
Folktale: Beauty Stove

author:The story of Gao Liangye

At the beginning of March, the weather is clear, and the tourists by the Sushui River in Yuncheng are like ants, some people board the boat to listen to the music, some people look at the peach and willow green, and some people are busy watching the red men and green women. Feng Yufeng, the second son of the Feng family, a wealthy man in Changping Lane, is the latter, his greatest wish in life is to marry a peerless beauty with both talent and appearance, and he has been married for two or three years, and the matchmaker has seen countless and countless beauty portraits.

Friend Chen Xiaomei's eyes kept dripping and rolling with the beauties passing by, snoring and drinking, letting Feng Yufeng look left and right, look before and after.

Feng Yufeng looked at it again and again, and became more and more disappointed in his heart, thinking that the beauty of Cloud City was just like this, and it was time for him to go to the provincial capital.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw a masked girl in a light yellow dress walking by, followed by two big girls, one holding a piano bag, the other carrying a copper incense burner, and the three Shi Shiran walked to the river and got on the Qingpeng boat.

Feng Yufeng grabbed Chen Xiaomei and asked urgently: "Who is that!" ”

Chen Xiaomei didn't know either, just now he was also fascinated by the girl's demeanor, although it was just a back, he could already imagine her flower and moon appearance.

Someone next to him came over, saying that it was the second lady of the Xie family who came back from the capital, and she accompanied her mother, Mrs. Xie, to her hometown last month, and disliked the dark and damp ancestral house on Changping Street, and the house was narrow, so she lived in the Doujia Garden.

Changping Street Xie's house? Isn't that just a wall away from your own home? Feng Yufeng secretly regretted that he didn't notice that such a beauty came from the Xie family.

Immediately, another red-nosed man said that it was not a dark and damp problem, but because the Xie family had been a little unpeaceful recently.

"Not peaceful? How is it not peaceful? The crowd pricked up their ears.

Red nose said that his wife's cousin's neighbor is the chauffeur of the rich Feng family on Changping Street, the Feng family and the Xie family are only separated by a wall, at the end of last month, Mrs. Xie's mother and daughter came back on the night, many people in the Feng family heard the Xie family on the other side of the wall suddenly came from the continuous scream, like a cat barking spring, the sound was terrible, and people panicked, early the next morning, their mother and daughter moved out of the Xie family.

Everyone was in an uproar, and they all wondered what the Xie family was doing, and they were so frightened that the Xie family's mother and daughter escaped from the Xie family. Someone immediately added that Mrs. Xie was famous for her virtuous and virtuous manners, and she took the initiative to bring her husband's concubines into the Xie family back then.

"Then it's strange, Mrs. Xie, what are they afraid of?" Everyone guessed randomly, and the more they guessed, the more outrageous it became.

Chen Xiaomei looked at Feng Yufeng with a smile, and Feng Yufeng spread his hands helplessly.

He really didn't know about it.

At that time, he and a few prodigal children went to Xiaoqingshan outside the city, Xiaoqingshan Shangguan old man's newly built cloud pavilion was just rebuilt after being struck by lightning, he went to see fresh, and drank with the old man's personal servant Lao Peng, listening to him nag the old man in the capital's dominating past, staying for five days, you must know that the Xie family came to the big beauty, he had already rushed back to Cloud City.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

Feng Yufeng glanced at Chen Xiaomei, Chen Xiaomei pulled her red nose aside, hurriedly said a few words, and the two walked to a restaurant by the lake.

The restaurant is called Jianwei Pavilion, which is the property of the Feng family, famous for eating river fresh, and it is difficult to find one, but there are always two rooms left on the second floor near the water, which are dedicated to the Feng family's own use.

Feng Yufeng walked slowly to the room on the second floor of the Jianwei Pavilion. There was already a plate of river clams on the table, and the red nose was eating happily, and when he saw him, he quickly stood up and respectfully shouted the second son.

Feng Yufeng asked him to sit down, got straight to the point, and asked the Xie family's mother and daughter what was going on.

Red Nose said that since it was the second son who asked, he knew everything, and it was all the accurate information he got by spending money to invite the Xie family's concierge to drink.

