
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly

author:Elegant white cloud fL
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly
How much does it cost to raise a child, change details, show the child quickly

In an ordinary urban family, there lives a young couple, Zhang Wei and Lin Yue, and their child Xiao Ming, who is about to turn ten years old. Like many families, Zhang Wei and Lin Yue often worry about the cost of raising their children. They felt it was time for him to learn about his family's finances and the effort it would take to raise him.

One night, Zhang Wei called Xiao Ming to his side, took out a thick account book, and said to him: "Xiao Ming, this is the growth account book that Dad recorded for you, which records in detail every penny spent to raise you to such a big age. Would you like to check it out with your dad? ”

Xiao Ming curiously took the account book and turned the first page, which read: "Xiao Ming grows up the account book - records every moment of love and giving." He then looked down and saw that it was densely packed with various expenses, from milk powder and diapers to kindergarten tuition, interest class registration fees, to various daily necessities and medical expenses.

"Dad, is all this money used to support me?" Xiao Ming asked in surprise.

"Yes, kid. From the moment you were born, we have given you a lot. It's not just the money, it's the time and energy. Zhang Wei patiently explained.

Xiao Ming flipped through the ledger page by page, and began to have a feeling in his heart that he had never felt before. He realized that his upbringing was so expensive, and his parents had paid so much for him. He began to think about what he could do for his family.

At this moment, Zhang Wei took out an empty ledger again, handed it to Xiao Ming and said, "Xiao Ming, this is your new ledger." Dad wants you to learn to keep accounts and keep track of your daily expenses and income from now on. This way you will be able to better understand the value of money and learn to use it wisely. ”

Xiao Ming took the new account book and nodded solemnly. He decided that from now on, he would be more sensible and no longer spend money indiscriminately, but spend every penny on the cutting edge.

Over time, Xiao Ming gradually developed a good habit of bookkeeping. He began to learn to save money and stop buying unnecessary toys and snacks. At the same time, he also began to try to earn pocket money through his own efforts, such as helping his parents with household chores and participating in community activities.

One day, Xiao Ming saw a long-awaited toy in the supermarket, but he looked at the change in his hand and hesitated. He knew that if he bought the toy, he would have to sacrifice some of his pocket money. At this time, he remembered his father's teachings and the growth ledger, and made a decision in his heart.

He put down his toys and turned to leave the supermarket. When he got home, he told Zhang Wei about it. Zhang Wei smiled with satisfaction after hearing this, he patted Xiao Ming's shoulder and said, "Child, you did the right thing." Money is a finite resource, and we need to learn to use it wisely. Your ability to resist temptation and make the right choices is growth in itself. ”

Inspired by this experience, Xiao Ming studied and worked harder. Not only did he excel in his studies, but he also earned a lot of pocket money through his own efforts. He saves the money to buy school supplies and attend hobby classes.

A few years later, Xiao Ming was admitted to a prestigious university and won a scholarship. He used the pocket money he earned to pay part of his tuition and living expenses, which eased the burden on his family. As he stood on the campus of the university, he deeply felt his own growth and change. He understands that all this is inseparable from the hard work of his parents and his own efforts.

And the growth account book and change details have also become the precious wealth of Xiao Ming's life. They have witnessed Xiao Ming's growth from an ignorant child to a sensible, independent, and responsible young man. And this experience has also become the inspiration of Xiao Ming's counterattack - only by cherishing every penny, studying and working hard, can we have a better future.