
The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

author:Emotional University Hall
The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!
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The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

In an ordinary neighborhood in Jilin Province, a scream pierced the calm night sky. Qu Yan, a 26-year-old security guard, made a life-changing decision at that fateful moment.

He opened his arms and used his body to catch the little girl who fell from the fourth floor, successfully saving a young life. However, this move had unimaginable consequences for him.

Qu Yan could be paralyzed for life due to his injuries, face high medical bills, and even be ruthlessly fired by the company. What's even more chilling is that the family of the rescued girl not only did not express gratitude, but said indifferently: "You are responsible for my daughter's matter!" This shocking story provokes people to think deeply about acts of righteousness and courage.

On that day, Qu Yan patrolled the neighborhood as usual. Suddenly, the captain's hurried voice came from his walkie-talkie, informing him that there was a little girl on the fourth floor of Unit 1 who was playing by the window, and the situation was very dangerous.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Qu Yan's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he immediately rushed towards the place where the incident occurred.

When he arrived at the scene, Qu Yan saw that many people had gathered downstairs, and everyone looked up at the top with nervous expressions. He looked up and gasped—a little girl was wobbling by the window on the fourth floor, ready to fall at any moment.

At this moment, the little girl suddenly lost her balance and fell from the window. There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding crowd, but most froze in place, bewildered.

Qu Yan's reaction was surprisingly fast.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately rushed to the location where the little girl might have landed. In those few short seconds, countless thoughts flashed through Qu Yan's mind: he might be injured, and even his life would be in danger.

But he knew that if he didn't, that little life would disappear before his eyes.

Qu Yan took a deep breath, opened his arms, and used his body as a cushion to greet the little girl who fell from the sky. The moment he stretched out his arms, time seemed to stand still.

The people around them held their breath and stared intently at this thrilling scene.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

With a "bang", the little girl fell heavily into Qu Yan's arms. The huge impact made Qu Yan lose his balance in an instant, and the two fell heavily to the ground together.

Despite this, Qu Yan tried his best to protect the little girl with his body.

The surrounding crowd boiled instantly, and someone immediately called the emergency number. Qu Yan lay on the ground, the pain so severe that he almost lost consciousness. But he tried to stay awake, looked up slightly at the little girl in his arms, and was relieved when he made sure that she was safe.

The ambulance arrived quickly, and paramedics rushed Qu Yan and the little girl to the hospital. At the last moment before losing consciousness, Qu Yan felt a sense of relief in his heart: no matter what, he saved a small life.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

He didn't know what a huge change this decision would bring to his life.

Qu Yan finally opened his eyes after two days in a coma, and he was greeted by the haggard faces of his parents. He tried to speak, but found that his whole body was in sharp pain.

The doctor quickly informed Qu Yan of his injuries: multiple fractures all over his body, and severe damage to his spine. Most heartbreakingly, doctors said he could be permanently paralyzed. The news was like a bolt from the blue, crushing the 26-year-old young man.

Qu Yan was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes hollow, and it was difficult to accept this cruel reality.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Pain is only the beginning of a difficult situation. The high cost of medical care is like a mountain, weighing down this family, which is not wealthy. Qu Yan's parents were ordinary workers with limited savings.

Just two days of hospitalization had depleted all of the family's savings.

What's even more desperate is that Qu Yan's security company chose to fire him after learning that he might not be able to work for a long time. This decision undoubtedly made matters worse, not only cutting off Quyan's financial resources, but also depriving him of medical insurance support.

Qu Yan lay on the hospital bed, recalling his original intention of becoming a security guard. He could have chosen another job, but in order to be able to work close to home and take care of his elderly parents, he resolutely chose this not glamorous career.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Now, instead of continuing to work, he may become a burden to his parents. This thought made Qu Yan painful.

When the pain was unbearable, Qu Yan could only rely on cheap painkillers bought by his father to relieve it. Looking at his parents' thinning figures, his heart was full of guilt and helplessness.

How he wished he could recover soon, get back on his feet, and continue to take care of his parents. But the harsh reality tells him that this wish may never come true.

During this difficult time, Qu Yan often thought of the little girl he rescued. He doesn't regret his decision, but deep down he inevitably has a trace of bitterness.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

He saves a stranger's child, but may lose the ability to care for his parents forever.

Whenever in the dead of night and the pain was unbearable, Qu Yan would cry silently. He didn't want his parents to see his fragile side, but the fear and despair in his heart came like a tidal wave.

