
Once the war starts, the common people should keep these things in mind

author:Wind Pavilion

Domestic peace does not mean that the world is peaceful, after all, there are many countries abroad that are at war. We don't cause trouble, but that doesn't mean that others won't trouble us, after all, if we fall behind, we will be beaten, so war may not be very far away from us.

If the war starts, we ordinary people must keep these things in mind!

Once the war starts, the common people should keep these things in mind

There is a word called "inner ghost", and it is not only the aggressors who are considered enemies, but also those who cause chaos in the country.

I'm sure you've all heard of the phrase "If you are fighting outside, you must first settle inside", which roughly means that when defending against external enemies, you must first solve internal problems. As for what kind of question it is, it has been understood differently in different times and in different countries. But on the whole, it is important to defend against external enemies, but it is also important to solve one's own problems.

It's like if we want to go to work, to work, to earn more money, then we must have a healthy body first. If your body is already uncomfortable, how can you earn more money? So it's the same thing.

In addition, if we solve our own problems, we will be more united, and how strong the power of unity is, we can see when we look back at the Second World War, when we were still quite backward, but in the end we still won the battle, which is enough to show how important the importance of unity is.

Once the war starts, the common people should keep these things in mind

In times of war, some knowledge of "life-saving" has to be understood.

If we look at the countries that have been at war abroad, and look at the ordinary people who have become victims of the war because of the war, their lives are really difficult. In that difficult state now, in order to live better, some very important knowledge is indeed necessary to understand.

Generally speaking, in the event of a war, the materials that need to be prepared are probably as follows:

  1. What is eaten and drunk is also food.
  2. Of course, it's summer, so you don't need to keep warm, but if it's winter, thick clothes are important. After all, if the weather is very cold, you may catch a cold overnight, and it is difficult to buy cold medicine in that state.
  3. Cash gold, because if the mobile phone is out of battery or out of network, there is no way to scan the code to pay for things.
  4. Masks are mainly used to prevent infection by bacteria and viruses.
  5. Cold medicines, pain relievers, hemostatic medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, fever reducers, etc.
Once the war starts, the common people should keep these things in mind

Do you want to go to war or not? Who will go to war?

I think the most important thing is to obey the arrangements of the state, and whoever the state arranges to go will go, and when the arrangement is arranged, you will go. At this time, try not to make your own decisions, because then you are afraid that your good intentions will help you and cause chaos to the country.

Fighting a war is generally a military business, and unless the situation is relatively bad or there is a shortage of people, there is generally no need for ordinary people to go up. After all, ordinary people have not been trained, and even if they have weapons, it is really difficult to say whether they can defeat the enemy. After all, we ordinary people have not experienced this kind of thing, and in the face of this kind of life-and-death moment, we may be more nervous and may be more afraid. Of course, there are some people who will be braver and more needless to sacrifice.

However, this is only one aspect, and more importantly, if a person who has not undergone much training is captured, he may not be able to withstand the coercion and temptation of the other party. In this case, some important information may be revealed to the other party.

Once the war starts, the common people should keep these things in mind

If we were just an ordinary person, many of us would be concerned about where would be safer? In fact, it is safe in the city and safe in the countryside, but it is not safe on the way.

In big cities, if there is a war, it is generally shelling, and if it is really going to be face-to-face, it is basically street fighting. Of course, there are generally some underground shelters in big cities, and if we are just an ordinary person, then it is relatively safe to go to underground shelters.

In rural areas, in fact, the countryside also has the advantage of the countryside, because the countryside has melons, fruits and vegetables, and all kinds of food, and generally speaking, it can be self-sufficient, and some villages are still dependent on the mountains, and if you go into the mountains, you can generally avoid the enemy. After all, it is impossible for many enemies to spend such a large amount of financial and material resources just to deal with a few ordinary people.

In this comparison, it is not so safe on the way, because there is no shop in front of the village, and if the vehicle is destroyed, it is really a bit troublesome in a place where people are not familiar with life. Therefore, if there is a war, try not to run around, and try to stay where you normally live.

Once the war starts, the common people should keep these things in mind

Peace is important, but don't think that war is necessarily a bad thing.

I believe you also understand the truth of fighting with one punch, lest a hundred punches come. One of the reasons why we are so peaceful now is because we have won the war before, so it does not mean that if there is a war, it must be a bad thing, because if we are afraid of the enemy, the enemy will not come over so easily to do things, and we will most likely be more peaceful.

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