
For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

author:Shanyu chats about the world
For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

In September 2017, a special live broadcast in Hangzhou was underway, attracting the attention of audiences across the country. In front of the camera, 28-year-old Xu Aifei was lying on a hospital bed, her arm densely covered with pinholes, like a beehive.

The young woman is undergoing an unusual medical procedure – donating bone marrow for a 15-year-old boy with leukemia whom she has never met.

The live stream lasted 5 hours and had an astonishing 1 views. 600 million. However, with it comes not only praise, but also skepticism. Some people accused it of being a well-planned performance, suspecting that Xu Aifei was just trying to take advantage of the opportunity to become famous.

In the midst of the controversy, Xu Aifei remained silent. She knew in her heart that it all started with that mysterious phone call three months ago.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Back on her 18th birthday, she made a surprising choice. While her peers were planning a big party, the wealthy daughter walked into a blood donation cart parked on the side of the road alone.

This decision stems from her special family background and upbringing.

Xu Aifei was born into a wealthy family in Hangzhou, and her father was a well-known local entrepreneur. However, contrary to people's stereotypes of rich children, Xu Aifei has shown a distinctive character since she was a child.

She doesn't claim to be a family background, and she doesn't spend extravagantly. On the contrary, she is well-behaved, sensible, kind-hearted, and gets along well with her classmates at school and builds deep friendships.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Whenever the school launches a public welfare activity, whether it is to raise funds for sick children or support poor areas, Xu Aifei is always the first to respond. She was generous and spared no money for her pocket money.

This spirit of selfless dedication has been consistent throughout her academic career.

On her 18th birthday, when Xu Aifei saw the blood donation vehicle on the side of the road, an idea sprung up in her heart: why not donate blood to celebrate her coming-of-age ceremony? The idea came suddenly, but it made sense.

For Hui Aifei, this is a more meaningful way to celebrate and her first step into adulthood.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

With a little nervousness and more expectations, Xu Aifei walked into the blood donation vehicle and completed the first unpaid blood donation in her life. This experience made her deeply aware of the importance of blood donation and the joy of helping others.

Since that day, Xu Aifei has developed the habit of donating blood regularly.

This special 18th birthday gift is not only a gift from Xu Aifei to herself, but also a gift from her to the society. It opened the door for Xu Aifei to participate in public welfare undertakings and laid the foundation for her future road of love.

This seemingly simple decision has invisibly shaped Xu Aifei's values and guided her to become a person who is willing to give.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Xu Aifei's story illustrates that true wealth lies not in material abundance, but in inner abundance. She proved that no matter what their background, everyone can contribute to the world.

One day in 2009, Xu Aifei came to the blood donation station as usual. However, this ordinary blood donation trip made her meet her fate unexpectedly. On the blood donation vehicle, a promotional poster about hematopoietic stem cell donation caught her eye.

Out of curiosity, Xu Aifei asked the medical staff for details. When she learned that this activity was aimed at helping people with leukemia, she was deeply touched. It turns out that with only 10 ml of blood sample left, it is possible to be successfully matched with patients in the future, giving them hope for life.

Xu Aifei did not hesitate at all, and immediately filled out the form, leaving the precious 10 ml blood sample. At that time, she didn't know that this seemingly small decision would change the fate of a strange boy 8 years later.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

With the passage of time, this incident was gradually forgotten by Xu Aifei in the corner of memory. She still maintained the habit of donating blood regularly, and even influenced her mother, and the two joined the ranks of unpaid blood donations.

However, the gears of fate have quietly turned.

Xu Aifei occasionally wonders, what is the probability of bone marrow matching? She learned that even between relatives, the chances of a perfect match were slim to none. But she always held on to a glimmer of hope that one day she could bring hope to the lives of others.

In this way, this seed buried in the bone marrow bank, after many years of silence, finally waited for the time to germinate. Little did Xu Fei know that her act of kindness would save the life of a strange boy in the future and put herself at the center of the public eye.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

This story teaches us that every decision in life, no matter how insignificant it may seem, can have a huge impact at some point in the future. What was a small gesture by Xu Aifei eventually became the link between the lives of two strangers.

In June 2017, a phone call shattered Ms. Xu's peaceful life. The staff of the China Bone Marrow Bank informed her that a 15-year-old boy with leukemia had been successfully matched with her bone marrow.

Xu Aifei agreed to donate almost without hesitation, and her heart was excited, and she finally waited for this opportunity to save people's lives.

However, when she went to the hospital full of anticipation for further examination, she encountered an unexpected difficulty. The doctor told her that she could not do bone marrow donation for the time being because her weight was not up to standard.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

This news was like a basin of cold water poured on Xu Aifei's head, but she did not give up.

Faced with this problem, Xu Aifei's determination was even stronger. She wrote a letter full of affection to the boy she had never met: "If I could, I would like to roll up my sleeves at once and give you all my strength."

This sentence is not only a promise to the boy, but also a spur to himself. Xu Aifei made up her mind to gain weight and must complete this donation.

Over the next three months, Effie Xu embarked on an arduous journey to gain weight. She consumes a large amount of high-fat, high-calorie food every day, forcing herself to eat an amount of food that is usually unimaginable.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

At the same time, in order to avoid simply gaining fat, she also developed a strict exercise program. Every day, Xu Aifei would go on an outdoor bike ride with her friends, and once even challenged a long distance of 20 kilometers.

