
Salute! The 97-year-old veteran party member paid a special party fee of 1 million yuan: I have the money left over to return it to the party and the people

author:An An said positive energy

Recently, the media reported that Hao Jiarun, a 97-year-old veteran party member in Shanghai, had paid 1 million yuan in "special party fees" to the party, saying that money is needed for national construction and disaster relief, and I will return the remaining money to the party and the people. His patriotism and deep feelings for his family and country are admirable.

According to media reports, as early as January 15, 2024, Hao Jiarun, who is 97 years old, sent a letter to the Hongkou No. 6 Retired Cadre Recuperation Center of the Shanghai Garrison District, expressing his willingness to pay a special party fee of 1 million yuan to the organization.

Salute! The 97-year-old veteran party member paid a special party fee of 1 million yuan: I have the money left over to return it to the party and the people

When asked about the reason, he always said that the party raised him, and now he needs money for national construction and disaster relief, and there are many places where he uses the money, and he wants to return his remaining 1 million yuan to the party and the people.

Hao Jiarun's feat was not a whim, and it was well thought out and unanimously supported by his family. His son, Hao Sijun, said that there was a family meeting at the time, and everyone was very supportive of his approach.

Salute! The 97-year-old veteran party member paid a special party fee of 1 million yuan: I have the money left over to return it to the party and the people

Whenever the country is in trouble, his parents will naturally be sad and sad, they feel that they are old and can't help the country anymore, can they donate some money to help the country through this form.

Hao Jiarun joined the party when he was 16 years old, and became a soldier of the Eighth Route Army at the age of 18.

Salute! The 97-year-old veteran party member paid a special party fee of 1 million yuan: I have the money left over to return it to the party and the people

Today, Hao Jiarun, who has more than 70 years of party experience, still cares about the country and the people, and continues to contribute his spare strength to national construction.

May Hao Lao be in good health!