
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

author:Pet breeding specialists
Most Guangdong bird friends don't know that there are more and more people raising thrushes now, but many people make a mistake, that is, they don't know what material is best to feed thrushes. Don't look at the small thrush, they have quite high requirements for food, not all food can be eaten casually, to be professionally fed, and then I will share what material to feed the thrush with is the best.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Since ancient times, the thrush has been considered the city bird of Guangzhou, China, and many literati and artists like to raise thrushes to cultivate their sentiments. But many people don't know that raising thrushes is not a simple matter, and feeding is especially exquisite.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Many experienced birders say that to feed thrushes, you must choose the right material, so as to raise healthy and lively birds. So, what is the best material to feed thrushes? I will explain to you in detail next, not only about the current professional formula, but also about those traditional feeding secrets, so that the thrush you raise is beautiful!

What is the best material to feed thrushes?
Before that, we must first understand the habits of the thrush, the thrush, just listen to the name, you know, their voice is not ordinary. The thrush is a well-known songbird with a pleasant voice and a strong ability to imitate, learning the song of various birds.

But don't think that raising thrushes only requires giving them food and water. Thrushes are in great need of careful care, and their environment, diet, and even daily activity must be properly arranged.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?
So speaking of this, in fact, professional feeding will be related to the health and longevity of the thrush. Proper feeding will not only ensure a balanced diet, but also promote the beauty of their singing, the brilliance of their feathers, and the improvement of their overall vitality.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

After years of research, the bird master near my house found that the thrush bird's diet needs to be high in protein and appropriate fat to support their high-frequency activity and singing needs. In addition, the feeding recipe of the thrush should also be adjusted to suit their different physiological needs in different seasons.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?

And now, feeding the thrush is no longer as simple as throwing a few seeds. A good feed program keeps the thrush in optimal physical and mental condition.

Next, I will explain to you in detail the comparison between traditional and modern feed, and see how the wisdom accumulated in history and current research can help us better raise thrushes.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?
Seriously, the traditional feed recipe is actually very simple. I remember when I was a child, the older generation in my family raised thrushes, and they usually used some ingredients that were common at home, such as cornmeal mixed with egg yolks, and sometimes picked up a few small bugs and threw them into the cage. At that time, the living conditions limited the diversity of feed, but don't underestimate these simple materials, the thrush raised is just as good.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Modern feed recipes are much more sophisticated. Players who raise thrushes will make a series of nutritionally balanced feeds according to the physiological needs of thrushes. These feeds contain not only protein, but also vitamins and minerals, and even special ingredients that promote feather growth and bright colors.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?
So about the contrast between traditional and modern ingredients. Although the traditional ingredients are good, it is difficult to meet all the nutritional needs of the thrush due to the limitations of knowledge and resources. Modern recipes are formulated under the guidance of professional research, which can take care of the health of thrushes more comprehensively.

However, this does not mean that traditional recipes are useless, in fact, many traditional recipes are still unique in keeping thrushes healthy due to their natural ingredients.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Regarding what is the best material to feed thrushes, in fact, choosing the right material is the key. Below, I will give you a detailed introduction to several commonly used good formulas of thrush feed, each with its own unique benefits and applications.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?

❖ Formula 1: Full nutrient base powder

We use 50% mung bean noodles, 20% chick feed, and 30% egg yolk powder. Mix all the ingredients well, stir with a small amount of water, then steam to dry and beat into a powder. This recipe is nutritionally balanced, suitable for daily feeding, and can meet the basic growth needs of thrushes.

❖ Formula 2: special materials for color and brightness

Prepare 10% grasshopper flour, 40% mung bean flour, 30% cornmeal, and 20% beef flour before making. After mixing evenly, add water and stir, steam and dry. The characteristics of this material are suitable for thrushes during the moulting period, and grasshopper powder is specially added to help enhance the vividness of the feathers.

❖ Formula 3: Disease Resistance Enhancement Powder

The ingredients should be 5% wolfberry powder, 45% mung bean flour, 25% egg yolk powder, and 25% millet flour. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add water and mix thoroughly, steam and dry and powder. Because of the addition of wolfberry powder, this material helps to improve the immunity of thrushes, and is suitable for recovery feed in the later stage of illness.

Each of the above recipes has its specific period and state of application. For example, base powders are suitable for year-round use, while special colors and brighteners are best used before and after moulting to promote healthy feather growth and color. Disease Resistant Booster Powder is suitable for use during the frail or recovery period of the thrush to help them recover quickly.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Then when using these ingredients, the proportion of ingredients in the formula can be appropriately adjusted according to the specific situation and reaction of the thrush. It is important to observe how the thrush reacts to different ingredients and make adjustments to ensure that they are absorbing the most appropriate nutrients.

We're feeding the thrushes, and we have to do it right. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the freshness of the feed, which is the premise of ensuring that the nutrients are not lost. Secondly, the feeding time should be fixed every day, which will help the thrush to form regular habits and also facilitate the observation of their dietary response.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Feed moderately or too little, and normally, feed twice a day, and each time the amount of feed given is about 8% to 10% of the thrush's body weight.

I've found that many bird-keeping friends think that high-protein feed makes thrushes healthier and more able to sing, so they feed their birds a lot of high-protein food. In fact, excess protein is not only not fully absorbed by the thrush, but may also lead to an increase in the burden on the digestive system, which is not good for health.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

It is not difficult to avoid these mistakes, we can adjust the proportion of protein as needed, and adjust the feed formula according to the life cycle of the thrush (e.g. growth period, moulting period, etc.).

With the support of our thrush player research, the feed formula for the thrush has been greatly optimized and improved. Dietitians and veterinary specialists often recommend formulas based on an in-depth understanding of the physiology and nutritional needs of thrushes.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

For example, thrushes need high protein to support their activity levels and chirps, but they also need dietary fiber and essential trace elements to maintain a healthy digestive system.

What is the best material to feed thrushes?

Everyday thrush players often evaluate different feed formulations to see which ones are most effective in improving the thrush's physique and singing performance. Through these observations, they were able to determine which combinations of ingredients would best meet the needs of the thrush.

In practice, many bird masters and bird farms will also make their own observations and adjust the feed formula according to the thrush's response. Many experienced birders have their own unique formulas, which often combine traditional wisdom and modern science, such as adding specific herbs to the feed to combat diseases, or using specific ingredients to enhance the feathers of thrushes.
What is the best material to feed thrushes?

These practical examples not only validate the effectiveness of professional research, but also provide opportunities for further optimization of feed. Through hands-on farming experience, bird keepers are able to fine-tune recipes to suit specific environments or the specific needs of individual thrushes. This process of learning and improving by doing is an integral part of professionally feeding thrushes.


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