
Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

author:Enthusiastic artist f5o

As soon as she opened her mouth, Wu Yanni's bold words were like a bombshell, causing an uproar on the Internet. "I'm here to win the championship, so why keep a low profile?" It's not just a word, it's a manifesto, an attitude, an uncompromising confidence and determination. In this era when everyone is in danger and cautious, Wu Yanni's outspokenness undoubtedly gave us a resounding slap in the face. So, standing on this exciting and controversial opportunity, what should we think of Wu Yanni, the new "queen of track and field" who does not play according to common sense?

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

First of all, we have to admit that Wu Yanni's performance is indeed unbeatable. In the domestic women's 100m hurdles, she swept her opponents with her unique style and amazing speed to dominate the field. Several times, when she crossed the finish line at a gallop, the crowd had not yet recovered from the shock and she was already standing on the podium. Even those who keep saying that she is "just eyeballs" can only praise her in the end.

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

However, Wu Yanni's straightforwardness and self-confidence are not bought by everyone. Reviews on the web fryer are not without reason. In the eyes of many people, sportsmanship is not only about giving it your all on the field, but also about being humble and humble, especially after a victory. For these people with an "old worldview", Wu Yanni's remarks seem to be a bit "arrogant", and her self-confidence has even been interpreted as "arrogance".

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

However, looking back on her growth process and fighting spirit on the field, it is not difficult to find that this self-confidence comes from a deep understanding of her own abilities and unremitting efforts. She didn't do it overnight, but she persevered and practiced hard day after day, year after year. If victory is every athlete's dream, then Wu Yanni's actions and remarks are undoubtedly a declaration to the world that she has given everything for her dream and deserves to enjoy the joy of victory.

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

In fact, Wu's controversy itself is a mirror of our society's complex attitudes to success. We aspire to succeed and are critical of those who succeed; We praise hard work, but we are afraid to admit our ambitions. Wu Yanni's directness and honesty challenge this ambivalence and prompt people to think, why can't we accept the light of a person's unremitting efforts?

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

In the epilogue, we return to Wu Yanni's words again, "I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile? This is not only for her own self-report, but also for all those who have dreams and bravely pursue them. At the moment when she belonged to Wu Yanni, she spoke with strength, proved herself with a championship, and also opened a path for those dreamers who were underestimated by the world. Her story tells us not to be afraid of dreaming too big, not to be afraid of controversy after success, as long as you are willing to persevere and work hard, one day, you can also stand on the highest podium for your dreams.

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

Wu Yanni's attitude may make some people feel uncomfortable, but nothing is more admirable than a person's firmness in their dreams. Her story is not just a story of victory, but also a story of bravery, perseverance and self-confidence. For Wu Yanni, she went out to win the championship, and this courage to speak up for her dreams is worth learning from all of us.

Stir up controversy Wu Yanni: I came on the field to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile, the comment area is fried

So, friends, what do you think of Wu Yanni's attitude?