
Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

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Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years
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Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

In the midsummer of 2022, a special program of CCTV "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" attracted the attention of countless audiences. In the camera, a silver-haired but energetic old man is telling the story as a narrator.

She is the famous actor Tian Hua, who is about to celebrate his 94th birthday. However, what is less known is that this seemingly strong old man has experienced the most difficult times of his life in recent years.

In just five years, she lost four of her loved ones and depleted her life savings. In the face of such a heavy blow, Tian Hua did not succumb to fate. She chose to return to work, interpreting the tenacity and resilience of life with practical actions, and continued to shine on the screen.

In August 1928, Nanfangshui Village, Tangshan City, Hebei Province ushered in a special life, she was Tian Hua, formerly known as Liu Tianhua. Tian Hua was in poverty in his childhood, but the turning point of fate came quietly inadvertently.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

The young Tian Hua took on the burden of the family early. Pushing mills, carrying water, collecting firewood, and digging wild vegetables have become a portrayal of her daily life.

Whenever spring came, when there was a shortage of food, she had to look around for poplars, willows, elms, and leaves to satisfy her hunger, and then hand them over to her mother to make simple meals.

On moonlit nights, she often snuggled quietly beside her mother, skillfully winding the cotton thread while softly singing a sad ballad.

In the summer of 1940, the god of fate extended an olive branch to Tian Hua. The Anti-Enemy Drama Troupe of the Political Department of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region came to the nearby Gucheng Village for a tour, and this special "troupe" completely changed the trajectory of Tian Hua's life.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

Twelve-year-old Tian Hua was deeply attracted by this art group full of revolutionary enthusiasm and had the idea of joining the army. With the support of her father, she resolutely joined the Army Drama Club and started her revolutionary literary career.

In the army, Tian Hua was like a fish in water, showing extraordinary artistic talent. She quickly mastered her singing and dancing skills and made her mark in numerous plays. However, the real test has only just begun.

In 1944, at the age of 16, Tian Hua honorably joined the Communist Party of China and devoted himself to the magnificent revolutionary cause.

In that thrilling war of liberation, Tian Hua always accompanied the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army to the forefront of the battlefield in North China. In the rain of bullets, she not only bravely participated in the battlefield rescue work, but also used her loud singing voice to boost morale.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

During the arduous march, she used the power of art to bring wonderful performances to the brave and fearless soldiers, showing extraordinary leadership skills and perseverance.

From a little girl in a poor mountain village to a literary and artistic soldier full of revolutionary enthusiasm, Tian Hua's growth process reflects the epitome of an era. Her experience not only shaped her strong character, but also laid a solid foundation for her future achievements in the art path.

1949 was an important turning point in his life for 21-year-old Tian Hua. That year, the Northeast Film Studio was preparing to put the opera "The White-Haired Girl" on the screen.

In the nationwide casting process, Tian Hua finally stood out with his unique temperament and strong local flavor and got a valuable opportunity to play the role of "Xi'er".

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

In order to better interpret the role, Tian Hua resolutely decided to go deep into life. She traveled to the countryside in Pingshan County, Hebei Province, and lived and ate with a peasant girl of a similar age.

There, she experienced the real life of the countryside: working in the fields, pushing grinding discs, and picking wild vegetables. This experience not only brought Tian Hua closer to the role, but also laid a solid foundation for her future performances.

During the filming process, Tian Hua received careful guidance from Chen Qiang and Li Million, who are also the leading actors. She threw herself into the role, trying to create an artistic image of an oppressed and bullied artist, but ultimately a struggle to win happiness.

Tian Hua's professionalism and outstanding performance have won unanimous praise from the crew members.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

After the release of "The White-Haired Girl", it immediately caused a sensation. The film has not only been widely praised in China, but has also made its mark on the international stage. In 1951, "The White-Haired Girl" won a special honor award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, which was an important breakthrough for Chinese films on the international stage.

In 1955, "The White-Haired Girl" was once again affirmed and awarded the first prize for excellent films by the Ministry of Culture of the Central Committee. As the lead actor of the film, Tian Hua himself also won a gold medal for his outstanding performance.

These honors are not only an affirmation of Tian Hua's personal artistic achievements, but also mark the establishment of her status in the film industry.

The success of "The White-Haired Girl" opened a new chapter in Tian Hua's acting career. Her performance has been widely recognized by industry insiders and audiences, and the role of "Xi'er" has become one of the masterpieces of her acting career.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

This film is not only a turning point in Tian Hua's personal artistic career, but also an important milestone in the history of Chinese film development.

Through "The White-Haired Girl", Tian Hua showed her profound acting skills and deep understanding of the role. She successfully integrated her life experience into the role, bringing the character of "Xi'er" to life and touching the hearts of countless audiences.

