
Is Biden's defeat a foregone conclusion? Many parties have demanded to withdraw from the election, the White House personnel want to resign, and Trump will take advantage of the victory to pursue

author:Masked camouflage brother

Since the end of the first debate, Biden's image in the eyes of the American public has become even worse, and even his supporters and work partners have felt shamed and wanted him to voluntarily withdraw from the election. And Trump took this opportunity to gain more support, and the probability of returning to the White House has increased, is the United States really about to usher in the first "criminal president" in history?

Is Biden's defeat a foregone conclusion? Many parties have demanded to withdraw from the election, the White House personnel want to resign, and Trump will take advantage of the victory to pursue


Two days ago, the first televised debate of the 2024 U.S. election was successfully held. Although Biden has been "training in retreat" for a while, the results are still unsatisfactory, and Americans' calls for Biden to step down soon have become stronger.

Nielsen data shows that more than 51 million U.S. viewers watched what was called a "catastrophic" debate.

But when the "stumbling" Biden meets the "aggressive" Trump, it is not only the Democrats who feel anxious and sleepless at night, but also those American allies, after all, Trump has always played his cards according to the routine.

Is Biden's defeat a foregone conclusion? Many parties have demanded to withdraw from the election, the White House personnel want to resign, and Trump will take advantage of the victory to pursue

Trump vs Biden

And the reaction of these countries has further verified the outcome that Biden will lose the election.

US media CNN revealed that in the morning meeting on the second day of the debate, those in Biden's inner circle were either unable to put forward clear talking points or kept their distance from Biden's performance, and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zientz and senior adviser Anita Dunn did not speak directly.

At the end of the day, some White House staff members even joked that they were going to look for a job and find another job.

It is clear that they have lost confidence in Biden and see Biden's performance in the debate as a "disgrace". But rather than seeing his performance as bad, Biden himself believes he is up to the job, rejecting suggestions calling for him to leave the race.

Is Biden's defeat a foregone conclusion? Many parties have demanded to withdraw from the election, the White House personnel want to resign, and Trump will take advantage of the victory to pursue

Former U.S. President Barack Obama also stepped in to support it, posting on social media platforms that bad debate nights do happen, but people need to choose between "those who tell the truth, distinguish between right and wrong, and speak up to the American people" and "those who lie for their own benefit".

It is clear that the so-called "truth-telling" and "distinguishing between right and wrong" in Obama's mouth are referring to Biden, and the person who "lies for the sake of profit" is Trump, and Biden himself has repeatedly called Trump a liar and a criminal during the debate.

Judging from the current situation, although Biden is not favored, as long as he does not take the initiative to withdraw from the election, the Democratic Party can only continue to support it. The Biden team has said that they are adjusting their status and "actively preparing for war", which means that Biden will stay the course.

Is Biden's defeat a foregone conclusion? Many parties have demanded to withdraw from the election, the White House personnel want to resign, and Trump will take advantage of the victory to pursue


However, polling data shows that their efforts are likely to be in vain. According to a quick CNN poll, 67 percent of viewers think Trump is doing better, compared to 33 percent of those who support Biden.

Qian Feng, a senior researcher at Taihe Think Tank, believes that Biden's performance is lower than expected, and Trump's expectations are in line with the expectations of supporters, so this debate will definitely boost the support of middle voters for Trump.

As it turns out, although there are still five months to go before the election, the debate will not determine the final outcome of the debate, but the impact of the debate should not be underestimated, and Trump will definitely seize this opportunity to stomp Biden and boost his approval ratings, and the likelihood of him returning to the White House is continuing to increase.

Is Biden's defeat a foregone conclusion? Many parties have demanded to withdraw from the election, the White House personnel want to resign, and Trump will take advantage of the victory to pursue

And once Trump returns to the White House, in addition to Biden worrying about whether he will be "liquidated", those Western countries are also nervous.

Because Trump pursued an "America First" policy during his administration, repeatedly withdrawing from the group and breaking agreements, and undermining the U.S. alliance in the region, while Biden actively wooed allies and sanctioned Russia to contain China during his tenure, those U.S. allies generally hope that Biden will be re-elected.