
He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

author:Little baba gossip

In 1971, at the United Nations General Assembly, a fierce diplomatic game was underway. George H.W. Bush, then US ambassador to the United Nations, was instructed to prevent China from restoring its lawful seat in the United Nations. The tide of history is unstoppable, and China returned to the United Nations with 76 votes in favor, 35 votes against and 17 abstentions. At this moment, President Nixon's hopes were realized, and the reopening of Sino-US relations was possible.

What did Bush Sr. see in this diplomatic battle?

Why did he choose to go to China to become the director of the U.S. Liaison Office in China?

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

George H.W. Bush decided to go to China

In 1974, the political situation in the United States changed dramatically, and the "Watergate scandal" led to the resignation of Nixon and Ford took over as president. As an important member of Nixon's cabinet, Bush Sr. was also deeply affected by the "Watergate scandal." In order to calm public opinion, he was sent abroad as an ambassador. When Ford suggested that George H.W. Bush choose to go to England or France, he made an unexpected decision to go to China. This choice not only changed his personal destiny, but also profoundly affected the direction of Sino-US relations.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

Bush Sr.'s love for China began when he first set foot on this mysterious land of the East. At the end of 1974, he was appointed director of the U.S. Liaison Office in China and traveled to Beijing with his wife, Barbara. During their thirteen months in Beijing, Bush Sr. was keen to explore Chinese culture and cuisine, especially Peking duck, which became his must-try delicacy every time. In order to better integrate into Chinese society, Bush Sr. also insisted on learning Chinese, and every morning, he would ride his bicycle through the streets of Beijing and mingle with ordinary citizens.

During his days in Beijing, the elder Bush was not only a diplomat, but more like an ordinary foreign resident. The couple often went to the suburbs on weekends for picnics or visited places of interest such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. The elder Bush deeply admired the friendship and warmth of the Chinese people, and every time he smiled and shook hands, he narrowed the distance between the Chinese and American peoples.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

During his time in China, Bush Sr. established a deep friendship with Chinese leaders. In particular, the interaction with Deng Xiaoping has become a good story in the history of Sino-US diplomacy. Deng Xiaoping was impressed by the humor and straightforwardness of Bush Sr., calling him an "old friend." It is precisely this sincere and friendly attitude that has enabled the elder Bush to play a unique role in Sino-US diplomacy and has made tremendous contributions to the development of bilateral relations.

Upon his return to the United States, Bush Sr. was appointed director of the CIA. Despite his busy schedule, he remains concerned and friendly to China. He often mentions his good experiences in China in public and actively promotes the further development of Sino-US relations.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

In 1975, President Ford visited China, accompanied by George H.W. Bush, once again demonstrating his important position in Sino-US diplomacy. Subsequently, the elder Bush's political career gradually rose, from director of the CIA to vice president, and then to president, he always maintained a deep affection for China. In 1989, after taking office, George H.W. Bush chose China for his first foreign visit, which fully demonstrated the importance he attached to Sino-US relations.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

As a far-sighted politician, the elder Bush succeeded in weakening the Soviet Union's international influence by courting China. During the oil crisis, he saw the huge potential of the Chinese market and actively promoted Sino-US economic and trade cooperation. His foresight for China's future development has made him an indispensable player in U.S.-China relations.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

Even after leaving office, the elder Bush continued to visit China many times and continued to maintain friendly relations with China. During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, George H.W. Bush came to China again and lamented China's development and progress. In 2009, he was awarded the "Outstanding Friend of China Award" for his outstanding contributions to Sino-US relations, which not only affirmed his lifelong diplomatic achievements, but also reflected the deep affection of the Chinese people for him.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

The elder Bush's life witnessed a tremendous change in Sino-US relations from hostility to cooperation. Every time he visits China and every friendly smile he smiles, it is a testimony to the friendship between China and the United States. With his actions, he proved to the world the importance of friendship and understanding. In today's globalized world, the story of George H.W. Bush is not only a microcosm of Sino-US relations, but also a symbol of world peace and cooperation. As he said, "Friendship is the strongest bridge." "I hope that China and the United States can inherit the legacy of George H.W. Bush and jointly contribute to the prosperity and stability of the world.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

As an experienced statesman, Bush Sr. has demonstrated his wisdom and foresight in Sino-US relations and has also played an important role in other international affairs. During the Cold War, the elder Bush made tremendous contributions to world peace and stability by virtue of his keen insight and outstanding diplomatic skills.

The elder Bush knows very well that there are no eternal enemies in international relations, only eternal interests. His efforts in Sino-US relations are not only aimed at easing tensions between the two countries, but also to find a balance on the international stage and promote the development of the world in a more stable and prosperous direction. It is precisely this far-sighted diplomatic philosophy that has earned him widespread respect and praise in international affairs.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

"Bush Style" in Sino-US Relations

The elder Bush's diplomatic demeanor is not only reflected in his personal friendship and sincerity, but also in his profound understanding and respect for Chinese culture. Every time he visits China, it is more like a diplomatic event, but more like a cultural exchange. With his practical actions, he has shown the world how to enhance understanding and friendship between countries through cultural and interpersonal exchanges.

The "Bush style" of the elder Bush in Sino-US relations is a kind of friendship and respect for China and, more importantly, an openness and tolerance to all countries. This concept of diplomacy is exactly what the world needs today, and true peace and cooperation can only be achieved through mutual understanding and respect.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

The diplomatic wisdom of Bush Sr. has influenced his personal political career and has deeply influenced the entire Bush family. From his son Bush Jr. to his grandson, they have all inherited the diplomatic tradition of Bush Sr. and actively promoted the development of Sino-US relations. During his tenure in office, George W. Bush visited China many times and continued to deepen Sino-US cooperative relations. Their diplomatic efforts have enabled the Bush family to occupy an important position in Sino-US relations.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China


The elder Bush's life is a testimony to the friendship between China and the United States. With his wisdom and actions, he has made tremendous contributions to the improvement and development of relations between the two countries. It is precisely his deep affection and friendly attitude toward China that has made him "the most pro-China president of the United States." The story of George H.W. Bush is not only a microcosm of Sino-US relations, but also a model of world peace and cooperation.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

In today's globalized world, the elder Bush's diplomatic wisdom and ideas are still of great practical significance. It is hoped that China and the United States will continue to inherit the legacy of George H.W. Bush, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, and jointly contribute to the prosperity and stability of the world.

With his actions, the elder Bush demonstrated to the world the power of friendship and understanding. I hope that each and every one of us can draw inspiration from his story and become a promoter of world peace and cooperation. As George H.W. Bush said, "Friendship is the strongest bridge." "Let's work together to build a better and more harmonious world.

He visited China 22 times in his life, was known as the most pro-China president in the United States, and once broke the practice of the White House for China

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