
Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

author:Chen Helm Master


Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?


Let's analyze these three girls from 4 aspects: appearance, academic achievements, employment direction, and netizen evaluation:

First of all, the three girls are all very beautiful, and they are all school flowers, so no one should object to this, right? After all, the school has to continue to work after the students graduate, and let the girls with both beauty and talent come to the stage to give speeches, so as to attract more traffic and add points to their school's enrollment publicity. The essence behind it still can't escape the pursuit and desire of human nature for beauty.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

Number two, all three of them are excellent. Wang You, a 2024 doctoral graduate of the University of Science and Technology Beijing, netizens called her the "Iron Girl". At the graduation ceremony, the deputy secretary of the party committee of the school held an umbrella for him, and Wang You paused, held back tears and continued his impassioned speech.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

Wang You's 9 years of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees have not been wasted, and he has developed a new type of silicon-containing ODS steel, an advanced fourth-generation nuclear reactor fuel cladding material. And set up a scientific research company to transform scientific research achievements, and the products are now exported to the United Kingdom, Germany, Romania. He was already a CEO before he graduated with a Ph.D. degree. And in July, Wang You will join the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Institute of and continue to work in the field of research and development of nuclear fuel materials.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

Li Yifei of Xi'an Jiaotong University is a representative of outstanding graduates, outstanding graduate students, and also has a number of honors. Li Yifei said that together with his colleagues, he proposed a new concept of nuclear fusion reactor cladding design. He also said that the research results have promoted the mainland's nuclear energy transformation cause to take a small step forward, and his achievements have been recognized by the industry.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University and Li Yifei of Xi'an Jiaotong University are both interdisprogenous, and Yang Jinwen is a foreign language major in Zhejiang University. Later, he crossed the line to apply for the law major of the University of California in the United States, and he was also a proper student.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

Point 3, the three people currently have very different reputations on the Internet!

Wang You of the University of Science and Technology Beijing has a very high evaluation on the Internet, because she developed advanced fourth-generation nuclear reactor fuel cladding materials, and turned the research results into products that are exported overseas, earning foreign exchange for the country, and she did not choose to go abroad after graduation.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

The other two are currently caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, Li Yifei was ridiculed by netizens as an "academic Daji", and he has not come out to make a positive response to this day. Yang Jinwen was ridiculed by netizens for "inconsistent hearts"

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

I think there are probably 3 reasons why Li Yifei is silent. First, I can't explain how I was admitted to the Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics Laboratory of the School of Kinetic Energy of Xi'an Jiaotong University? Second, I can't explain how I was able to successfully complete my graduate studies and graduate from the Laboratory of Computational Physics for Nuclear Engineering. The third point is that I can't explain how I successfully entered the public institution?

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

Because the so-called rooting in the frontier during his speech is that after graduation, he successfully entered the Northwest Nuclear Safety Bureau, which is a public institution and works in the urban area of Xi'an. In addition, there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that the research group she is currently in has exploded, and the research results made by his mentor and the cows and horses have been given to her, and it is even said that there is an unclear relationship between her and her mentor. Is he married? I don't know, it is rumored that his husband is the director of so-and-so.

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?

And Yang Jinwen's heart is different, which is also the point of everyone's complaints. Netizens joked that when they spoke on stage, they said: I love my country, and my country needs me. As a result, I applied to the graduate school of law at the University of California, Berkeley. Netizens jokingly said: It's still so fragrant in Berkeley, California!

Wang You, Li Yifei, Yang Jinwen, who is the real representative of outstanding graduates?


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