year of China", Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan resolved the misunderstanding and lived a good life completely different from the previous life.

Only Su Rongqing has been indulging in the past, tirelessly doing his planned business, and finally did not hesitate to unite with the family to rebel in order to depose the prince.

Pei Wenxuan hated the iron and said to Su Rongqing: "You obviously have so many options, but you just refuse to go."

Since you were born again early, you could obviously propose to marry the princess, but you don't dare. ”

"You can obviously let go and assist Li Chuan with the princess, but you don't want to."

"You obviously know that the family is wrong, and Li Chuansui has a mistake that can be corrected, but you are unwilling. In the end, you have nothing, and you have to say that you have no way out, Su Rongqing, aren't you ridiculous? ”

Su Rongqing, as the first son of Jinghua, must be beautiful and beautiful, talented and talented, with superior IQ and broad-mindedness. Even the most noble and proud eldest princess regarded him as an object of admiration.

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

In the last life, the Su family was in trouble, he became a eunuch, and silently accompanied Li Rong for 20 years, obviously happy with each other, but they couldn't love each other, and finally ended in regret.

Heaven couldn't bear it and gave them a chance to start over, why didn't Su Rongqing seize this opportunity to make up for his regrets, but instead attacked the prince and Li Rong everywhere?

1. For the sake of family honor

When he was a child, because his brother Su Ronghua was disobedient, Su's father saw it in his eyes and knew that his eldest son was useless, so he began to discipline his younger son strictly.

Every morning, Su's father asked Su Rongqing to recite the family motto in front of the ancestral hall, and emphasized in front of him every day that he was the young master of the Su family, and he should take the rise and fall of the Su family as the first major event in life.

Su Rongqing grew up in such an educational environment, and the lintel of the Su family has become a part of his body.

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

After Li Chuan ascended the throne in the previous life, he had the intention of weakening the family, and knew that Su Ronghua had poisoned Qin Zhenzhen by Shangguan Ya, so he framed the Su family for no reason in the court.

The century-old family collapsed overnight, and all the old and young of the Su family were imprisoned.

It was Li Rong who risked death to intercede for the Su family to save their lives, but all the men of the Su family were tortured by the palace without exception, and Su Rongqing saw that his brother was humiliated and committed suicide in prison.

All the glory of the Su family is gone, and the favorite brother is also dead, and Su Rongqing is dragging his mutilated body to death.

In order to revive the Su family, he had no choice but to accept Li Rong's help and go to the princess's mansion to be the head of the face.

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

obviously loves the princess deeply, but he only dares to stand behind her carefully and guard it silently.

The better Li Rong treats him, the more he has a hidden pain in his heart, especially when Li Rong says the sentence "Rong Qing, I will make peace with Pei Wenxuan", and his pain has also reached its peak.

He wanted to have it one more time, but he didn't qualify.

is not only the physical reason, but also the hatred in his heart, he is using the princess, using her to control Pei Wenxuan, and using her to defend the family against Li Chuan.

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

So he trembled and rejected the princess's offer.

For the sake of the Su family, he worked hard in the princess's mansion for twenty years, coldly watching all the people become unrecognizable, until in the end, he ended the life of the woman he loved the most with a bowl of medicine.

The family is ruined, and the lover is forced to die, even if this kind of pain is repeated for a few lifetimes, he will not forget it.

So in this life, he will not let history repeat itself, for the glory of the Su family, he must do everything possible to prevent Li Chuan from ascending the throne.

2. Self-interest

The smart Su Rongqing actually knows that the existence of the family is not a good thing for the royal family or the people.

In the last life, Li Chuan's Northern Expedition failed because those families embezzled military salaries.

The floods in the south, the treasury could not come up with money for disaster relief, and it was also because the family was prosperous and did not pay taxes, and many wealthy people relied on the family to evade taxes, resulting in an extremely empty treasury.

He knows that if the family is not eliminated, it will do all kinds of harm to the country and the society, but there will be no benefit.

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

It's just that he doesn't want to admit it all.

Because only if the family exists, there will be his proud background Su Rongqing, praise from childhood to adulthood, and faith and perseverance since birth.

If he admits that the family should not exist, it means that he Su Rongqing was born a sin, which he absolutely cannot accept.

Therefore, he did not want Li Chuan to ascend the throne because he knew that Li Chuan would definitely weaken the family after he ascended the throne.

He tried his best and left everything, of course, not only to avenge his previous life, but also to preserve the family and protect his proud origin and status.

"The Year of China" is also reborn, why Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan want to live again, but Su Rongqing doesn't want to

This is why he is reluctant to stand with Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan to help the prince fight against what was wrong.

In the final analysis, it is he who can't let go of his identity.

"When life is content, when you are old, you will be idle and idle. But there are green poplars that can be used as horses, and there are roads leading to Chang'an everywhere. ”

Su Rongqing is just not easy to be content, so he is haunted by what he lost in his previous life.

If he can be less stubborn, try to see a little more openly, and live a little more chic, then after he is reborn, he will be like Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, "Green poplars everywhere can be horses, and there are roads leading to Chang'an everywhere".

It's a pity that God obviously gave him a chance again, but he still broke a good hand of cards and blocked his way with his own hands. #"Spend the Year of China"##赵今麦##张凌赫##分享古装热播剧#