
Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of Dandan, and the star effect helped the live broadcast to bring goods

author:Supernatural horrors

Recently, the well-known actor Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba's apprentice "Dandan" to help the platform's merchandising activities. Angelababy's participation not only increased the attention of the live broadcast, but also significantly increased the sales of the product.

Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of Dandan, and the star effect helped the live broadcast to bring goods

It is reported that Dandan favors star Angelababy (Yang Ying) to help the live broadcast room today, Simba, who has always been a domineering president, became shy and nervous, and praised Yang Ying for her beauty and oversized eyes, just like a Disney princess on the run!

Simba couldn't hide his smile and said to fans: Let me describe her, she is really beautiful! It's just what it feels like, I don't have any words to describe it, the first time I saw her, in fact, we could have seen each other many years ago, but I'm shy, you see I don't dare to look at her head-on, I'm nervous! She is so beautiful that we men dare not approach~

Dandan and Simba's cooperation and interaction, in disguise, praised Yang Ying's excellent conditions, and also took the initiative to propose Simba and Yang Ying to play games to deepen interaction.

Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of Dandan, and the star effect helped the live broadcast to bring goods

With the development of Internet technology and the transformation of consumption patterns, more and more celebrities have begun to get involved in the field of live streaming. They use their influence and fan base to bring new growth points to e-commerce platforms. Angelababy's participation in the live broadcast not only shows her personal charm, but also reflects the current trend of integration of entertainment and e-commerce industries.

Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of Dandan, and the star effect helped the live broadcast to bring goods

In addition, celebrities' participation in live streaming also provides consumers with a more intuitive and interactive shopping experience. Through live streaming, consumers can learn about product information and interact with idols in real time, and this new way of shopping is gradually becoming mainstream. However, there are also views that celebrity live streaming needs to maintain a certain degree of professionalism and integrity to avoid excessive commercialization affecting the brand image.

Overall, Angelababy's live streaming activity not only brought considerable sales performance to the e-commerce platform, but also added more possibilities to the emerging model of live streaming. In the future, with the addition of more celebrities, live streaming may become a highlight of the e-commerce industry.

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