
The woman rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise dreamed in the middle of the night: Someone will come to propose tomorrow, don't agree

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

At the foot of Maoshan Mountain in the northeast, there is an inconspicuous village called Qingshitun. Although this tunzi is remote, the scenery is very beautiful and the people are real. The villagers in Tunli rely on farming and hunting, and their lives are quite nourishing. At the east end of Tunzi, there is a lake whose water is as clear as a mirror, called Bibo Pond. Legend has it that there lived an old turtle who had lived for a thousand years, and he had been guarding this land with human nature.

There is a girl named Xiaofang in the tun, who is young, smart, and soft-hearted. In addition to helping the family do some farm work, Xiaofang also likes to go to Bibo Lake to wash clothes, and hum a little song while washing. On this day, Xiaofang went to the edge of the pool again, and as soon as she squatted down, she heard a "bang" in the water, as if something was making a fuss. She looked curiously and saw a huge turtle's back rise to the surface, with tears in its eyes, as if it was begging for help.

Xiao Fang's heart tightened, but quickly stabilized. She knew that this old turtle in Bibotan was the patron saint of Tunli, so she quickly took off her coat, rolled up her trouser legs, and walked cautiously into the water. The water is clear and clear, but the water flow is fast in deep places, and Xiaofang almost fell a few times, but she was bold and careful, and finally arrived at the old turtle's side. She touched the back of the turtle lightly, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll take you ashore." "Strange, the old turtle seemed to understand, and slowly swam towards the shore.

The woman rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise dreamed in the middle of the night: Someone will come to propose tomorrow, don't agree

Xiao Fang was so happy in her heart that she quickly found a few big stones on the shore and put them on the old turtle so that it could lie comfortably. Seeing that the old turtle was not lightly injured, Xiao Fang ran home to get the herbs and carefully applied it to it. After doing this, the old turtle's injury slowly improved, and it looked up at Xiao Fang, its eyes were full of gratitude, as if to say, "Xiao Fang, thank you." ”

Early the next morning, a group of people came to Qingshi Village, led by a young man dressed in fancy clothes, followed by a group of followers. As soon as they entered the village, they went straight to Xiaofang's house. When the young man saw Xiaofang, his eyes straightened, and he immediately said that he wanted to marry her. Xiaofang's parents saw that the young man's family background was good, and they were a little moved in their hearts. But Xiaofang thought about last night's dream and the old man's reminder, so she shook her head firmly and said, "Thank you, childe, but I have a heart here, I'm afraid I will disappoint you." When the young man heard this, his face turned green, but seeing that Xiaofang was so resolute, he could only walk away. When the people in the village saw it, they all praised Xiaofang for her ambition and vision.

Besides, the giant turtle seems to have felt Xiao Fang's intentions, and he seems to be applauding Xiao Fang when he turns over the river and the sea in the blue wave pool. This incident spread in Qingshi Village and became a good story. Xiaofang rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise entrusted her with a dream, helping her refuse the proposal of a person from another village and keep her heart. The giant tortoise also continues to guard Bibo Lake and Qingshi Village, so that this land will always be peaceful and harmonious.

The woman rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise dreamed in the middle of the night: Someone will come to propose tomorrow, don't agree

Let's continue to talk about the second half of this Maoshan strange talk. Since then, Xiaofang has become a hero in the village, and everyone says that she is not only good-looking, but also has good eyes and eyes, and can see through those strangers with ghosts. Xiao Fang knew in her heart that all this was thanks to the dream that night and the guidance of the giant tortoise. After a while, Xiaofang has grown into a big girl, and she still goes to Bibo Lake every day to wash her clothes, humming that little song. But now she is more calm and calm, and she seems to be able to handle anything freely.

