
Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

Summer has arrived, and the long-awaited Siguniang Mountain has finally lifted the "seal"!

In the next few months, the summer of the gods of western Sichuan is about to be ushered in, the holy snow-capped peaks are clearly visible, the primeval forests become lush, the vast grasslands are blooming into the sea, and the cool glacial water flows slowly...... It's so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it!

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!


Since Siguniang Mountain banned all outdoor activities on February 25 this year, after months of waiting, it has finally ushered in the official release of the unblocking news, and it will be reopened to the public from June 1! However, it is also clear that the annual opening time is only five months, and the period from November 1 to May 31 of the following year is the natural ecological restoration period, during which outdoor activities are prohibited and the number of people entering is limited every day.

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!

In the picturesque western part of Sichuan, Siguniang Mountain is legendary, and its name comes from a beautiful legend: according to legend, in ancient times, four beautiful girls incarnated into four connected peaks to protect their hometown, guarding this magical land. Siguniang Mountain is also the closest snow mountain to the first-tier cities in China, only 200 kilometers away from Chengdu, but it has towering snow peaks, with an altitude of 6,250 meters above sea level, the sister peak crowns the surrounding mountains, known as the "Queen of Shu Mountain"!

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!

In summer, Siguniang Mountain has a beautiful scenery comparable to that of Switzerland, with snow-capped mountains, meadows, forests, lakes, and ...... The green of life all over the mountains looks more like a peerless secret land than Xinjiang Altay, and it is the "Alps of the East"! At the beginning of summer every year, the mountain is in full bloom in the flower season, with no rain or snow, and the success rate of climbing the summit is as high as 80%, which is an excellent time to climb Siguniang Mountain, attracting outdoor enthusiasts from all over the world to come to the mountain challenge.

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!


Whether it's climbing the snowy mountains or hiking through, Siguniang Mountain will not disappoint, and those who like the outdoors should seize the opportunity to set off and start a challenging snowy mountain journey!

Where is Siguniang Mountain?

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!

Siguniang Mountain is located in Siguniangshan Town, Xiaojin County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, belongs to the Qionglai Mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, about 200 kilometers away from Chengdu City, and is composed of four continuous peaks, namely the big peak, the second peak, the third peak, and the sister peak, which represent the difficulty of four kinds of mountaineering. The elevation of the big peak is 5025 meters, the mountain is relatively gentle, the second peak is 5276 meters above sea level, and the mountain shape is similar to Mount Everest, both of which are entry-level snow mountains, the altitude and climbing difficulty are similar, suitable for the first time to climb the snow mountain.

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!


The elevation of the three peaks is 5355 meters, the mountain peaks are sharp and precipitous, steep like arrows piercing the clouds, it is daunting, it is a technical snow mountain, there is a certain degree of difficulty in climbing, there are no glaciers and ice cracks on the climbing path, the technical section is mainly in the summit before climbing a steep slope with the help of road ropes and ascenders, you need to have enough outdoor experience and climbing skills to be able to reach the top. The highest mountain peak, 6,250 meters above sea level, the mountain body is dangerous on three sides, the lines are sharp, the mountain peaks are steep, the difficulty of climbing is extremely great, since the first ascent of the Japanese mountaineering team in 1981, there are only a handful of climbers, and it is not open to the public.

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!

▲ The map comes from the Internet

In addition to the four snow peaks, the Siguniang Mountain Scenic Area is composed of three scenic spots: Shuangqiaogou, Changpinggou and Haizigou, each of which is independent and requires separate tickets. Among them, Shuangqiaogou is the one with the deepest development, the most abundant scenery and the most suitable for mass tourism, with an altitude of 3200-3840 meters. The Changpinggou in the middle belongs to the ancient battlefield site, which is a paradise for outdoor sports enthusiasts, an important camp for climbing the three peaks and four peaks, and an ideal place for rock and ice climbing. The deepest Haizi ditch, is the highest altitude in the three ditches, you can camp in the ditch, it is the necessary place to climb the big peak and the second peak, the first half is dominated by alpine meadows, it is the best place to appreciate Siguniang Mountain, the second half is mainly based on Haizi, but the terrain is rugged and difficult, you can only hike or ride a horse, and generally some people can rarely reach the deepest Haizi.

️ Outdoor play in Siguniang Mountain

/ Classic trekking: long through /

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!


It is one of the "Top Ten Classic Hiking Routes in China", and it is also one of the shortest time-consuming routes in China, but one of the most diverse landscapes. The whole trekking route starts from the Changping ditch of Siguniang Mountain, starts from the Sigula Lama Temple at the mouth of the ditch, traces the river from south to north along the west slope of the main peak, climbs over the pass at an altitude of 4668 meters, and descends to the Haizi Reception Station of Bipenggou at the northern foot of Siguniang Mountain in Lixian County, the whole journey is about 40 kilometers, which is completed in 3 days, and will be closed periodically around November every year.

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!


On the way, we will stop at the wooden mule camp for one night, which is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, which is a perfect 360° viewing platform for snow-capped mountains, the meadow at the foot is extremely wide, the sight can be extended to the end of the ditch, the cows and horses are grazing idly around, the snow-capped mountains and glaciers on both sides reflect each other, and there is an endless sea of flowers in summer, which is as beautiful as "the back garden of the gods". After walking long and wearing, you will also pass through the Tangbai Ancient Road, which is the post road to Li County in the north in the Tang Dynasty, and it is also responsible for transporting salt, tea, and clothing.

/ 5,000-meter Introductory Snow Mountain: Big Peak and Second Peak /

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!


The big peak (5,025 meters) and the second peak (5,276 meters) of Siguniang Mountain are one of the easiest 5,000-meter snow-capped mountains in China, and the mountaineering services provided are mature, and have developed into the best choice for outdoor enthusiasts to climb the "first snow-capped mountain in life". Compared with most snow-capped mountains, Dafeng has a short snow line and a relatively low altitude, which is not physically demanding, and can be climbed without special mountaineering training. Usually on the first day, enter the Dafeng camp of Haizigou from Siguniang Mountain Town, rush to the top in the early morning of the second day, climb about 3 kilometers, and the altitude rises 825 meters, generally 2-4 hours can successfully reach the summit, and there is a small amount of snow on the top of the mountain in summer.

Finally the seal has been lifted! The summer of the Kawanishi god level is coming, and it is limited to 5 months!

▲ The map comes from the Internet

The second peak because of the slightly higher altitude, the difficulty is also a little higher, starting from the base camp at an altitude of 4280 meters, it takes 4-7 hours to reach the summit, most of the road is to walk in the valley, and then go to the desperate slope, after turning over, you will go up to a small platform, and then go up to the ridge of the second peak is completely walking, both sides of the ridge are cliffs, but there are guardrails as an auxiliary.

After climbing to the top, the sister peak is close in front of you, and when the weather is good, the spectacular snow mountain and sea of clouds are in full view, and it is beautiful! If you have the experience of climbing snow-capped mountains, and your physical fitness is good, and time permits, you can also try the double-peak continuous climbing to experience the difference between the two snowy peaks.


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