
As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

author:Mita Omura

Introduction: As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

Tomorrow is the twenty-seventh day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, July 2nd, the second day of July, this day is also the last day of the "Nine Poisons Day", so the ancients will also pay attention to some things, hoping to be able to spend it smoothly, the old saying: the old saying "May is afraid of the twenty-seventh", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said, let's see what is important about this day, and whether it makes sense!

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

Tomorrow, July 2, the twenty-seventh day of the fifth lunar month:

Tomorrow's sexagenary time is: Jiachen year Gengwu month Ding Mao day.

The 12th day of the summer solstice solar term is also the second day of entering the "Sanhou Half Summer Birth", and it will immediately usher in the small summer solar term. At this time, the southern region is still in the rainy season, and there are often heavy rains coming, but they come and go quickly, but for the sake of health, it is best to bring an umbrella when traveling.

In traditional culture, this day is also the "closing day" in the twelve constructions, and there are some sayings.

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

What is "Closing Day"?

The ancients looked at the days with 12 constructions, which were: building, dividing, full, leveling, fixed, persistent, broken, dangerous, successful, harvesting, opening and closing.

And the closing day is one of them, the ancients judged that these 12 days also have a basis, left: "Build a full flat to collect black, except for the danger and the yellow; It can be used when it is opened, but it is not appropriate to close it. "This mantra.

Let's take this to see that the harvest belongs to the "black", that is, the "underworld day", and many things are not suitable for doing on this day, especially festive things.

"Some lives and some springs, some harvest and some poverty." Judging from the meaning of the word, it actually means "harvest", but if you want to harvest, you still have to pay more, so there will be more attention on this day. We'd better take a look ahead to avoid committing taboos because of ignorance!

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to the old man! Here comes the answer!

May twenty-seven afraid to travel

May 27 is the "closing day", and it is not recommended to travel. This day is the last day of the "Nine Poisons Day", also known as the "Heaven and Earth Friendship Day".

The Nine Poison Days are more depleting of people's spirits, and the Five Poison Months coincide with the Nine Poison Days, adding poison to poison. It is easy for people to feel unwell and even have some symptoms.

"Jing Chu Years Chronicles" mentions: "May is commonly known as the evil month, and it is forbidden to do so. It can be seen that in ancient times, there was a lot of attention to poisonous moons and poisonous days. It is actually not suitable to travel on this day, so as not to have physical problems during the trip, and the best thing to do is to stay at home and raise yang.

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

Travel represents the beginning of things, and it is still in the beginning of exploration, while the closing day means that things are over, so from the traditional point of view, it is not a suitable day.

In modern society, although we don't believe in these things, it also reminds us that we had better be cautious and put health and safety first, not rashly!

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

May twenty-seven is afraid of sexual intercourse

May 27 is the "closing day", afraid of sexual affairs. The ancients also looked at the day when they had sex, and generally did not choose the "underworld day", and this day also happened to be the "Nine Poisons Day", which was even more unsuitable.

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, yin and yang fight, death and life are divided. Yang energy is extremely strong, and it is easy for men and women to be together to lead to excessive yang energy, hurting yin and depleting qi. Especially at noon on the day of the Nine Poisons (11 o'clock to 13 o'clock), the yang energy is more abundant, so I generally avoid sexual intercourse and hope to be healthy!

It is mentioned in the "Jingyue Quanshu": "When the meeting is planted...... However, the day is clear, the wind and the moon are bright, the time is peaceful, and the mood is peaceful, and the spirit is leisurely, then it will stop at will, and everyone can distinguish it without waiting for choice. Yu Sidezi is not only a young disease, but also a wise and virtuous person." The timing of a good round house should pay attention to the right time, place and people, and conform to the laws of nature, so that people can be harmonious and happy.

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

In the current society, although various health care products emerge in an endless stream and medical technology is developed, many people do not cherish their bodies and act willfully, resulting in worse and worse health.

So this is also a reminder to us that no matter when, we must be in awe of nature, maintain our health according to the laws of nature, and take care of our bodies, after all, "it is difficult to buy good health"!

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

May twenty-seven is afraid of shaving his head

May 27 is the "closing day", which is not suitable for shaving the head. Jiachen year Gengwu month Ding Mao day. In the eyes of the ancients, it was "if you don't shave your head, you will get sores", so it is not recommended to shave your head on this day.

The ancients attached great importance to hair, "the body is the skin, and the parents are the recipients". thinks that hair is given by parents, so casual shaving of the head is a sign of filial piety, and generally chooses a good day, and on the "underworld day", it is not necessary to shave the head.

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

In fact, this day is the day of poison and poison, the yang energy is quite strong, shaving the head and cutting the hair is not recommended, after all, the hair is connected with the qi and blood, in the eyes of the ancients, this is the behavior of depleting essence, which is not conducive to physical health, and it is easier to consume one's own yang energy.

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

In addition to the "3 fears" mentioned above, on this day, we also have "1 fear", that is, it does not rain. This is related to the agricultural proverbs left by the ancients, let's see what it says, whether it makes sense!

First, there is no rain and drought in the twenty-seventh year, and the five grains are not harvested, and the people are worried about it

If there is no rain on the 27th day of the fifth lunar month, then the signs of drought will appear, and the harvest may fail, and farmers will be worried.

2. On the twenty-seventh day of May, the rain was pouring down, and the fields were full of water in the small summer and big summer

If heavy rain falls on the 27th day of the fifth lunar month, it is predicted that by the time of the light and big heat, there will be plenty of rain in the fields to provide enough water for the crops.

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

We can see from these two agricultural proverbs: if there is no rain on May 27, it may indicate that there will be a drier and less rain in the future, which will have an impact on the growth of crops; And if it rains on this day, then the rain will be more abundant when the summer is small, and this time is usually in the dog days stage, which means that there is more rain on dog days.

If the water is cut off, it is not conducive to the formation of effective tillering and the differentiation of young ears, and the summer maize may be stuck in the neck drought resulting in a serious reduction in yield. So if there is enough rain in the small summer and big summer, then the farmers may have a good harvest this year!

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said

Summary: As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Do you think that makes sense?

Tomorrow is the twenty-seventh day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, see here, presumably everyone understands it clearly, tomorrow is more exquisite, some are also very practical, after all, when it comes to health, what do you think?

In fact, we should look at these traditions left by the ancients correctly, not only to see the merits in them, but also to realize that some are not in line with the development of modern society, do you think what I said is reasonable?

As the old saying goes, "May is afraid of twenty-seven", tomorrow May 27, what are you afraid of? Listen to what the old man said