
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people

author:Elegant white cloud fL
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people
The grandfather, who is worth more than 100 million, warned his grandson not to mess with these nine kinds of people

In the bustling city, there is an ancient mansion hidden, which is the ancestral home of the Zhang family. The Zhang family was once a legend in the business world, and the wealth and status accumulated over the generations have given the Zhang family a pivotal position in the business world. However, with the changes of the times, the Zhang family gradually faded out of people's sight, but the ancestral teachings and wisdom of the Zhang family have been passed down from generation to generation.

Mr. Zhang, the current head of the Zhang family, is worth more than 100 million, but what is more admirable is his wisdom in life and philosophy of life. He has a grandson named Zhang Hao, who is young and vigorous, with longing and dreams for the business world. However, Mr. Zhang often warned Zhang Hao to be wary of nine types of people, so as not to fall into trouble in the business world.

These nine types of people are: villains with honey-mouthed swords, traitors who forget their righteousness for profit, exploiters who cross rivers and tear down bridges, short-sighted people who covet small profits, arrogant and arrogant people, lazy people who do not want to make progress, narrow-minded and jealous people, malicious slanderers who spread rumors, and deceiters who lack integrity.

Zhang Hao dismisses his grandfather's admonitions, believing that he is young, promising, intelligent, and fully capable of dealing with all kinds of complex interpersonal relationships. However, by chance, Zhang Hao encountered these nine types of people in the business world, and his life changed dramatically.

Zhang Hao met a businessman named Li Ming during a business negotiation. Li Ming was warm and friendly to Zhang Hao on the surface, and his words were full of praise and compliments. Zhang Hao was bewitched by Li Ming's sweet words and thought that he was a trustworthy friend. However, Li Ming secretly colluded with Zhang Hao's competitors and leaked Zhang Hao's trade secrets, resulting in Zhang Hao being in a passive position in the negotiations.

Zhang Hao was furious, and he found Li Ming to question the reason. Li Ming unabashedly admitted his betrayal, and he said indifferently: "In this business world, only interests are the most important. You think we're friends? Actually, I'm just using you. Zhang Hao's heart was like a knife after hearing this, and he understood that his grandfather's admonition was not groundless.

After experiencing this betrayal, Zhang Hao began to reflect on his actions. He realized that he was too naïve and naïve in the business world, not having enough vigilance and judgment. He began to learn how to recognize people and how to deal with different people. He learned to listen and observe, and no longer easily believed the sweet words of others.

By chance, Zhang Hao met an entrepreneur named Wang Tao. Although Wang Tao is young, he is diligent and studious, and he has great ambitions and firm beliefs. Zhang Hao was attracted by Wang Tao's sincerity and talent, and the two began to cooperate in entrepreneurship. However, in the process of starting a business, they encountered many difficulties and challenges. Some partners are greedy for small profits and are not willing to take risks; Some investors are arrogant and scoff at Mr. Wang's ideas. However, Wang Tao has always remained calm and firm, and he has overcome many difficulties with his wisdom and courage.

Under the influence of Wang Tao, Zhang Hao gradually grew into a responsible and wise businessman. He learned how to thrive in the complex business world and how to build relationships with different people. He also understood that his grandfather's admonition was not a shackle to bind him, but a beacon that guided him to success.

Over time, Zhang Hao and Wang Tao's entrepreneurial projects gradually became successful. Their company has gone from strength to strength and has become a leader in the industry. In the process, Zhang Hao also met many people who had hurt him. However, he chose to be tolerant and forgiving, and he understood that everyone has their own position and choice. He proved with his actions that his grandfather's admonition was not empty talk, but the truth.

At a family gathering, Zhang Hao told his grandfather about his experience and growth. He said gratefully, "Grandpa, thank you for your original warning, which made me understand a lot of truths. If it weren't for your teachings, I'm afraid I'd have fallen on my heels. After hearing this, Grandpa smiled and nodded, and he said, "Child, you have grown up and know how to face the complex world and people's hearts. I'm sure you'll be even better in the future. ”

Zhang Hao's story spread throughout the family and business world, and he became an object of admiration and learning for many. He used his own experience to prove that his grandfather's admonition was not empty talk, but a precious treasure. He also proved with his actions that as long as he bravely faces challenges and difficulties, he will be able to succeed in counterattacking.