
The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9
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The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

In 2021, a 9-year-old girl appeared on the CCTV stage. Her name is Wu Gangyun, and she comes from an ordinary pork shop family in Naduo Village, Yanshan County, Yunnan Province.

Dressed in an emerald green dance dress, she conquered the national audience with a solo dance called "The Wizard of Oz". Who would have thought that this girl who grew up next to the pork board would complete the transformation from obscurity to the national stage in just three years? How did she come to her dream of dancing in a difficult environment? How did you overcome many difficulties and finally stand on the stage of your dreams? Wu Gangyun's story is far more tortuous and moving than people imagine, full of hardship, perseverance and persistent pursuit of dreams.

In Naduo Village, Yanshan County, Yunnan Province, Wu Gangyun's childhood was different. Every morning at 4 a.m., when most of the children are still asleep, she gets up with her mother and sets out on the road to the pork shop.

My father was a train driver and was away from home all the year round, and the burden of the family fell on my mother's shoulders.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

The small pork shop has become the center of Wu Gangyun's life. She helps her mother wipe down the board, arranges the pieces of meat, and observes the customer's movements. Although the environment was difficult, Wu Gangyun's eyes flashed with an unusual light.

When he was six years old, by chance, Wu Gangyun saw a dance video on his mobile phone. She was fascinated by the graceful dancing, as if opening a door to a new world.

From that day on, whenever there were no customers in the store, Wu Gangyun would imitate the movements in the video and dance in the small space.

The pork shop became her unique dance studio. Next to the board is her practice room, and the path in front of the door is her performance stage. Wu Gangyun threw himself into the dance, forgetting the hustle and bustle around him and the smell of the butcher's shop, and immersed himself in his own dance world.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Gradually, Wu Gangyun's dancing attracted the attention of customers. They were amazed by the little girl's talent and stopped to watch. Some people admired her dexterity, some people admired her charm, and some people suggested that she go for professional training.

These praises and encouragements were like a rain of sweetness, nourishing Wu Gangyun's young heart. Her passion for dancing is even higher, and she finds time to practice every day. Even if her legs were sore and her soles were blistered, she never cried out that she was tired.

When the mother saw her daughter's love for dance, she was both relieved and worried. I am glad that my daughter has found her interest, but I am worried that her family conditions cannot support her to receive formal training.

But seeing her daughter's perseverance, the mother secretly decided that she must find a way to support her daughter's dream.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

In this way, in this ordinary pork shop, a dream about dance quietly sprouted. Wu Gangyun used her enthusiasm and persistence to sow the seeds of hope for her future in a difficult environment.

Her unique upbringing has injected a different aura into her dances, which has become the key to attracting the attention of famous teachers in the future. No one knows that this little girl dancing in a pork shop will one day shine on the national stage.

Wu Gangyun's dancing talent gradually blossomed in the pork shop, attracting more and more admiration. Encouragement and praise are like spring breezes and rain, nourishing this little girl's dreams.

With the support of his mother, Wu Gangyun embarked on a journey to find a dance teacher, hoping to get professional guidance. However, the test of reality is far more severe than imagined.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

With hope, the mother and daughter came to the dance training institution in the county. Wu Gangyun stood on a yoga mat and showed off his dance with great anticipation. She poured all her enthusiasm into every move, hoping to touch the hearts of the teachers.

However, after the performance, what awaited her was a series of rejections.

"I've been teaching dance for more than 30 years, and it's the first time I've seen a talented kid like you." One teacher said. This sentence sounds like a compliment, but it actually implies rejection.

Another teacher bluntly stated: "Our basic courses may not meet your needs, and you are not suitable for our class."

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Hitting the wall again and again, disappointed again and again, Wu Gangyun's heart was deeply pierced. Every time she was rejected, she would hide in the corner and cry silently. But when the tears are gone, she always picks herself up and continues to practice her dance.

This six-year-old girl has already understood the meaning of perseverance.

Seeing her daughter's persistence and hard work, the mother made up her mind to find a teacher for her who was truly willing to teach her. She took Wu Gangyun's dance video and ran around.

Wherever she goes, she shows people videos that tell her daughter's story. In the process, she met many indifferent eyes, but also met some kind people who were willing to listen.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Hard work pays off. By chance, a video of Wu Gangyun's dance was seen by a driving school instructor. The coach was blown away by the little girl's talent and decided to lend a hand.

He began to contact people he knew, hoping to find a suitable teacher for Wu Gangyun.

The enthusiastic help of the coach finally paid off. Through his introduction, Wu Gangyun's video reached the hands of Guan Yu, a teacher at the Beijing Dance Academy. After watching the video, the teacher was immediately attracted by Wu Gangyun's talent.

He saw the unique temperament and potential in this little girl, which he had never encountered in his years of teaching.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Despite the fatigue of the journey, Teacher Guan immediately embarked on the journey to Yanshan County, Yunnan. He couldn't wait to see this talented girl and feel her dancing charm for himself.

When the teacher finally came to Wu Gangyun, the little girl's performance surprised him even more. Wu Gangyun's unique dance style is like a snow lotus blooming in the wilderness, pure and aura.

The teacher saw the infinite possibilities in Wu Gangyun. He decided to personally mentor this little girl from a remote mountain village and help her make the most of her talents.

This is undoubtedly a huge turning point for Wu Gangyun and her family. Since then, Wu Gangyun's dance path has a clear direction, and her dream has finally found a shoulder to rely on.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Although this journey of seeking a teacher is full of hardships and setbacks, it also makes Wu Gangyun understand the importance of perseverance. Her story tells us that as long as you don't give up on your dreams, there will eventually be Bole who will show up and appreciate your talent.

