
The Seven Heroes of Chicken Paw Mountain save Luo Kun

author:Facing the sea HL

The border pass Tatar rebelled, Luo Zeng led the troops to go out to be besieged, and the general soldiers of the border pass sent people to move the rescue soldiers, but the rescue document was obtained by the traitorous Shen Qian, Shen Qian revised the document, and lied that Luo Zeng had voted for the state, which caused the anger of the Son of Heaven and ordered to copy and behead the Luo family. Shen Qian had a confidant Zhang Hongyuan who was on an errand in Luo Zeng's mansion, and because he was grateful to Luo Zeng for his help, he risked his life to tell Luo Zeng's wife Qin about Shen Qian's desire to harm the Luo family, and the Qin family took his eldest son Luo Can and Zhang Hong's son Zhang Qi to vote for Jackie Chan, the prince of Dingguo in Guizhou, Yunnan, and let the second son Luo Kun go to his father-in-law Bai Wenlian, the commander of Xi'an Mansion in Shaanxi.

The Seven Heroes of Chicken Paw Mountain save Luo Kun

And Bai Wenlian is a native of Huai'an Mansion, so Luo Kun first went to Huai'an Mansion to find Bai Yushuang, that is, the daughter-in-law who did not pass the door. Because of the official painting and graphic collection of the Luo family, Luo Kun Xiaoxing came to a place called Fenglian Town overnight, suffered from the wind and cold, and couldn't afford to be sick, just here, met Cheng Feng, the hereditary Lu Guogong, that is, the descendant of Cheng Biting Jin, Cheng Feng has a son and a daughter. Because Cheng Feng did not want to be an official, he retired here, Cheng Feng told Luo Kun that it was too dangerous for him to carry a sword on the Yueguo Mansion, so he gave his daughter Cheng Yumei a sword to Luo Kun, and later in Jinling Mansion, thanks to this saber on the "Lu Guogongfu", the Huai'an Tibetan prefect did not dare to kill Luo Kun.

After Luo Kun recovered, he came to Dengzhou, Shandong, and there was a mountain forty miles away from Dengzhou Mansion, called Chicken Paw Mountain, and six heroes gathered on the mountain, these six heroes were all heroes after the heroes of the Xingtang Dynasty, the first hero: Pei Tianxiong, the king of Iron Yama, was the descendant of Pei Yuanqing, the eight-armed Nezha. The second hero: Sai Zhuge Xie Yuan, is a descendant of the marksman Xie Yingdeng, who is a strategist and a military advisor of Jijiao Mountain. The third hero: one-eyed and heavy-pupil Lu Baoxiong, the fourth hero: Sun Biao, the star of the sky, and the fifth hero: two snake kings. The sixth hero: the twin-tailed scorpion Li Zhong. Later, Luo Kun's sworn brother Sai Yuantan Hu Kui was invited by Pei Tianxiong to the mountain to be the second in command because of his strong martial arts.

The Seven Heroes of Chicken Paw Mountain save Luo Kun

Luo Kun Chicken Paw Mountain saw Hu Kui and continued to rush to Huai'an Mansion, at this time Luo Kun's father-in-law Bai Wenlian was in Xi'an, the house was in charge of his nephew Hou Deng, Hou Deng had already read the official palace gate of the city, saw Luo Kun and drunk Luo Kun immediately sued the official, this Hou Deng wanted to take Luo Kun's fiancée Bai Wenshuang as his own, Bai Wenshuang would rather die than obey, fortunately was rescued by the dragon mark nicknamed "Pangolin" by Orion. Later, Bai Wenshuang went to Yangzhou's maternal uncle Li Quan. This Li Quan, who has been a Huguang garrison, has a Fang Tian painting halberd, has the courage of ten thousand people, and is nicknamed: Xiao Wenhou.

The Seven Heroes of Chicken Paw Mountain save Luo Kun

Luo Kun was arrested, and the Huai'an Tibetan prefect saw that Luo Kun's sword was written on the Lu State Gongcheng Mansion, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and only hit forty boards and went to prison. After the Seven Heroes of Jizhushan learned that Luo Kun was arrested, Saiyuantan Hu Kui first found Daniel Zhang, nicknamed "Living Immortal", to heal Luo Kun's injuries in prison, Hu Kui killed Hou Deng's friend, and Jinting Ya guarded Mao Zhenqing, and then rushed to the court to save Luo Kun. The Tibetan prefect saw Luo Kun gone, furious, ordered the garrison rate of a thousand officers and soldiers to be sure to hold Luo Kun, at this time Luo Kun is like a dragon swimming in the sea, the eagle rushes into the sky, a big gun shakes open like ten thousand pear blossoms blooming, reproducing his ancestor Luo Cheng is majestic, Luo Kun killed dozens of officers and soldiers in a row, and the officers and soldiers of the direct battle retreated, and no one dared to approach.

The Seven Heroes of Chicken Paw Mountain save Luo Kun

watched Luo Kun and the others leave Huai'an Mansion. Since then, Luo Kun has fallen into the grass chicken paw mountain and made the third cross-chair, the pangolin dragon mark has made the ninth cross-chair, and the little fairy Daniel Zhang has made the tenth cross-chair.

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