On this day, Xiaofang was washing her clothes when she suddenly heard the sound of "plopping" in the depths of the pool. She looked up, hey, the giant turtle had come up again, this time with a group of small fish and shrimp, circling around it, as if dancing with it. Xiao Fang was happy, thinking that this giant turtle would enjoy life. She put down her work, walked to the edge of the pool, and shouted at the giant turtle: "Old man, you have a very good life!" The giant tortoise heard Xiao Fang's voice and immediately swam over. It raised its head and looked at Xiao Fang with those eyes that had gone through vicissitudes, as if to say, "Miss Xiao Fang, I came today to tell you something important. "Oh, Xiao Fang was stunned, and quickly asked, "What's the matter?" The old turtle opened his mouth slowly, and his voice was like thunder, but every word clearly penetrated into Xiao Fang's ears: "Little Fang girl, do you know that you are destined to suffer a catastrophe?" Xiao Fang's heart was stunned, but she stabilized in a blink of an eye, and asked, "Brother, what do you mean?" How can I have any problems? The old turtle sighed and said, "You have a good heart, but you have a thorn in your life, and you are easy to cause trouble." I've had to retreat and cultivate for the past few days, and I can't keep our land anymore. I'm afraid that something will go wrong with you during this time, so I'm here to remind you. When Xiaofang heard this, her heart was warm. She looked at the old turtle gratefully and said, "Brother, thank you for always protecting us." Don't worry, I'll be careful. ”

The old turtle nodded, and said, "I know that you have someone in your heart, but that person's identity is not ordinary, I'm afraid it will cause you trouble." You have to be careful. When Xiao Fang heard this, her heart was like a mirror. She thought of Xiao Zhang, a talented talent in the village she had always had a crush on, although Xiao Zhang was only eight years old, his family was poor and he had never been able to get famous. She was worried that Xiao Zhang would be implicated because of her own affairs, so she planned to hide this relationship first.

The woman rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise dreamed in the middle of the night: Someone will come to propose tomorrow, don't agree

When the old turtle saw that Xiaofang understood, he turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared into the pool. Xiao Fang looked at the direction in which the old turtle disappeared, and her heart was full of gratitude and respect. She knew that this old turtle had not only saved her life, but had also been silently guarding her and the land. As the days passed, Xiaofang became more and more careful and stronger. She helped the villagers solve many problems, and used her wisdom and courage to resolve crises again and again. Although the old turtle no longer appears, its legend has been passed down in the village and has become the guardian saint in everyone's hearts.

One day, Xiaofang suddenly received a letter from afar. The letter read: "Miss Xiaofang, I am Li Xiaoyao, a chivalrous warrior in the rivers and lakes, I heard that you are a strange woman in Maoshan, and I specially invited you to explore the rivers and lakes together." If it's interesting, I'll see you at the entrance of the village in three days. After reading the letter, Xiaofang had mixed feelings in her heart. She is proud of her reputation, but she is also worried that this trip will bring unknown dangers to herself. She remembered Lao Turtle's advice and Xiao Zhang's concern, and her heart was full of thoughts.

At this time, Xiao Zhang suddenly came to Xiao Fang's house. He saw Xiao Fang's sad face, so he asked with concern: "Miss Xiao Fang, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Fang sighed and told Xiao Zhang what was in the letter. After Xiao Zhang listened, he thought for a while, and then said: "Miss Xiaofang, although the rivers and lakes are big, people's hearts are unpredictable. If you go, you have to be careful. Xiao Fang listened to Xiao Zhang's words, and immediately had a score in her heart. She thought, let's not mix blindly with the chivalrous warriors of the rivers and lakes, or stay in our small village, guarding this hot land and our old and young masters. She thinks that as long as there is love, courage, and wisdom in her heart, she can overcome any hurdle. In this way, Xiaofang is still living her ordinary little life. She went to Bibo Lake every day to wash her clothes and sing a little song, but ah, there was more perseverance and calmness in her singing.

The woman rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise dreamed in the middle of the night: Someone will come to propose tomorrow, don't agree

The giant tortoise also seemed to feel Xiao Fang's change, and it was churning more happily in the pool. This is the second half of our Maoshan strange talk. With her own actions, Xiaofang proves that the power of kindness and bravery is endless. She not only protected the safety of herself and her fellow villagers, but also won the respect and love of everyone. The giant tortoise has also been silently guarding her and this land, so that this place will always maintain peace and harmony.

Okay, let's continue to talk about the second half of this Maoshan strange talk. Since the mysterious exchange between the giant turtle and Xiao Fang, Xiao Fang's life seems to be a little more unusual. Although she still goes to Bibo Lake every day to wash clothes, she has a heavy sense of responsibility in her heart. She knew that she was not only an ordinary girl in the village, but also the patron saint of the land.

