
What to do if a South Korean airliner strayed into Soviet airspace? Soviet Base Chief: The fighter plane lifts into the air and shoots it down


In the 80s of the 20th century, the tense atmosphere of the Cold War enveloped the whole world, and the international situation was like a tense string, which was about to erupt. On September 1, 1983, a Korean Air Boeing 747 passenger plane numbered 007, which was supposed to land smoothly from Anchorage, Alaska, in Seoul, South Korea, mysteriously disappeared in the early hours of the morning, triggering a tragedy that shocked the world.

What to do if a South Korean airliner strayed into Soviet airspace? Soviet Base Chief: The fighter plane lifts into the air and shoots it down

On its way to Seoul, the airliner deviated from its intended course for unknown reasons and strayed into the sensitive airspace of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Far East, in particular, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, where Soviet strategic missile bases were located, were absolutely no-fly zones over any unauthorized aircraft. When Flight 007 inadvertently intruded into the area, Soviet air defense radars quickly picked up the trail of the uninvited guest.

Two Su-15 fighters of the Soviet Air Force received an order to quickly rise into the air for interception. The pilot, having confirmed the target, requested instructions for action from the base. By decisive order from the commander of the base, the pilots carried out the mission of shooting down. The unsuspecting airliner was hit in the night sky and fell from a great height, killing all 269 passengers and crew on board.

What to do if a South Korean airliner strayed into Soviet airspace? Soviet Base Chief: The fighter plane lifts into the air and shoots it down

The incident quickly caused an international uproar. The United States and Western countries strongly condemned the actions of the Soviet Union, believing that it was a brutal massacre of innocent civilians and demanded that the international community impose sanctions on the Soviet Union. The Soviets, for their part, argued that the airliner had deviated hundreds of miles from the course and entered its military exclusion zone, so the necessary defensive measures were taken.

In a subsequent investigation, U.S. intelligence and international investigative teams found that Flight 007 had deviated from its correct course shortly after takeoff due to a malfunction in its navigation system. Soviet records show that they tried to contact the airliner several times before shooting it down, but received no response.

What to do if a South Korean airliner strayed into Soviet airspace? Soviet Base Chief: The fighter plane lifts into the air and shoots it down

The truth of this incident is still controversial, but it is undeniable that it exacerbated the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and even raised fears that it could trigger a third world war. In the years that followed, the event became the focus of international political struggles and a sore point in the history of the Cold War.

It was only after the collapse of the USSR that the handling of this incident took a turn for the better. In 1991, South Korea filed a claim for compensation against Russia. In 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin handed over the black box of the crashed airliner to South Korea during a visit to South Korea, a move seen as a response to the incident.

What to do if a South Korean airliner strayed into Soviet airspace? Soviet Base Chief: The fighter plane lifts into the air and shoots it down

The tragedy of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is not only a great loss of life, but also a profound reflection on international relations and the history of the Cold War. This incident reminds us of the importance of peace and dialogue, as well as the need to remain calm and rational in times of tension. In today's more complex and volatile world, we should remember history, cherish peace, and work together to prevent similar tragedies from happening again. At the same time, it highlights the importance of aviation safety and international communication mechanisms, as well as the rules and procedures that must be followed when dealing with international crises.


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