
Is the American treatment that Qian Xuesen gave up generous? After seeing the specific figures, it makes people respect


In the history of China's aerospace, there is such a legendary figure, whose name is closely linked to the country's aerospace industry, and he is Qian Xuesen, who is known as the "father of China's aerospace". His life was closely related to the fate of the country, and it was a life in which personal ideals and national interests were highly integrated. However, Qian Xuesen's return to China was not all smooth sailing, he gave up the preferential treatment in the United States, and resolutely returned to the embrace of the motherland.

Is the American treatment that Qian Xuesen gave up generous? After seeing the specific figures, it makes people respect

How generous is Qian Xuesen's treatment in the United States? This question, perhaps from today's point of view, can be intuitively felt through some specific figures. In the United States, Qian Xuesen not only had the qualifications to participate in top-secret research, but also had free access to the Pentagon, which was an extremely rare honor at that time. His academic achievements are equally impressive, becoming a tenured professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 35, a legend in the academic world. He was also one of the founders of Caltech's Rocket Club, which later became the famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory, an important part of today's NASA.

Qian Xuesen's annual income was also a staggering figure at the time. According to the data, as the coordinator of the Navy's artillery missile project, his annual fixed income reached 50,000 US dollars, while the price of a 200-square-meter luxury apartment in New York at that time was only 110,000 US dollars; The best luxury car, a Rolls-Royce, is also less than $20,000. In addition, there are awards ranging from $3,000 to $7,000 per project, and there are about 10 such projects per year; Lecturers at universities, part-time jobs at graduate schools, etc., can earn $2,000 a month. Even during the period of house arrest in the United States, the annual salary of $30,000 from the Institute of Physics was still paid.

Is the American treatment that Qian Xuesen gave up generous? After seeing the specific figures, it makes people respect

In 1955, Qian Xuesen chose to return to China. At the fifth ambassadorial-level talks between China and the United States, the two sides reached an agreement on the issue of the return of civilians from the two countries. On September 17 of the same year, Qian Xuesen took his family and embarked on a journey back to China. His decision is undoubtedly to give up the preferential treatment in the United States and choose to return to China to devote himself to the motherland's aerospace industry.

Qian Xuesen's choice is a detachment from personal fame and fortune, and it is also a selfless dedication to the interests of the country. His deeds have inspired generation after generation of Chinese and become a model for intellectuals of the Chinese nation. His story is not only a historical record, but also a spiritual inheritance, which allows us to see a scientist's infinite loyalty and love for the country and the cause of science.

Is the American treatment that Qian Xuesen gave up generous? After seeing the specific figures, it makes people respect

Qian Xuesen's return to China is not only a personal return, but also a major turning point in China's aerospace industry. His knowledge and experience have laid a solid foundation for the development of China's missile and space technology. His return to China also marks the beginning of China's path of independent innovation in the high-tech field.

Today, when we look back on Qian Xuesen's deeds again, it is not only to remember this great scientist, but also to inherit his spirit and inspire us to contribute to the prosperity of the country in our respective posts. Qian Xuesen's story will always inspire us to stay true to our original intention and forge ahead. His spirit, like a bright star, illuminates the way forward of China's aerospace industry and illuminates the heart of every Chinese.

Is the American treatment that Qian Xuesen gave up generous? After seeing the specific figures, it makes people respect


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