
It is expected that the cost will be returned in 19 years, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, with a daily income of 6.6 million, will be congested on the first day, and the public will call for price increases

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

The topics of huge investment and key operational efficiency of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor were discussed. On the first day of opening, there was a large traffic jam that caused heated discussions among the public, and eight lanes seemed to be insufficient, so it was recommended to increase the lanes. The return on investment is 19 years, but how to improve operational efficiency becomes the key. Want to know the development prospects and operation of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor? Let's take a look!

Deep middle channel

It is expected that the cost will be returned in 19 years, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, with a daily income of 6.6 million, will be congested on the first day, and the public will call for price increases

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel has an investment of 46 billion yuan, with a daily income of about 6.6 million, and is expected to return to its original cost in 19 years. On the first day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, there was a large traffic jam, which sparked discussions among the citizens. The traffic volume is huge, causing severe congestion, and eight lanes does not seem to be enough, and it is recommended to add at least 10 more lanes.

Efficient operation is the key, the cost of eight lanes is close to 2 billion one kilometer, and the cost of ten lanes is even higher. Design isn't the problem, it's about working efficiently. Huge investments are required to build infrastructure, and operational efficiency and management are critical.

As a high-input, high-output infrastructure construction, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has naturally attracted much attention. Both public opinion and investors are extremely curious about its prospects. According to experts, the return on investment of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor lies in the development of cities along the route to solve the transportation needs between Shenzhen and Zhongshan. The residents of these cities are undoubtedly potential users, and the commercial entities along the route may also become customers of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor.

These claims are all very plausible, and the first day of congestion seems to shatter the rosy illusions of this theory. However, from another point of view, congestion is actually a normal thing. Many people spend a lot of time and energy waiting to pass through the Shenzhong Corridor, which fully proves how much demand this construction has.

The return on investment is a testament to this. The revenue of 6.6 million means that there is an operating income of 240 million per year, and the investment of 46 billion can be recovered in about 19 years. It can be said that an investment that can pay back in 19 years is already quite a good investment.

So the premise of how to return to the cost is that someone must use it, and the premise of someone to use it is that the Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel can be opened smoothly. But for now, the eight lanes are already stretched, and there is still room for expansion. This seems to put us in a dilemma.

More lanes mean more traffic efficiency, it means being able to accommodate more vehicles, and more vehicles means more tolls, which is certainly good for return on investment.

But you know, eight lanes have already caused us a cost of nearly 2 billion one kilometer, and ten or more lanes will be a sky-high price. And that's just the cost of construction, and the cost of maintaining these lanes will be a significant amount in future operations.

From this point of view, it is true that raising the lane is not a very good option. There's nothing wrong with the design itself, it's a question of how we get the most out of these eight lanes. If we can't do this, no matter how many lanes we increase, we will only have no roots and no water.

It is expected that the cost will be returned in 19 years, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, with a daily income of 6.6 million, will be congested on the first day, and the public will call for price increases

Infrastructure operations

Before we talk about the importance of infrastructure operations, let's first explore what exactly these funds are used for.

46 billion is basically a subway ride for an infrastructure of more than 30 kilometers, and every penny is directly used for construction. From the point of view of the scene, whether it is the hardware facilities or the software environment, the Shenzhong Channel has done a very good job.

Behind the expensive tolls, we see a high level of service and management. At a time when artificial intelligence empowers traffic management, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor can be said to be the culmination of the world's most advanced transportation technology.

From toll collection to traffic restrictions, almost all operations are controlled by computers, and humans are only assisting by the side. This method not only guarantees high efficiency, but also a high accuracy rate. In other words, with the help of artificial intelligence, there is basically no congestion caused by operator errors.

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with the design itself, the question is how we can get the most out of these eight lanes. If we can't do this, no matter how many lanes we increase, we will only have no roots and no water.

46 billion is basically a subway ride for an infrastructure of more than 30 kilometers, and every penny is directly used for construction. From the point of view of the scene, whether it is the hardware facilities or the software environment, the Shenzhong Channel has done a very good job.

At a time when artificial intelligence empowers traffic management, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor can be said to be the culmination of the world's most advanced transportation technology.

From toll collection to traffic restrictions, almost all operations are controlled by computers, and humans are only assisting by the side. This method not only guarantees high efficiency, but also a high accuracy rate.

In other words, with the help of artificial intelligence, there is basically no congestion caused by operator errors.

46 billion is basically a subway ride for an infrastructure of more than 30 kilometers, and every penny is directly used for construction. From the point of view of the scene, whether it is the hardware facilities or the software environment, the Shenzhong Channel has done a very good job.

At a time when artificial intelligence empowers traffic management, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor can be said to be the culmination of the world's most advanced transportation technology.

From toll collection to traffic restrictions, almost all operations are controlled by computers, and humans are only assisting by the side. This method not only guarantees high efficiency, but also a high accuracy rate.

In other words, with the help of artificial intelligence, there is basically no congestion caused by operator errors.

It is expected that the cost will be returned in 19 years, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, with a daily income of 6.6 million, will be congested on the first day, and the public will call for price increases
It is expected that the cost will be returned in 19 years, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, with a daily income of 6.6 million, will be congested on the first day, and the public will call for price increases


The investment in the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is huge, but the key is how to improve operational efficiency. Although congestion was encountered on the first day of opening, the construction of infrastructure with high input and high output will inevitably attract attention. How do you think the operational problems of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor should be solved? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!