What does the future hold? How will he face the rest of his life? These questions haunted the young hero day and night like nightmares.

Still, Qu Yan struggled to keep hope. He believes that as long as you persevere, there will always be a turnaround. However, he did not yet know that an even bigger blow was waiting for him.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Qu Yan's story quickly attracted media attention. Journalists flocked to interview the valiant security guard. However, when they tried to contact the family of the rescued girl, they were met with an unexpected cold reception.

The girl's family not only refused to bear Qu Yan's medical expenses, but also said with a bad attitude: "This is his own desire to save people, what does it matter to us?" Even more shocking, they even threatened: "If something happens to my child, you will be responsible!" These words were like a sharp blade, deeply stabbing Qu Yan and his family.

Qu Yan was lying on the hospital bed, and when he heard the news, a trace of pain and disappointment flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that his act of sacrificing his life to save others would be treated so indifferently.

This contrast made him difficult to accept for a while, and his heart was full of confusion and frustration.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

However, just as Qu Yan fell into despair, another side of society began to emerge. The media report has aroused the attention and sympathy of the majority of netizens. Soon, a spontaneous donation drive was launched online.

Caring people from all over the country have reached out to donate money and materials for Quyan.

In just a few days, the amount of donations exceeded Quyan's medical expenses. This gave Qu Yan and his family hope. Qu Yan's eyes rekindled the light, and he felt the warmth of society, which gave him the strength to continue to persevere.

Faced with the sudden attention, Qu Yan's mood was very complicated. He is grateful for the help of society, but at the same time he is ashamed of his situation. He wanted to take care of his parents with his own hands, but now he had to accept help from strangers.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

This ambivalence often makes him fall into deep thought.

The continuous media coverage has also brought more attention to the plight of the brave.

Qu Yan's story has become a mirror, reflecting the cold and warm sides of society. On the one hand, it is the indifference and ruthlessness of the families of the rescued, and on the other hand, the generosity of strange netizens.

Qu Yan's case is not an isolated case. In recent years, similar incidents have occurred from time to time, triggering in-depth thinking about righteous and courageous behavior.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

A shocking case is the experience of a retired soldier. In 2018, he heard a neighbor's plea for help and decisively intervened to stop a sexual assault case. However, the hero was sentenced to four years in prison and 600,000 yuan in compensation.

This case has sparked a heated debate about the legal protection of those who act bravely.

In stark contrast, there was an incident in Ningbo, Zhejiang. A man in a suit and an uncle work together to rescue a little girl who has fallen into the water.

Afterwards, they left silently, but were eventually recognized as heroes and won the gratitude of the parents of the rescued children. This heartwarming story allows people to see the beautiful side of righteousness and bravery.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Looking back at history, the mainland's attitude towards acts of righteousness and courage. From the Qin Dynasty's severe punishment of death and failure to save people, to the new law introduced in 2021, it reflects the country's emphasis on righteous and courageous behavior.

The new law clearly stipulates the protection and reward for those who act bravely, which is undoubtedly a positive sign.

Progress in the law does not imply a comprehensive solution to the problem. In reality, the righteous and brave still face many risks and difficulties. Finding a balance between encouraging righteous behavior and protecting the rights and interests of individuals has become a thorny issue.

These cases and legal processes not only reflect the changes in society's perception of righteous and courageous behavior, but also highlight the shortcomings of the current system in protecting those who act bravely.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

Together, they form a mirror of the progress and challenges of our society, both on the moral and legal levels.

Qu Yan's story provokes people to think deeply about righteous and courageous behavior.

Righteousness and courage are undoubtedly a commendable virtue, and it embodies the noblest aspects of human nature.

We need to build a better system that not only glorifies heroes spiritually, but also provides them with tangible and legal safeguards. Only in this way can more people come forward in times of crisis without worry.

The security guard caught the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family didn't thank him at all: You must be responsible for my daughter's something!

At the same time, each of us should also reflect on what choices we will make in the face of similar situations. Is it indifference, or is it reckless? This is not only a personal moral choice, but also a social responsibility.

Qu Yan's experience tells us that heroes are not born heroes, but ordinary people who dare to take responsibility at critical moments. Let us work together to create a social environment that celebrates the heroic spirit and protects those who act bravely.

Only in this way can justice and courage thrive in our society.

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