This experience also strengthened Tian Hua's determination to continue to move forward on the road of art, and laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

While Tian Hua's career was thriving, her love story also quietly unfolded. Her husband, Su Fan, is a talented stage designer. The two met in the Jinchaji "Anti-Enemy Drama Society", and when they first met, Su Fan took the initiative to take on the important task of teaching Tianhua to read and write.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

In getting along day and night, the seeds of love quietly sprout.

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. At that time, in order to ensure that the work was not disturbed, the military region promulgated strict discipline: cadres at all levels were forbidden to go to the drama club to find a partner, and at the same time, it was strictly forbidden for the young soldiers of the drama club to fall in love prematurely.

Faced with such regulations, Tian Hua and Su Fan could only choose to fall in love secretly.

Despite this, their relationship was discovered, and they were even punished for this and transferred from their original posts. But the lovers did not give up because of this, and their relationship became stronger and stronger in the midst of difficulties.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

After six years of testing, the first love couple finally tied the knot in Beijing on August 4, 1949, Tian Hua's 21st birthday.

However, the joy of the newlywed is soon interrupted by the test of reality. Just when they entered the marriage hall, Su Fan received a difficult task: he had to complete the decoration and stage decoration of Tiananmen Square, the founding ceremony, within 28 days.

For this important task, Su Fan had to leave his newlywed wife at home and stick to her job for more than 20 consecutive days.

After marriage, Tian Hua and Su Fan gave birth to three sons together: the eldest son Yang Xuelei, the second son Yang Xuepei and the younger son Yang Xuehong. Despite the aggravation of family responsibilities, Tian Hua still did not give up his acting career.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

In 1959, she was transferred to work in Bayi Film Studio, and Su Fan joined later, and the husband and wife once again became colleagues fighting side by side.

However, balancing family and career is not an easy task. Tian Hua often needs to go out to film, and he goes for two or three months. During this period, the burden of taking care of the three young children fell on Su Fan.

Not only does he have to go to work normally, but he also has to take care of the daily life of his three children, which is a huge pressure.

Just when Tian Hua's acting career was in full swing, a sudden storm swept in. During the Cultural Revolution, she was labeled as "three highs and three highs", and was immediately sent to a cadre school for labor reform.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

This painful experience has drawn a decade-long blank in her illustrious artistic career.

However, the wheels of fate turned again. In 1978, the opportunity came to Tian Hua again. The famous director Yan Jizhou invited her to play the role of the secretary of the factory party committee in "Hunting No. 99".

Although there are not many roles, Tian Hua is still fully engaged. She firmly said: "As long as the role requires it, I will do my best to play it." "This dedication and love for performance has earned him high praise from his peers.

In 1980, Tian Hua ushered in another peak in his career. She successfully portrayed the image of the female judge Shang Qin in "Inside and Outside the Court". In order to better interpret this role, she studied the law in depth and participated in real court trials many times.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

Her efforts have been richly rewarded, this film not only won the 1980 Outstanding Film Award awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Central Committee, Tian Hua herself also won the Best Actress Award in the third Xiaobaihua Award held by Emei Film Studio.

From the setbacks of the Cultural Revolution to the success of "Inside and Outside the Court", Tian Hua uses his own experience to explain what perseverance is. Her comeback is not only a personal rebirth, but also a common portrayal of the art workers of that era.

With his indomitable spirit and dedication to art, Tian Hua once again proved his strength and contributed to the revival of China's film industry.

Tian Hua's acting career is like a wonderful epic. She has participated in many classic films, such as "The Party's Daughter", "Jiangshan Duojiao", etc., and has created a vivid screen image with her profound life experience and superb acting skills.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also made important contributions to the Chinese film industry. In 1983, Tian Hua was promoted to the head of the actors' troupe of Bayi Film Studio, an appointment that further affirmed her status and contribution to the film industry.

However, just when Tian Hua thought she could enjoy her old age in peace, fate hit her hard again. Since 2008, her youngest daughter-in-law, youngest son, second daughter-in-law and wife Su Fan have been diagnosed with cancer.

In just five years, Tian Hua lost four close relatives and exhausted his savings of more than 3 million yuan. This is an unbearable blow for anyone.

In the face of such a cruel reality, Tian Hua showed admirable strength. Even at the age of 94, she is still active on the screen. On July 1, 2022, she appeared as a narrator in the CCTV special program "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party".

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

In the camera, she is full of silver hair, but she is in good spirits, and she is still the tenacious and admirable woman.

Tian Hua's story is not only an actor's artistic career, but also a microcosm of an era. Her story shows the resilience of a generation in the face of setbacks and hardships.

From a poor girl to a revolutionary literary soldier, from a famous actor to an old man who lost his loved ones, Tian Hua's life has been up and down, but he has always maintained his love for life and the pursuit of art.

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to move forward bravely on the road of life.

Tian Hua married his first love and gave birth to three sons, lost four close relatives one after another, and was still active on the screen in his later years

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