
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late

author:Elegant white cloud fL
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late
If you don't teach these ten truths to your children before the age of 13, it's too late

In a quiet town, there lives a child named Xiao Ming. He has just turned thirteen this year, and he is a lively and curious teenager. Xiao Ming's parents are busy office workers, and they always think that their children's growth should be natural, and there is no need to instill too many truths too early. What they don't know, however, is that these ten important truths, if not sufficiently inspired before the age of thirteen, can affect the trajectory of a child's life.

Xiao Ming has a good friend named Xiao Liang, and the two grew up together since childhood and are inseparable. Xiaoliang's parents are different, they pay attention to their children's education, and instill various life principles in Xiaoliang since he was a child. Although Xiao Liang is of the same age, he always seems more mature and stable than Xiao Ming.

One day, Xiao Ming and Xiao Liang went to a community football match together. During the game, Xiao Ming clashed with his opponent because of impulsiveness, and was sent off by the referee with a red card. He sat on the sidelines, his face flushed and annoyed. Xiao Liang continued to fight on the field and eventually helped the team win the game.

After the game, Xiao Liang found Xiao Ming, sat next to him, and whispered, "Xiao Ming, do you know? Impulsiveness is the devil. We will always encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges in life, but we cannot make wrong decisions because of the impulse. ”

Xiao Ming looked up at Xiao Liang, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "But, I'm really angry, they deliberately provoked me." ”

Xiao Liang smiled and shook his head: "It's normal for people to be angry, but we have to learn to control our emotions." If you are always swayed by your emotions, then you will lose your mind and make wrong judgments. ”

Xiao Ming nodded thoughtfully, this was the first time he had heard such a truth. He suddenly realized that he had always been angry and angry about small things, which often made things worse.

In the days that followed, Xiao Ming began to try to control his emotions. He has learned to think calmly when confronted with problems and no longer lose his temper easily. His change surprised both parents and teachers, who began to notice that this once mischievous child had now become so sensible and mature.

At the same time, Xiao Ming's academic performance has also improved significantly. He realized that studying is not only for getting high marks in exams, but also for enriching his inner world and improving his abilities. He began to study harder, read various books, and expand his horizons.

However, the road to life is not always smooth sailing. One day, Xiao Ming suffered a setback in a school exam, and his grades dropped significantly. He felt frustrated and lost and even began to doubt his abilities.

At this moment, Xiao Liang found him again. He encouraged Xiao Ming and said, "Xiao Ming, do you know? Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the loss of confidence and courage. We must learn from our failures and constantly sum up lessons and lessons in order to go further. ”

Xiao Ming listened to Xiao Liang's words, and a warm current surged in his heart. He learned that failure is not terrible, and that it is important to face it bravely and learn from it. He picked himself up again and began to study harder, constantly adjusting his learning methods and strategies.

After a period of hard work, Xiao Ming's performance has finally improved significantly. Not only did he achieve excellent results in his studies, but he also participated in various activities and competitions at the school, showing his talent and strength. His counterattack has attracted the attention and appreciation of those around him, and he has become a role model and model in the eyes of everyone.

In the process of Xiao Ming's counterattack, he gradually understood the ten important truths. He understands that life is like a long-distance race, and we need to have enough patience and perseverance to persevere and struggle; We need to learn to control our emotions and desires; We need to be brave in the face of failure and setbacks; We need to cherish everyone and everything around us; We need to have dreams and goals; We need to be responsible and responsible; We need to be kind and upright; We need to have self-confidence and courage; We need to be grateful; We need to have persistence and perseverance.

These truths not only helped Xiao Ming get through the low period of his life, but also made him more determined and confident on the road ahead. He proved that sentence with his own actions: "It is not too early to reason with children, the important thing is to let them truly understand and comprehend." ”