One day, Xiaofang was washing clothes by the pool, when suddenly the sky changed, dark clouds pressed on the top, and thunder roared. When she looked up, she saw a bolt of lightning slashing directly at the blue wave pool, and the water in the pool instantly churned. Xiao Fang's heart tightened, knowing that this matter was not simple. She hurriedly packed her clothes and prepared to go home to report the news. At this moment, a big whirlpool suddenly appeared in the pool and swept Xiao Fang in. She struggled in a panic, feeling her body sinking more and more, as if she was firmly sucked in by something. At this moment, she suddenly felt a powerful force lifting herself up, and when she looked again, she was actually standing on the back of a giant tortoise. The giant tortoise was the one she had saved before. It carried Xiao Fang and swam quickly in the pool, dodging the raging waves and violent thunder and lightning.

Xiaofang, this girl, knew in her heart that the big turtle not only saved her life, but also added strength and courage to her, so that she could face the difficulties in the future. The days slipped away day by day, and Xiao Fang became more and more hardened and courageous. She not only helped the old and young masters in the village solve a lot of troubles, but also used her ideas and courage to resolve the crisis again and again. Her name also slowly spread in the surrounding mountain villages, and everyone called her "Maoshan Goddess".

But just when Xiaofang's reputation became more and more famous, there was a bang, and disaster came. A bunch of villains have taken a fancy to the fat land and rich resources in Qingshi Village, and plan to occupy this land. They led a group of thugs and stormed into the village with great vigour. When the villagers saw this posture, they were so frightened that they scattered like rabbits and fled for their lives. But Xiaofang, this girl, stood up and stood in front of the bad guys. Don't look at her thin body, her eyes are hard. She shouted, "You scoundrels, don't try to go wild here!" With me here, you don't want to touch a single plant or tree here! The villains were so angry that they saw Xiao Fang so arrogant. They pulled out the guys one after another, ready to attack Xiao Fang. But at this moment, suddenly a gust of wind blew, blowing the villains to the ground. Immediately after, a bolt of lightning slashed down, directly killing the leading villain. When the rest of the villains saw this formation, they were terrified, and they threw down the guy and ran away. When the villagers saw this scene, Dole blossomed and praised Xiaofang as a big hero in the village. Xiao Fang also breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that it was the big turtle who secretly helped her. After this incident, Xiaofang's reputation became even louder. She not only protected the safety of Qingshi Village and the villagers, but also won everyone's respect and love. The big turtle also seems to have become the guardian saint of her heart, and it can always give her strength and courage at critical moments.

The woman rescued the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise dreamed in the middle of the night: Someone will come to propose tomorrow, don't agree

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Xiao Fang has become an old lady with white hair, but she is still so spiritual. She still goes to Bibo Lake every day to miss the big turtle that once saved her life. One day, when Xiao Fang was strolling by the pool, she suddenly heard a melodious flute. She followed the sound and saw a young man standing by the edge of the pool playing the flute. The sound of that flute is so pleasant to listen to, as if it can hit people's hearts. Xiao Fang stepped forward and looked at this young man carefully, seeing that he looked very energetic, and he looked like a chivalrous man. When the young man saw Xiao Fang, he also stopped playing and nodded to her with a smile. Xiao Fang's heart moved, and she felt that this young man was not ordinary, so she stepped forward to chat with him. After chatting, I learned that this young man's name is Li Xiaoyao, and he is a knight who travels around. He passed by here and heard Xiaofang's story, so he came to visit her. Li Xiaoyao told Xiao Fang that he was also a cultivator and could feel a mysterious power in this land. Gee, that's what you have to look at. He thought about this energy, he must have beaten the old turtle, Xiao Fang, who was the gatekeeper of this power. When Xiao Fang heard this, her heart was warm, as if she had drunk hot bud rice porridge. She understands that she has not worked in vain all these years, and has been quietly guarding this land and the villagers. She looked at Bibo Tan, and there was a sense of gratitude and a little awe in her heart. Since then, Xiaofang and Li Xiaoyao have become iron buddies. The two of them practiced together, chatted about the principles of life together, and became an indispensable piece of the puzzle in each other's lives. And this is how their story began.