
A heads-up for unmarried girls

author:Wind Pavilion

Look at our surroundings, not only are there more older leftover women, but there are actually a lot of divorced people, which is really impressive. Although many people's concept of marriage has changed, there are some things that should be retained.

Here's a heads-up for unmarried girls!

A heads-up for unmarried girls

Try not to get a tattoo, especially if it is more obvious in a large area, it is better not to have it.

It's not that there is a bias against tattoos, and it's not that tattoos are bad for the body. But there is one problem that we cannot ignore, perhaps many young people are now more and more open-minded, not as conservative as before, and more tolerant of many things. But there are many older generations who are quite conservative and less receptive to new things.

In many people's minds, there is such a concept that "tattoos are not necessarily bad girls, all good girls will hardly get tattoos", which leads to many people marrying daughters-in-law and are reluctant to look for the kind of tattoos. Even if the boy has no opinion, the boy's parents, who are the future parents-in-law, may not be able to accept it.

Although getting a tattoo is not a bad thing, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles in the future, I sincerely advise girls who are not married to get a tattoo.

A heads-up for unmarried girls

Don't think that the more you ask for the bride price, the more you will be respected by the man after you marry in the future.

The best thing to do about the bride price is not to have it at all, but not to ask for too much. It's appropriate to ask for a little, a few thousand or tens of thousands, just take a form.

Because if you don't want a bride price at all, some people may think that this girl is cheaper, and even some people who don't know how to be grateful think that they are very capable of marrying a daughter-in-law without a bride price. Therefore, the bride price should be asked, but it must not be too much.

There is a saying that things must be reversed, which does not mean that the more the bride price is wanted, the more respect the man will be able to get if you marry in the future. In fact, the more you want, the easier it is to be hated by the man, and asking for a bride price and asking for an attitude are two completely different things, and you must distinguish clearly. If the man doesn't have so much money and has to ask for such a high bride price, generally speaking, not only the boy, but even the man's parents will be more or less resentful in their hearts.

A heads-up for unmarried girls

If you live together unmarried and break up one day, it is not much different from divorce, but there is only one less certificate.

Nowadays, there are really a lot of young couples living together, of course, if you are rushing to get married, live together for a period of time before getting married, and get to know each other thoroughly, which is also a good thing. However, if you don't plan to get married and are just in love, then don't live together easily.

After all, once you live together, it means that two people live together, and basically the things that should be done, the things that should not be done, the things that can be done, and the things that cannot be done, may all be experienced.

This also means that if you have been living together for a long time, in case you break up one day, it doesn't seem to be much different from a divorced second marriage. It's just that from a legal point of view, it's just that one certificate is missing. But as long as you have lived together a lot of things, you have experienced it, so if you plan to get married, you can live together, but if you are just in love, and you don't plan to get married for the time being, it is really not recommended to live together, in case you get pregnant unexpectedly, it is quite passive.

A heads-up for unmarried girls

Don't easily meddle in other people's marriages, that is, you can't become a third party in other people's families.

The so-called true love exists between two single people of the opposite sex, between a married person and an unmarried person, there is no so-called true love at all, don't be fooled by sweet words.

Generally speaking, as long as you become a third party, there is a high probability that there will be no good results except for destroying someone else's marriage. Don't fantasize that this man will divorce and remarry this third party.

From a rational point of view, many men will also clearly know that no matter how bad their marriage is, even if there is a third party outside, there is a high probability that they will not divorce, because once divorced, men will lose a lot. And as a third party, generally speaking, he is also a person who has no bottom line, and usually dares to easily intervene in other people's marriages, and what man dares to marry such a person?

A heads-up for unmarried girls

Marriage is the icing on the cake, not a charcoal in the snow, if your own conditions are very ordinary, don't fantasize every day to find a good condition, now live a rich life.

It's understandable to want to find someone with better conditions, but you also have to look at your own conditions. If your own conditions are very poor, it is simply unrealistic to find a man with good conditions. From a man's point of view, people have such good conditions, why should they look at women with such poor conditions?

So a real marriage should be, you're good, but I'm not bad. It's not that I'm bad, but I'm sure I can find a good one, so it's not realistic.