After meeting the teacher, Wu Gangyun's dance path ushered in a turning point, but this does not mean that it will be smooth sailing from then on. Instead, more strenuous training awaited her.

The teacher compared Wu Gangyun to a wild snow lotus, beautiful and unique, but it needs to be carefully cultivated to bloom the most brilliant light.

During the first systematic training, Wu Gangyun realized how weak his basic skills were. The first time she tried to open her shoulder, the severe pain made her cry bitterly. She had never experienced such intense pain, and at one point she had the idea of giving up.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

But thinking of her dreams and the expectations of her parents and teachers, she gritted her teeth and persevered.

Every day of training is a battle with oneself. Long hours of leg pressing, shoulder opening, and rotation, every movement made Wu Gangyun cry out for pain all over his body. Her toes were blistered with blood from her dancing shoes, and every step felt like stepping on the tip of a knife.

However, she never flinched. In her opinion, these pains are the only way to her dreams, and every drop of sweat is watering for future success.

About the teacher and his wife, Zhang Ping, were deeply moved by Wu Gangyun's perseverance. Not only did they guide her in her dancing skills, but they also cared about her physical and mental well-being like parents.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

They understand that it takes unimaginable effort to bring Wu Gangyun up to professional level in a short period of time.

Over time, Wu Gangyun's progress has been amazing. Her unique talent combined with increasingly solid fundamentals has gradually formed her own unique style.

Teachers often marvel at her ability to learn, calling her a "genius in the dance world".

In the arduous training, Wu Gangyun not only learned dance skills, but also learned the ability to persevere and overcome difficulties. She understands that behind every graceful dance, there are countless sweat and tears.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

This experience has allowed her to gradually grow from an ignorant little girl to a dancer with perseverance and goals.

The teacher tailor-made a training plan for Wu Gangyun, not only to maintain her original aura, but also to standardize her movements. In this process, Wu Gangyun is like a piece of jade, which gradually shows a dazzling light under careful carving.

Her dancing is no longer just an expression of instinct, but incorporates more skill and emotion.

After nearly three years of hard training, Wu Gangyun's dance level has made a qualitative leap. From the "weed" that she taught herself in the pork shop, she has truly grown into a "snow lotus" that blooms on the stage.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

This snow lotus, the embodiment of her sweat, tears and infinite love for dance, is finally ready to show her beauty to the world.

After nearly three years of hard training, 9-year-old Wu Gangyun finally ushered in the most important opportunity in her life - to appear on the CCTV stage. This little girl from a remote mountain village in Yunnan is about to showcase her talent to a national audience.

For this important performance, Teacher Guan and Zhang Ping devoted all their efforts to choreographing a solo dance called "The Wizard of Oz" for Wu Gangyun. This dance skillfully blends Wu Gangyun's unique talent with her upbringing, shaping her into a smart and cute elf.

In 2021, Wu Gangyun stood on the stage of CCTV. She was dressed in an emerald green dance dress, with delicate makeup but innocent. The moment the music played, everyone's eyes were focused on this small figure.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Wu Gangyun's every movement is full of spirituality, as if he is really an elf from a fairyland. Her light dance steps, nimble arms, and heartfelt smile are all mesmerizing.

The audience was amazed by her performance, and it was hard to believe that this professional dancer was only 9 years old, and it was hard to imagine that she came from an ordinary family in a remote mountain village.

Wu Gangyun's performance won full applause. This is not only a recognition of her talent, but also a reward for her hard work over the years. When the applause rang out, Wu Gangyun's eyes flashed with tears.

She thought of the days when she started dancing in the pork shop, the pain of being rejected many times, and the days and nights of all these years of hard training.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

However, success brings not only joy, but also the challenges that come with it. The attention of the media surged, and Wu Gangyun became the focus for a while. Faced with the sudden fame, this 9-year-old girl began to feel confused and lost.

She didn't know how to deal with the attention, and she wasn't sure where her future would hold.

This CCTV performance is not only the realization of Wu Gangyun's dream, but also an important turning point in her life. It made Wu Gangyun realize that her dance journey had just begun, and that there were more challenges waiting for her in the future.

After the CCTV performance, Wu Gangyun fell into unprecedented confusion. The sudden fame overwhelmed the 9-year-old girl. Her learning status began to decline, and her dance training lost her former focus.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

At one point, she even had the idea of giving up dancing and trying to learn martial arts instead.

Teacher Guan was keenly aware of Wu Gangyun's changes. He is well aware that excessive attention can have a negative impact on a child's development. In order to protect Wu Gangyun, he decisively refused all requests for media interviews.

In an in-depth conversation, Mr. Guan asked Wu Gangyun to rethink his love for dance. He emphasized that art needs time to precipitate, and encouraged Wu Gangyun to focus on the dance itself, rather than chasing short-term fame and fortune.

This conversation was like a good medicine, allowing Wu Gangyun to regain his original intention. She realized that a true dancer is not defined by momentary success, but by continuous learning and improvement.

The girl who grew up in a pork shop, practiced dancing by herself, was cultivated by a famous teacher, and performed on CCTV at the age of 9

Wu Gangyun began to rededicate himself to training, more down-to-earth and focused than before.

Today, Wu Gangyun is continuing her dance journey. From the pork shop in a mountain village in Yunnan to the CCTV stage, and then to regain her original intention, her story tells us: as long as there is a dream and perseverance, no matter how ordinary the background is, it may achieve an extraordinary life.

We look forward to this dancing snow lotus from a mountain village in Yunnan Province to shine more brightly on the stage in the future.

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