
Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following seven phenomena may appear in rural areas

author:Wind Pavilion

Compared with the past, the countryside has already undergone earth-shaking changes. Some villages are becoming more and more beautiful, while others are gradually becoming hollow villages and becoming more and more lonely. In another 10 years, the changes in the countryside will be even greater.

Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following 7 phenomena may appear in rural areas!

Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following seven phenomena may appear in rural areas

Whether it is a young college student, a middle-aged person, or a middle-aged or elderly person, the number of people who plan to return to the countryside for development may gradually increase.

Big cities can attract people, but they can't attract everyone. Not everyone is so yearning for big cities, and the countryside also needs development, and the countryside also needs people.

Some people may be more puzzled, why do you go back to the countryside to guard the income of one acre and three points of land? Although most people still yearn for big cities, it doesn't mean that everyone wants to work hard in the city.

Some people work hard in the city, and they have to be moonlight clansmen every month, and they can't save a few dollars at all. Some people have been laid off in the city, can't find the job they want, and so on. Big cities are good, but big cities also have the pressure of big cities. In contrast, it is natural that some people will begin to prefer to return to the countryside for development, after all, although the income in the countryside is lower, the expenses will be less, so that the pressure will not be too great.

Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following seven phenomena may appear in rural areas

There will be fewer and fewer patriarchal favorites, and some people will even begin to sigh why they gave birth to boys instead of daughters?

For the older generation, there are many people who have a patriarchal attitude, especially in rural areas, and this concept seems to be a little more obvious. In the past, family planning was implemented, and everyone was not allowed to have more children, and many neighbors in the village would desperately give birth because they did not give birth to a boy because of their first child, even if they were fined for overbirth, they just wanted to give birth to a boy.

The preference for sons over women has gradually decreased, and in another 10 years, this perception should gradually disappear. After all, for so many years, we have continued to pay attention to equality between men and women, and it is not easy for boys to find a wife nowadays, especially if the conditions are relatively poor.

According to this situation, in another 10 years, some people may regret why they gave birth to a boy instead of a daughter? After all, I don't have any money, and it's really difficult for my children to marry a wife.

Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following seven phenomena may appear in rural areas

There are fewer and fewer dirt roads in the village.

In recent years, many villages have been constantly building, although there are not many people left in the countryside, but many villages are indeed more and more beautiful, even if it rains, it will not be as muddy everywhere as before, and there are many villages with hardened roads, that is, cement roads are leading to the doorstep. Therefore, if it is another 10 years, even some relatively remote villages should be paved with cement roads.

There may be an increasing number of boys in rural families who are unable to marry a daughter-in-law.

Now there are many older singles in rural areas who are difficult to marry a daughter-in-law, of course, not only the older ones, even if they are only in their 20s, in fact, it is indeed not easy for many young men in their 20s in rural families to find a girlfriend, let alone get married. In a few years, these young men who can't find a girlfriend may gradually become older leftover men. If the marriage requirements for girls continue to be so high, it will really affect the birth rate in the mainland.

Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following seven phenomena may appear in rural areas

There should be more villages facing demolition, that is, merging villages and towns.

At present, some places are already merging villages and towns, but only some areas, not all areas. However, if you look at the current situation, there should be more and more hollow villages in the future. So these hollow villages, which are gradually increasing, if there are few people in a village at all, then basically they will not be able to avoid the fate of merging villages and towns.

More rural children will follow their parents to study in the cities.

Nowadays, some young people would rather take such a high mortgage and take out a loan to buy a house in the city, one of the important reasons is that they also want their children to go to school in this neighborhood more conveniently. As long as their parents live in the city, many people still want to bring their children to live in the city and go to school in the city, but they don't want their children to remain in the countryside and become left-behind children. After all, it is always good to be able to let your children grow up next to their parents, if you stay in your rural hometown and let your grandparents take them, some children will grow up, and grandparents will not be able to control them, for fear that the children will easily become bad.

Some people predict that in another 10 years, the following seven phenomena may appear in rural areas

In the future, neighbors who build houses in the countryside should not be so comparable.

In the past, as long as many people built houses in rural areas, they basically built two-storey buildings, three-story buildings, and even four-story buildings. I think that if the cover is too low and too short, it will not look good, and it will not be faceless.

But slowly, as everyone lives more and more transparently, many people also begin to realize that some money is really not necessary to spend, so the person who builds a house in the future may not build a house so big, and they don't want to spend so much money on the house.