
She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

author:North of YB

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She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

Who would have thought that Wang Xun, the honest and honest "big squirrel" who was once in "Extreme Challenge", would have such an embarrassing emotional story behind him.

His ex-wife Wei Zhen, a young, beautiful and successful lawyer, married Wang Xun, who was unknown at the time, desperately for love.

She spent 14 years accompanying her husband from a nobody to a famous actor, but finally got a divorce agreement.

What's even more heart-wrenching is that even at the last moment of her life, Wei Zhen still loves the man who abandoned her.

This is a story of love, betrayal and regret, let's walk into Wei Zhen's life together......

1. Encounter and persistence: Despite the opposition of his family, he married the poor boy Wang Xun

Honey, do you believe in love at first sight? Wei Zhen believed it, and paid the price of his life for it.

In 1999, 26-year-old Wang Xun was still an unknown young actor, barely surviving on a meager monthly salary.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

And what about Wei Zhen? Young and beautiful, he is a well-known lawyer with a bright future.

Such a combination looks like a joke no matter how you look at it.

But love is so magical, Wei Zhen fell in love with Wang Xun at first sight.

What she likes is not Wang Xun's appearance, but the desire for dreams in his eyes.

At that time, although Wang Xun was poor, he was down-to-earth and hardworking, and full of hope for the future.

Wei Zhen's parents were naturally opposed.

"Daughter, you have to think clearly, poor couples mourn everything!" But Wei Zhen stubbornly believes that as long as there is love, everything else can be overcome.

In this way, without a wedding and no diamond ring, Wei Zhen resolutely married Wang Xun.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

She took her savings and moved into her own house with Wang Xun.

Wei Zhen said to Wang Xun: "Although you work outside, you don't have to worry about things at home. "

What a simple and beautiful vow! But who would have thought that this sentence would become the beginning of Wei Zhen's bitter life in the future.

2. Silent giving: the bitterness and sweetness of 14 years of married life

After getting married, Wei Zhen seems to have become a never-ending machine.

By day, she is a shrewd and capable lawyer; After work, she is the wife of a hard-working housekeeper; On weekends, she also has to turn into a filial daughter-in-law, pinching her in-laws' shoulders and rubbing her legs.

And what about Wang Xun? Every day when I go home, I only open my mouth to eat.

What's even more distressing is that after 10 years of marriage, they moved 7 times.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

Every time he moved, Wei Zhen was busy alone.

She dragged her tired body, climbing up and down to carry furniture.

And what about Wang Xun? Never at home, not even a word of concern.

It was such hard work that Wei Zhen fell into a serious herniated lumbar disc.

But even so, she never complained.

In her heart, as long as she can help her husband realize his dreams, it is worth it no matter how hard and tired she is.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

Wei Zhen's mother-in-law once said movingly: "My son can marry you, it's really his blessing!" "It's a pity that some people are destined to live up to the good of others.

But Wei Zhen still believes that as long as he continues to pay, he will usher in happiness one day.

But what she didn't know was that as soon as the dawn of happiness appeared, it would be obscured by the relentless dark clouds.

3. Successful Career: Witness your husband rise from obscurity to fame

In 2006, opportunity finally favored Wang Xun.

He received an invitation to "Crazy Stone", and although it was only a small role, it became a turning point in his career.

Interestingly, Wang Xun at that time almost turned down this opportunity.

It was Wei Zhen who encouraged him to accept it.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

She said: "Although they are all young people, maybe there will be a good development? "

How ironic! Wei Zhen personally pushed her husband to success, but she also inadvertently pushed away her own happiness.

"Crazy Stone" was a great success, and Wang Xun became an instant hit.

Since then, his career has been booming, and he has starred in popular works such as "Militia Ge Erdan" and "Crazy Cuppie".

Seeing that her husband finally became famous, Wei Zhen was overjoyed.

She feels that her years of hard work have finally paid off.

In 2009, Wang Xun held a make-up wedding for Wei Zhen at the press conference of "Crazy Cuppie".

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

He said affectionately: "Over the years, you have been working hard and silently, and you have never disliked me, daughter-in-law, I love you." "

What a touching confession! But who would have thought that this would be the last bloom of their marriage.

Because not long after, Wang Xun's heart had quietly drifted away.

4. Marriage breakdown: Facing the betrayal and divorce of the husband

Honey, do you believe that a man can love you and fall in love with someone else at the same time?

Wang Xun did it.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is a good man who cares about his family.

But in fact, he has already secretly hooked up with Wang Yizi, an Internet celebrity who is 18 years younger.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

He secretly registered a small account and posted intimate photos with his little lover.

The man who was once reluctant to buy a diamond ring for Wei Zhen now buys a lot of brand-name bags for his little lover.

When the scandal broke, Wei Zhen chose to believe her husband.

"As long as Wang Xun says no, I will believe him!" What a pitiful and pathetic trust.

Until one day, Wang Xun suddenly said to Wei Zhen: "Let's divorce." I don't love you anymore, and I want a baby. "

This sentence is like a hammer, smashing Wei Zhen's efforts and expectations for more than ten years.

Wei Zhen knelt on the ground and wept bitterly: "I will work hard for the child's affairs, please don't leave me..."

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

In 2013, they divorced.

Only four months later, Wang Xun married his new love and soon had a child.

And what about Wei Zhen? She couldn't afford to be sick, so she locked herself in her room all day, chanting Wang Xun's name in her mouth.

5. The end of life: Passed away with the thought of Wang Xun

After the divorce, Wei Zhen seems to have lost the full meaning of life.

She posts sad texts on social platforms every day, sometimes lamenting the impermanence of life, and sometimes waiting for Wang Xun to change her mind with anticipation.

In exchange, there is only Wang Xun's dynamic of showing affection one after another.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

In 2019, Wei Zhen was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Doctors say that long-term depression and depression are the main causes of the worsening of the condition.

After learning that she was seriously ill, Wei Zhen made a heartbreaking decision: she sold everything of value, even the items that Wang Xun had given her.

But even so, she still didn't let go of Wang Xun.

On her social platform, there is always that heartbreaking sentence: "I know I need to let go but I can't let go, because I'm still waiting for the impossible to happen." "

In September 2019, Wei Zhen passed away.

She was not yet forty years old.

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

At this time, Wang Xun was busy dealing with new scandals.

He didn't even attend Wei Zhen's funeral.

The man Wei Zhen loved with all her life couldn't even send her on her last journey in the end.

Write at the end

Wei Zhen's whole life seems to be living for love.

She gave everything for Wang Xun, but in exchange for the most cruel betrayal.

Even so, she still never hated Wang Xun, and even at the last moment of her life, she still remembered it.

We can't help but reflect: in love, should we also learn to love ourselves?

True love is precious, but is it worth it?

She is Wang Xun's ex-wife, who was abandoned after 14 years of marrying a poor boy, and still can't forget her ex-husband before she dies

Perhaps, balancing giving and self-protection is the key to maintaining a happy marriage.

My dear, if you are in a relationship right now, ask yourself: Are you loving someone, or are you loving someone in your imagination? Have you been equally rewarded for your efforts?

Remember, love should be mutual.

Don't waste your best self for someone who doesn't deserve it.

After reading Wei Zhen's story, what do you think? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views.

Perhaps your experience will be a wake-up call for another person.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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