
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished

author:Elegant white cloud fL
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished
Be sure to tell your child how people are abolished

On the edge of the city, a forgotten corner, between the dilapidated buildings, hides a narrow alley. This is Li Ming's home, a place full of depression and helplessness.

Li Ming, a teenager who was once full of energy and dreams, has now become the epitome of this hutong - dilapidated and decadent. His eyes lost their sparkle, and his face was full of confusion and exhaustion. What was once a dream, under the blow of reality, became unattainable.

One day, Li Ming, as usual, spent a long, empty night in an Internet café. He indulges in the illusory world of the game as a way to escape the cruelty of reality. However, as he walked out of the Internet café, the oncoming cold wind made him shiver, and he realized that he had wasted too much time.

On the way home, Li Ming met an old friend - Wang Hao. Wang Hao was once his classmate, and the two dreamed of becoming scientists together and exploring unknown mysteries. However, reality pushes them down a different path. With his own efforts and persistence, Wang Hao was admitted to a prestigious university and is now studying for a doctorate.

"Li Ming, why are you still here?" Wang Hao looked at Li Ming, his eyes full of surprise and incomprehension.

Li Ming lowered his head and was speechless. He knew that he had drifted away from his dreams, but he didn't know how to face this harsh reality.

"You know what? I used to be like you, lost and didn't know how to move forward. Wang Hao's words broke the silence, "However, I realized that I couldn't just give up on myself. I started to study hard and find my own direction. Now, I'm getting closer and closer to my dream. ”

Li Ming raised his head and looked at Wang Hao's firm eyes, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart. He realized that he couldn't go on like this. He needs to find his former self and the boy who is full of dreams and vitality.

From that day on, Li Ming began to change his lifestyle. He quit gaming and started studying hard. He wakes up early and goes to bed late every day, listens carefully to lectures, and reviews diligently. He also spends his spare time participating in various club activities, making new friends and expanding his horizons.

At first, Li Ming felt very difficult. He found himself already too far behind and needed to put in more effort than others to catch up. However, he did not give up. He firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he will be able to succeed in counterattacking.

In the process of hard work, Li Ming encountered many difficulties and setbacks. Sometimes he feels tired and powerless, and even wants to give up. But every time at this time, he would think of Wang Hao's words and his dreams. He told himself that he couldn't just give up, that he had to work hard for his future.

As time passed, Li Ming gradually regained his form. His results have started to improve significantly, and he has become more confident and determined. He finds that he is no longer the decadent teenager, but a young man full of energy and dreams.

By chance, Li Ming participated in a scientific and technological innovation competition. With his own efforts and talents, he successfully developed an innovative product and won the first prize in the competition. This award not only allowed him to win honors and bonuses, but more importantly, allowed him to find his own direction and value.

Since then, Li Ming has started his own entrepreneurial road. With his talent and hard work, he successfully started a technology company. His products have been warmly welcomed and recognized by the market, and the company has gradually grown and grown.

In this process, Li Ming profoundly realized a truth: people cannot stay in the same place forever, and need to continue to work hard and pursue their dreams. Only in this way can you make yourself better and stronger.

Today, Li Ming has become a successful entrepreneur and social elite. He used his own experience to tell those who are still struggling in confusion and decadence: as long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely be able to succeed in counterattacking. Don't let the cruelty of reality crush your dreams and beliefs, and believe that you will be able to create your own brilliant life.