This period of time was undoubtedly difficult for Xu Aifei. She had to overcome physical discomfort, endure the discomfort of overeating, and insist on high-intensity exercise.

But every time she thinks of the boy who was waiting for help, she has the motivation to keep going.

Finally, after three months of hard work, Xu Aifei's physical condition met the requirements for donation. However, this is just the beginning. In order to donate hematopoietic stem cells, she also needs to receive an injection of a "mobilizer".

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Starting on September 8, Xu Aifei received two injections a day for four consecutive days. Her arm was soon covered with eight clearly visible pinholes, but she laughed and said that her arm looked like a hornet's nest.

Xu Aifei's persistence and dedication are not only for a strange boy, but also for the respect for life and the interpretation of love. She proved with practical actions that as long as there is determination, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

The experience of these three months has given Xu Aifei a deeper understanding of life. She understands that her dedication can change the fate of a family, and this sense of responsibility strengthens her strength.

Xu Aifei's story is not only a story about weight gain, but also a story about love and responsibility, showing the greatness of ordinary people's hearts.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

In September 2017, Xu Aifei came to the hospital as scheduled to prepare for bone marrow donation. However, she made a decision that surprised many: she was going to broadcast the entire donation process live.

This decision stems from her desire to let more people know about bone marrow donation and dispel the public's misconceptions and fears about this public cause.

Early in the morning, the bone marrow collection officially began. The doctor found that Xu Aifei had a serious loss of calcium in her body and immediately injected her with 20 ml of calcium. The collection process was extremely painful, and Xu Aifei felt that her whole body was burning, as if it was about to burn.

She had to stay still and could neither eat nor go to the toilet, which was a huge test for her.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Despite this, Xu Aifei still insisted on live broadcasting. In front of the camera, she is seen pumping blood outward in her left arm and transfusing blood in her right arm to prevent excessive blood loss.

The whole process lasted more than five hours, and finally 198 ml of hematopoietic stem cell suspension was successfully collected.

The live broadcast quickly attracted the attention of the whole network, and the number of views reached an astonishing 1. 600 million. However, the praise is also mixed with skepticism. Some people accuse Xu Aifei of putting on a show to gain attention.

In the face of these voices, Xu Aifei chose to remain silent. She knows that her original intention in choosing live streaming is to encourage more people to join this life-saving cause through her actions.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

As the famous host Bai Yansong said, the essence of this live broadcast is to convey love. Xu Aifei used her practical actions to show the world what true selfless dedication is.

After the live broadcast, Xu Aifei was still active on the Internet, sharing every detail of the scene and expressing her inner feelings. Despite her frailty, she persisted in writing letters to the boy she had never met, affectionately calling him her brother, encouraging him to face his illness bravely, and hoping that one day she would hear him call her "sister".

Xu Aifei's behavior is not only saving a life, but also spreading a spirit, a respect for life, and a transmission of love. In her own way, she explains what true love and devotion are.

This live broadcast made many people re-understand the public welfare of bone marrow donation. It removes people's fears about the donation process and inspires more people to participate in the public welfare.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Xu Aifei's courage and persistence not only changed the fate of a boy, but also affected countless people who watched the live broadcast. Her story has become a symbol of love and hope, inspiring more people to reach out and spread warmth.

Time flies, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye. In 2018, Xu Aifei is still thinking about the boy she has never met. After losing contact, she sought help through Jilin Satellite TV's family-seeking program "Long Time No See", hoping to reconnect with the boy.

With the efforts of the program team, Xu Aifei finally got the news of the boy. Although the operation was successful, the boy had not fully recovered and was unable to attend the show in person. However, the boy recorded a video to express his gratitude to Hui Aifei.

When Xu Aifei saw the thin face of the boy in the video, tears couldn't help but burst into her eyes. The boy affectionately called her "sister", saying that the bond between them even goes beyond the biological parents.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

He promised to protect Xu Aifei when he grew up. This "sister" made Xu Aifei feel that all the efforts were worth it.

Since then, Hui has maintained close contact with the boys, and they get together every festive season. This special fate has made two originally strangers the most important relatives in their lives.

In 2020, Xu Aifei tied the knot with a man who was also enthusiastic about public welfare. After marriage, she is still keen on blood donation and various public welfare undertakings, and her husband also fully supports her choice.

Nowadays, when someone asks Xu Aifei if she regrets the great pain she endured to donate bone marrow to a stranger, she always replied firmly: "I have never regretted it!" This answer is not only an affirmation of one's choice, but also an interpretation of the value of life.

For 17 years, the girl donated bone marrow for free to treat a boy with leukemia, and the boy's words made her burst into tears

Xu Aifei's story shows the greatness of ordinary people's hearts. She proved with practical actions that the power of love can transcend blood and geography and warm each other's hearts.

This love not only saved a life, but also infected countless people, allowing more people to join this team of spreading love and hope.

Effie Hui's experience has become a source of strength to inspire others. Her story teaches us that everyone has the power to make a difference in the lives of others, and that change often starts with a small decision.

Effie Hui uses her actions to illustrate what true love and dedication are, and her story will continue to inspire more people to reach out and spread warmth.

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