
It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

author:Dream come true


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Do you still remember the once sweet and crooked celebrity couple Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi? This time, the rumors of their marriage change really set off a storm in the entertainment industry.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

According to internal sources, Chen Xiao took the initiative to file for divorce, which is really surprising.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Back then, Chen Xiao was a romantic love saint, and in order to surprise Chen Yanxi, he racked his brains.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

However, after marriage, his romantic cells seem to have died all at once, although he still occasionally gives a small gift or something, but compared to before, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

This change disappointed fans, who accused Chen Yanxi's team of unfairly slandering Chen Xiao.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Chen Yanxi recently recalled in an interview that Chen Xiao used to be an extremely romantic person and often created all kinds of surprises for her.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

But now? Romantic? Don't mention it.

Although the occasional gift can still move her, the outside world has begun to question Chen Xiao's "beloved wife" image.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Despite this, Chen Xiao showed deep love for her family in public, tried to find time to spend with her children, and supported Chen Yanxi's career development.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

It's a pity that some of Chen Yanxi's remarks and friendly interactions with other men have caused a lot of waves on social platforms.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

At the same time, Chen Yanxi's new drama with young actor Zhou Keyu is also about to be released, which can't help but make people wonder if she is hyping up the new drama.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

And Chen Xiao's cooperation with Zhao Liying is also a hot mess, and the chemistry between the two on the screen is simply unstoppable.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Frequent social interactions and interviews give people the false impression that they have developed into a couple of lovers.

Zhao Liying's answer to their relationship in a recent interview was also vague, which is really reminiscent.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

In addition, Zhao Liying's cameo in "The New Version of the Condor Heroes" also made people full of speculation about her relationship with Chen Xiao.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Chen Xiao's public evaluation of Zhao Liying shows that he pays special attention to her, although the two later clarified that this is just hype, but who believes it? In "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Chen Xiao confesses that he identified Chen Yanxi as his future partner when he first met her, and this series of tangled emotional and professional events has made their relationship a hot topic of public discussion.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

On social media, the interaction between Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying is also frequent and dazzling.

Chen Xiao's likes on Zhao Liying's Weibo and Chen Yanxi's likes on Zhao Liying's Weibo about "not being friends with your ex" have left the outside world confused about their relationship.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

But then again, Zhao Liying has started a new career and completely cleared the line with her past relationship.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Speaking of the warm past of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, there is still a small story worth mentioning.

One night in Madrid, Chen Xiao suddenly missed the chicken noodle soup in his hometown, and the next day Chen Yanxi cooked a bowl for him.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

This bowl of chicken noodle soup is not only full of love, but also a beautiful symbol of their relationship.

Chen Xiao shared this happy moment on social media, showing his pragmatic and traditional side.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Unfortunately, all this seems to be a thing of the past.

Chen Xiao once publicly stated that his view of marriage is very traditional, emphasizing family and filial piety.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Even at the peak of his career, he chose to marry Chen Yanxi, who was five years older than him, because he wanted to meet his parents' expectations and take on the responsibility of raising children and preventing old age.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

This view, while traditional, also demonstrates the importance he attaches to family responsibilities.

However, this notion has also sparked controversy, and some have criticized it as too traditional to measure the integrity of a parent's life by the presence or absence of offspring.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Chen Xiao's remarks have also been criticized by some for their feudal overtones, and life seems to revolve too much around parental and family responsibilities.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Although Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi were silent about the marriage rumors, fans exploded.

All kinds of speculation and discussion have been raised, some people say that it is Chen Yanxi's problem, and some people say that Chen Xiao has changed his mind.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

But then again, the married life of celebrity couples is inherently much more complicated than that of ordinary people.

Behind the glamorous and glamorous, there is also unknown bitterness and helplessness.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

Through the continuous development of this series of events, we can't help but sigh: the multifaceted nature of celebrity married life is really dizzying.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

It includes love, responsibility, the collision of tradition and modernity, as well as the public's deep concern and diverse interpretations of these private matters.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

I hope they can handle their emotional problems in a mature and rational way and give fans a clear explanation.

It turns out that Chen Xiao's early remarks were picked up: getting married and having children is filial piety, and premarital examinations are indispensable

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