
Extreme Speech on the Internet: Patriotic or Harmful?

author:Mr. Bee is curious about cats

In this era of information explosion, the Internet has become an important platform for us to express our opinions and exchange ideas. However, after the attack on the school bus of the Japanese school in Suzhou, some extreme remarks were widely circulated on the Internet, which not only deviated from the direction of rational discussion, but also invisibly damaged the image of the country and the unity of the nation. Are these remarks patriotic or harmful?

Extreme Speech on the Internet: Patriotic or Harmful?

First of all, we must make it clear that patriotism does not mean that we can vent our emotions without restrictions, let alone incite ethnic hatred. Patriotism is a noble emotion, which requires us to respect facts, respect the law, and respect others while safeguarding national interests. As Weibo said in the announcement, "Promoting violence and glorifying crime in the name of patriotism is a blasphemy of true patriotism." These extreme remarks not only do not represent true patriotism, but on the contrary, they discredit patriotism.

Second, the existence of extreme speech not only destroys the harmony of the online environment, but also invisibly exacerbates social contradictions and conflicts. When some people incite national sentiments and promote group hatred on the Internet, they may not realize that such behavior is tearing apart social harmony and undermining national unity. As the People's Daily commented, "A very small number of gangsters cannot represent good and upright Chinese, and extreme violence cannot destroy the inclusive and friendly social atmosphere." "We should be soberly aware that extreme rhetoric not only does not solve the problem, but only complicates it.

Moreover, the existence of extreme speech also reflects the existence of some in our society to a certain extent

Extreme Speech on the Internet: Patriotic or Harmful?

Deep-seated problems. For example, some people may be easily seduced by extreme remarks because they lack the right values to guide them. Some people may choose to vent their emotions online because of their dissatisfaction with real life. These problems need to be solved by strengthening education, improving systems, and improving people's livelihood.

Finally, we should realize that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and anyone who makes remarks on the Internet should abide by laws and regulations, and should respect facts and others. We should advocate a rational, civilized and healthy online environment, and let the Internet become a platform for us to exchange ideas, share knowledge and enhance understanding. As Weibo said in the announcement, "Incidental events should not be overly correlated and interpreted. "We should take a more tolerant and rational attitude towards all kinds of speech on the Internet, and we should not affect our judgment of the whole society because of some extreme speech.

Extreme Speech on the Internet: Patriotic or Harmful?

In short, the existence of extreme speech is a complex social phenomenon, which not only reflects some problems existing in our society, but also puts higher demands on us. We should express our views and emotions in a more rational, civilized and healthy way, and make the Internet our common spiritual home. Only in this way can we truly love the country and truly safeguard the interests of the country and the unity of the nation.


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