
Can't you eat corn often? Reminder: These 2 types of people should eat less, it's not too late to know!

author:Cutscenes in the small theater

In the world of whole grains, corn is known as "the gold of the table" for its golden color and rich nutrition. Not only does it have a sweet taste, but it is also rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, making it one of the favorite foods for many people. However, it is such a seemingly "versatile" ingredient that not everyone is suitable for regular consumption. Today, let's take a look at who should eat less corn and the science behind it.

Can't you eat corn often? Reminder: These 2 types of people should eat less, it's not too late to know!

The nutritional value and charm of corn

As a common food crop, the nutritional value of corn cannot be ignored. It is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation; At the same time, antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin E in corn also have a positive effect on protecting eyesight and delaying aging. In addition, minerals such as magnesium and potassium in corn also play an important role in maintaining heart health and regulating blood pressure.

Who should be cautious about eating corn?



Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar. For diabetic patients, dietary control is one of the keys to treatment. Corn contains a certain amount of starch and sugar, and if you consume too much, it will cause blood sugar to rise, which is not conducive to the control of the disease. Therefore, diabetic patients should strictly control their intake when eating corn, and try to choose low-oil and low-salt cooking methods such as steaming.

Can't you eat corn often? Reminder: These 2 types of people should eat less, it's not too late to know!

According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", the daily intake of staple foods for diabetic patients should be controlled between 250-400 grams, of which coarse grains should account for no less than one-third. And corn, as a coarse grain, is rich in nutrients, but it also needs to be eaten in moderation.



Corn has a high content of dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation for normal people. However, for people with indigestion, too much dietary fiber will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, resulting in bloating, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, people with indigestion should reduce their intake in moderation when eating corn and choose easy-to-digest cooking methods, such as cooking porridge, stewed soup, etc.

Can't you eat corn often? Reminder: These 2 types of people should eat less, it's not too late to know!

In addition, for people with weak gastrointestinal function, such as the elderly and children, corn should also be eaten with caution to avoid increasing the burden on the stomach and intestines.

How to eat corn healthily?

For most people, eating corn in moderation is beneficial. But how to eat corn healthily? Here are some suggestions:


Control your intake

Although corn is good, it should also be eaten in moderation. Generally speaking, the amount of each consumption should not exceed 200 grams, and it is enough to consume 2-3 times a week.


Variety of cooking styles

In addition to steaming, corn can also be used in a variety of cooking methods such as porridge, stewed soup, roasting, etc. Diversifying the cooking methods not only increases the taste, but also better retains the nutrients in the corn.


Can't you eat corn often? Reminder: These 2 types of people should eat less, it's not too late to know!

Pair with other ingredients

When eating corn, you can pair it with some ingredients rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients, such as lean meat, eggs, vegetables, etc., to achieve nutritional complementarity.


Pay attention to food safety

When buying corn, you should choose fresh, mildew-free corn; During the cooking process, it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene and safety to avoid food contamination and the occurrence of food poisoning.

Can't you eat corn often? Reminder: These 2 types of people should eat less, it's not too late to know!


As a nutritious ingredient, corn is healthy for most people when eaten in moderation. But for diabetics and people with indigestion, it needs to be consumed with caution. By controlling our intake, diversifying our cooking methods, pairing it with other ingredients, and paying attention to food safety, we can better enjoy the delicious and nutritious taste and nutrition that corn brings.

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