
Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

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Copywriting丨Xiao Er

Editor丨Xiao Er

Zhang Yingying has been gone for 7 years, and her relatives are in different statuses.

Zhang's father brought the goods live, Zhang's mother was still immersed in sadness, and her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin took over Zhang Yingying to volunteer to teach.

Hou Xiaolin and Zhang Yingying have been in love for 8 years, they are top students of Peking University, and they should have a bright future after graduating with a doctorate, but they changed their career path because of their girlfriend.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

Regarding Hou Xiaolin, who has always been single and unmarried, whether he should get married and have children, netizens have a lot of discussions.

Some people hope that he will be happy, some people think that he should not be held too high to avoid cyberbullying in the future, and some people think that he should let go of the past and have his own life.

Since Zhang Yingying's tragic murder in the United States, her parents have been in the public spotlight.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

They experienced great grief and trauma from the loss of their daughter, but instead of sinking, they chose to stand up strong and courageously to speak out for justice and the safety of international students.

Their actions have not only won global attention and support, but also triggered deep thinking about the safety of international students.

Zhang Yingying, an ordinary and outstanding Chinese student, embarked on the road of studying in the United States with a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future.

The trick of fate caused her to encounter misfortune in a foreign land.

When the news of her disappearance came, her parents did not hesitate to fly to the United States, hoping to find their daughter.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

When hope is disappointed again and again, when the cruel reality is in front of them, they have to face the fact that their daughter has been killed.

Seven years have passed, and Zhang Yingying's relatives have faced the tragedy in different ways.

Zhang's father chose to bring goods through live broadcasting, hoping to bring some financial support to the family through his own efforts.

He knew that he could not indulge in grief and could not extricate himself, but that he would honor his daughter with actions and keep her spirit alive.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

And Zhang's mother was immersed in sadness, she couldn't forget the daughter who was once lively and cheerful and full of dreams.

She often recalls the time she spent with her daughter, and those warm images have become an eternal pain in her heart.

From Zhang Yingying's disappearance to the confirmation of her murder, her parents experienced a long wait and suffering.

They insisted on staying in the United States, working closely with the police and appealing to the public for clues through social media.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

They hope that through their own efforts, their daughter's case will receive more attention and support.

In the end, when the news of Zhang Yingying's murder came, the pain in their hearts could not be described in words.

But they did not give up, but chose to continue to speak out for justice and advocate for the safety of international students.

During the judicial proceedings, Zhang Yingying's parents gave a touching testimony.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

They told the story of their daughter's life and expressed their thoughts and pain.

They hope that through their voices, more people will understand what happened to their daughter and pay attention to the safety of international students.

Their testimony not only touched the judge and jury, but also countless netizens.

People have expressed their support for their actions to speak out for justice and contribute to the safety of international students.

In addition to Zhang Yingying's parents, her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin has also become the focus of public attention.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

He and Zhang Yingying have been in love for eight years, and they should have a bright future and a happy future.

The murder of his girlfriend changed his life dramatically.

He chose to volunteer to teach and pass on his love and care to more children.

He used his actions to commemorate Zhang Yingying, and at the same time contributed his own strength to the safety of international students.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

His longing for Zhang Yingying is touching, and his love story has also become the focus of attention.

As time passed, people began to pay attention to Hou Xiaolin's future.

Many people hope that he will be able to come out of the shadows and find his own happiness.

They hope that he can get married, have children, and live an ordinary and happy life.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

He was also reminded not to be held back by high expectations to avoid online violence in the future.

They want him to let go of his past and have his own life.

People have different views and expectations for Hou Xiaolin's future.

But in any case, we should respect his choices and decisions.

He commemorated Zhang Yingying in his own way, and also contributed to the safety of international students with his own actions.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

His story makes us more aware of the importance of the safety of international students, and also makes us cherish the people and things around us more.

Zhang Yingying's parents and Hou Xiaolin's strength and courage made us feel admired and moved.

They used their actions to speak out for justice and the safety of international students, allowing us to see the brilliance and strength of humanity.

We should remember their dedication and belief and provide a safer environment and security for international students.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

We should also pay attention to the safety issues around us and improve our security awareness and prevention capabilities.

Only in this way can we create a safer and more harmonious society together.

Over time, the strength and bravery of Zhang Yingying's parents have not only touched countless people, but also inspired reflection and action from all walks of life.

Their deeds have been widely reported, sparking an in-depth public discussion on the safety of international students.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

More and more people are beginning to realize that international students face many unknown risks and challenges in the process of studying abroad, and they need more attention and protection.

Under the influence of Zhang Yingying's parents, many families of international students began to pay attention to their children's safety education and improved their awareness of self-protection.

Some social organizations and institutions have also begun to pay attention to the safety of international students and actively provide relevant services and support.

They organize lectures, trainings and other activities to impart safety knowledge and skills to international students and help them better adapt to life abroad.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

In addition to families and social organizations, the government is also actively taking measures to strengthen the safety and security of international students.

They have strengthened cooperation with overseas police, established a safety early warning mechanism for international students, and issued safety information and tips in a timely manner.

The government has also stepped up efforts to protect the rights and interests of international students and provided them with more comprehensive and effective legal aid.

The deeds of Zhang Yingying's parents have also attracted the attention of the international community.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

Many countries and organizations have expressed their concern for the safety of international students and strengthened international cooperation and exchanges.

They discussed the root causes and solutions of international students' safety problems, and provided a safer and friendlier learning and living environment for international students.

In the face of the bravery and strength of Zhang Yingying's parents, we can't help but reflect on ourselves.

Distressed! Zhang Yingying left her boyfriend Hou Xiaolin for 7 years, should she get married and have children? Netizens commented on the fryer

As a member of society, how should we pay attention to and support the international student community?

As parents, how can we educate our children so that they can be safer and more confident in their overseas studies?

As international students, how should we improve our security awareness and prevention capabilities?

The story of Zhang Yingying's parents is not only a family tragedy, but also a call and alert to society.

Let's work together to provide a safer and more harmonious environment for international students, so that they can pursue their dreams with peace of mind and peace of mind while studying abroad.

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