
At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

author:North of YB

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At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Those who have watched "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", I am afraid that few can forget Cheng Lingsu played by Gong Cien.

Those big watery eyes, that undying love, it is almost heartbreaking.

But you know what?

Gong Cien's real life is a hundred times more exciting than her play!

From the piano teacher to TVB Hua Dan, from the screen goddess to a single mother, her life is like a Hong Kong drama with ups and downs, but no one shouts "click".

1. Set sail on the journey of the stars: from the piano teacher to TVB Hua Dan

To say that Gong Cien's starting point is really not ordinarily high.

Born in Hong Kong in 1963, she has been a multi-talented master since she was a child.

Singing, dancing, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, proficient in everything.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Such a girl, if she doesn't go to the entertainment industry, it's a tyrannical thing!

But Gong Cien did not choose to enter the showbiz from the beginning.

After graduating from high school, she first became a piano teacher.

Who knows, fate came so suddenly.

One day, the children's program "Banana Boat" of the TV Department of Radio Television Hong Kong was recruiting a host, and the owner of the piano store slapped his thigh: Isn't this tailor-made for our family's kindness?

In this way, Gong Cien embarked on the road of acting.

In 1984, at the age of 21, she applied for TVB's first artist training class and officially became a member of TVB.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Do you think Gong Cien is so smooth sailing?

How naïve! TVB is a place where there are so many beautiful women, how can it be so easy to come out?

Gong Cien can only start from a supporting role.

However, with her outstanding appearance and extraordinary talent, she soon made a name for herself in the entertainment industry.

In 1985, 22-year-old Gong Cien challenged the first heroine in her life and cooperated with Chow Yun-fat and Kwan Lijie in the TV series "Greater Hong Kong".

This starting point can be said to be quite high!

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Since then, Gong Cien's star journey has been soaring.

Yang Siniang in "Yang Jiajiang" and Hua Zhenzhen in "Chu Liuxiang", each character is vividly portrayed, which makes the audience addicted.

2. Blooming on the screen: "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" became famous and the pinnacle of acting

If Gong Cien's acting career is a grand fireworks show, then "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is the most gorgeous fireworks.

In 1990, Gong Cien received an invitation to "Snow Mountain Flying Fox".

At that time, she may never have dreamed that this drama would become a masterpiece of her acting career, and it would make her the "Cheng Lingsu" in the hearts of a generation.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

In this drama, Gong Cien plays two roles: the gentle and lovely Cheng Lingsu and the lively and playful Bing Xue'er.

This is not something that ordinary people can control! But Gong Cien not only perfectly interpreted the two completely different characters, but also interpreted Cheng Lingsu more moving than the original book.

You must know that in the original book, Cheng Lingsu is just a supporting role.

But under Gong Cien's interpretation, Cheng Lingsu has become a more popular character than the heroine Yuan Ziyi.

The unswerving love, the spirit of sacrificing for love, simply made the audience cry.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Gong Cien also suffered a lot when filming this drama, but all the efforts were worth it.

After the TV series was broadcast in 1991, Gong Cien became an instant hit and became a goddess in the hearts of countless people.

After "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", Gong Cien's career has been soaring.

3. Bumpy love road: the twists and turns and failures of two marriages

Gong Cien's love life can be said to be full of twists and turns.

Let's start with her first marriage.

In 1990, Gong Cien met businessman Huo Zhenhua.

Huo Zhenhua fell in love with Gong Cien at first sight and launched a fanatical pursuit.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Perhaps moved by the sweet words, Gong Cien soon married Huo Zhenhua.

However, the good times were short-lived.

After only one year of marriage, Huo Zhenhua cheated.

Gong Cien couldn't bear the betrayal of her marriage and decisively chose to divorce.

This marriage ended hastily.

After such a blow, if you are an ordinary person, you may lose confidence in love.

But Gong Cien didn't.

In 1991, while filming "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", she met actor Lin Wei.

Lin Wei was five years younger than Gong Cien, and he was still a little-known actor at that time.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

But that's how wonderful love is.

After the two fell in love, Gong Cien became more cautious.

They were in love for 8 years before they got married in 1999.

After marriage, Gong Cien gave birth to a son and a daughter for Lin Wei, and in order to take care of the family, he reduced his filming work.

Looks like it seems like a perfect ending, right?

However, life is always full of surprises.

As time passed, there was a rift in the relationship between the two.

In 2019, Lin Wei was photographed dating a wealthy female businessman, and the extramarital affair was exposed.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

What's even more chilling is that Lin Wei publicly stated that he and Gong Cien have been separated for two years and are going through divorce procedures.

In this way, Gong Cien's second marriage also ended in failure.

With two marriages and two betrayals, Gong Cien's love road can be said to be bumpy.

4. Regrouping: Comeback and Transformation Challenges

After two failed marriages, Gong Cien did not give up on himself.

Instead, she chose to start anew.

During her second marriage, Gong Cien reduced her filming work in order to take care of her family.

However, with the breakdown of her marriage, she decided to return to the film industry.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

In 2017, Gong Cien played Sun Li's mother-in-law in "The Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full", which marked her official comeback.

Although she is no longer the young and beautiful Hua Dan of the past, Gong Cien's acting skills are more sophisticated and mature.

In this drama, her rivalry with Sun Li won unanimous praise from the audience.

Through this drama, Gong Cien not only won the love of the audience again, but also became a year-old friend with Sun Li who talked about everything.

After his comeback, Gong Cien began to try more types of roles.

She is no longer limited to her youthful and beautiful image in the past, but challenges more complex and in-depth roles.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Gong Cien's comeback is not just as simple as returning to the entertainment industry, it is a woman who can still maintain herself and continue to pursue her dreams after experiencing the ups and downs of life.

5. Behind-the-scenes heroes: stay-at-home mothers and cultivating the "second generation of the most beautiful stars"

In Gong Cien's life story, there is nothing more touching than her role as a mother.

After experiencing two failed marriages, Gong Cien resolutely took on the responsibility of being a single mother.

She poured all her heart and soul into her two children, and interpreted what maternal love is in her own way.

Gong Cien's daughter Lin Kailing has now become a high-profile new star in the entertainment industry.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Known as the "second generation of the most beautiful star", she not only inherited the excellent genes of her parents, but also grew into an excellent girl with both talent and appearance under the careful cultivation of her mother.

Lin Kailing not only has a pure and delicate face, but also has a "golden bell-like voice" and a "devil-like figure".

With her own strength, she entered the Hong Kong entertainment industry in one fell swoop, and also cooperated with Andy Lau in the movie "Bloody Choir" as the protagonist and lead singer.

And Gong Cien's son Lin Zhuoyi, although he did not choose to enter the entertainment industry, he is also excellent in his studies.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

He ranked among the best in Hong Kong's aristocratic schools, and was even recruited by Harvard, Yale and other international prestigious schools.

Seeing his children so good is undoubtedly the greatest success and comfort for Gong Cien.

Gong Cien once said: "I want my children to become useful people in society, not just to become famous or make a lot of money." This sentence may be the best summary of her educational philosophy.

Write at the end

Gong Cien's life is as exciting as the character she plays.

From the peak of her career to the emotional trough, and then to a new start, she uses tenacity and wisdom to interpret what true female power is.

At the age of 28, he became purple because of his role in "Cheng Lingsu", and his two marriages were betrayed, how are he doing now?

Perhaps, life is not always a fairy tale, but even if we encounter setbacks, we can still live a wonderful life on our own.

There is no perfection in life, but we can find our own happiness in imperfection.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】