
Financial experts say that the burden on the common people is too heavy to bear, and call for a reduction in the cost of living

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people


The problems of people's livelihood and the issue of equality for all in the current social development were discussed. In the pursuit of social fairness and justice, how to actually pay attention to low-income groups, so that everyone has dignity and opportunity, is an important question that we need to conjecture. It was also mentioned that empty slogans cannot be the driving force for social progress, but the key is to take concrete actions and implement details.

Financial experts say that the burden on the common people is too heavy to bear, and call for a reduction in the cost of living

People's livelihood issues

As a large country in the East, we have made a historic leap from insufficient food and clothing to a comprehensive middle-income country in just a few decades. However, in celebrating this great achievement, we have to face the objective fact that development is not even enough.

In the past, we put more resources and energy into infrastructure construction and industrial development, which seemed to be an understandable choice at the time, and it did achieve good results, for example, we have basically solved the problem of absolute poverty in the whole country, and a lot of infrastructure has been quite perfect, but problems have also arisen.

We seem to ignore a very important problem, that is, no matter how advanced the facilities and equipment are, they must be used by people, if the quality and level of users can not keep up, then these advanced equipment will soon lose its due role. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, our human resources are not good enough, which has slowed down the pace of development of the whole society.

And due to the uneven development, we have also made more people feel the shadow of development, the main problem of which is the uneven distribution of educational resources and medical resources. Although we have compulsory education, many children in rural areas still cannot afford to go to school, and even if they do, they have little chance of getting into better schools, which dooms them to a very low level in life.

It may be better in urban areas, but even the most basic medical care is prohibitive for many people who can't afford to pay for expensive medical care. Of course, we have established a lot of medical insurance systems and medical assistance systems, but these are not fundamental policies, and we must make more people able to pay for medical expenses by themselves in order to truly solve the problem.

Financial experts say that the burden on the common people is too heavy to bear, and call for a reduction in the cost of living

Everyone is equal

Solving people's livelihood problems is not only to let more people feel the fruits of social development, but more importantly, to let everyone find their rightful place and dignity. While we can't expect everyone to have an excellent career and a high income, we should at least ensure that they have access to basic living resources and enjoy a basic quality of life.

In practice, our main task is to pay attention to those low-income groups and help them improve their living affordability. Because of the current social stratification, if we do not formulate policies to help low-income groups in a timely manner, it will be more difficult for them to catch up with the higher classes.

This process is likely to be accompanied by more frustrations and disappointments, and if these emotions are amplified, the likelihood of threats to social stability will be greatly increased. So we have to reach out in time to make them feel that we care about their lives.

When it comes to policymaking, we need to take into account more than just basic living needs. For example, the income gap between different occupations may be very large, although they are all low-income groups, but some people do not feel too frustrated due to the pressure of life for the time being due to their original savings or some resource advantages.

On the contrary, those who rely entirely on their wages to support their basic livelihood are the ones who need our help the most. In addition, the gap between different regions is also very large, and the first-tier cities are much better than the county towns and villages in all aspects.

So if we really want to help them get out of their predicament fundamentally, it's not enough to just give out some subsidies, we have to give them the ability to get more resources and realize self-appreciation. In addition, we need to be aware that the status and perception of different groups in society can vary greatly.

Although we now advocate equality for all, this idealized state is difficult to achieve in real life. Because each person's origin and individual qualities are different, after receiving the same education and training, they will inevitably reach different heights.

In addition, our country already has a very deep traditional cultural heritage, and in the hearts of some people, from the emperor to the celistanc, all kinds of deep-rooted hierarchical concepts of "three, six, nine, etc." still affect their perception of themselves and others.

These ideas play a very important role in influencing individual development and social stability, and we must attach great importance to them in our daily work.

Financial experts say that the burden on the common people is too heavy to bear, and call for a reduction in the cost of living

Hollow Mouth

Paying attention to people's livelihood and low-income groups has become one of the hottest topics in the current society, and such calls can be heard on various occasions. However, in many cases, these rhetoric are just rhetoric, and there are no practical measures and solutions behind them.

This is like an empty slogan, which can instantly inspire people's deep yearning for fairness and justice, but it cannot be the driving force for social progress. We should not be satisfied with just talking about these slogans, but should do a good job in implementing them in real work.

Only in this way can more people feel the warmth from our slogan and inject a boost into their future development. If we can't even do this basic link, then the so-called concern for people's livelihood is actually an empty word.

The most important thing at the moment is to get more people to find jobs, and not any jobs, but jobs with dignity and income security. If only some relief funds or subsidies are issued, although they can temporarily solve the immediate problems of some people who need money urgently, they will not help them achieve long-term poverty alleviation.

We should not just be satisfied with giving them fish to eat, but should teach them how to fish. Only when they are truly on their feet and have the ability to change their destiny can they really help them get out of the predicament.

Everyone is equal

This seems to be a very idealistic and beautiful state, and it is the direction we are working together to pursue. However, back in real life, we will find that it is not easy to achieve this. Especially in a country with a long history and profound traditional cultural heritage, such as a large country in the East, "369" seems to have taken root.

Whether at school or at work, there are clear differences in identities at all kinds of social events. This shows the seriousness of the current class differentiation and social hierarchy.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, the most important of which is the huge gap in the level of ability between people due to differences in individual qualities and origins. In addition, with the increasing competition in society, more and more people have become accustomed to the idea that they are above others as the most direct way to satisfy their vanity.

If this kind of thinking is not stopped and corrected in a timely manner, no amount of good policies will be introduced in the future, and it will not produce the desired effect. Because everyone already has an independent conjecture problem and a standard for looking at things in their minds, any change under this standard seems very weak.


In the pursuit of equality for all, we need more practical actions than just slogans. Only by truly paying attention to people's livelihood issues and helping low-income groups find dignity and opportunities can we make our society more harmonious and stable. What do you think? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

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