Miss Xie can poetry and painting, can incense, first-class piano skills, relying on a bit of talent, high and arrogant, in the capital said that the pro-high is not low, over seventeen years old, there is no in-law.

Recently, her third sister was married, and the other party was in a hurry to pass the door, because it was not good to cross Miss Xie Er to get married, the Xie family's top priority was to marry Miss Xie Er first.

However, the more anxious she is, the more difficult it is to say goodbye, Miss Xie Er heard that there was an old man over thirty years old, widowed with a baby, who came to propose marriage, and she was so angry that she made a big fuss at home.

Somehow this matter spread, and it became even more difficult for Miss Xie Er to get married.

There was no way, Mrs. Xie took her back to her hometown Yuncheng in the name of returning to her hometown and province, looking forward to finding a proper family in her hometown.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

Feng Yufeng slapped Chen Xiaomei on the shoulder, and smiled: "This is not a coincidence? I can! ”

The red nose shook his head again and again, saying that it was not appropriate or not, the first condition for Miss Xie Er's marriage was that a man could not take a concubine.

"Isn't that ridiculous? A rich and powerful man, who doesn't have a group of wives and concubines? Her mother is virtuous and virtuous and has taken several concubines to her father, she is good, men are not allowed to take concubines, no wonder no one wants them at seventeen! The red nose said angrily, as if Miss Xie Er did not allow him to take a concubine.

Feng Yufeng finally understood why Miss Xie Er couldn't get married, but this one didn't hinder him. The Feng family style is strict, and there are also rules about concubines, which are only allowed if the husband and wife are over forty years old and have not yet given birth.

He threw down two ingots of silver, one for Chen Xiaomei and one for Red Nose, so that they could eat and drink, and he was in a hurry to go home to propose.

The red nose grabbed him, saying that there was something wrong with this, he went to the Dou family garden two days ago to inquire, Miss Xie Er had to take the copper incense burner everywhere she went, and even had to take it with her for eating and bathing, and one day she bumped into Mrs. Dou in the yard, and she was supposed to salute, but she turned around and ran, saying that she forgot the incense burner, in addition, the mother and daughter of the Xie family also invited doctors several times and bought a lot of medicine.

"I'm afraid there's something serious about it, right? Like, does she have fox odor? Chen Xiaomei said suspiciously.

Feng Yufeng disagreed, there is no perfect person in the world, Miss Xie Er is both talented and beautiful, even if she is a little stinky, at most, she will find all kinds of incense in the world for her when the time comes, and smoke her fragrantly.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

Feng Yufeng ran home and asked his mother Wu to go to the Doujia Garden to find Mrs. Xie to propose marriage.

He said that he had been close for two or three years, and he had never wanted to kiss, and the Wu family should have been happy when he took the initiative to propose marriage, but when he heard that the other party was the second lady of the Xie family, she frowned.

Master Xie has been out to be an official for many years, Miss Xie Er grew up in the capital, what is her character and how to behave, she doesn't know anything, how can she rashly propose marriage?

But she is not good at sweeping her son's interest, and deduces that today is not an auspicious day, and it is not appropriate to propose marriage, and she will talk about it in a few days.

Feng Yufeng thought about it, how could it be a child's play? In case something rushes and misses a big event, it is not beautiful.

He praised it for being thoughtful, remembering that Miss Xie Er was still in the Qingpeng boat on the Sushui River, and couldn't help but laugh at himself for being stupid, he should have taken a painting boat to accompany her just now.

He left home in a hurry and went straight to the Sushui River, wanting to take advantage of the beauty to get off the boat and see the beauty again.

Who knew that when he went to the river to inquire, a boatman said that Miss Xie Er's Qingpeng boat went down the river and went to Xiaoshiguling to incense, and went back for more than 80 miles, and I don't know when I will return to the city.

"Don't you go to ask for marriage?" Feng Yufeng muttered, think about Miss Xie Er's beauty, what if the boatman has bad intentions?

There are several painting boats in the Kanwei Pavilion, which are specially designed for distinguished guests to enjoy the river scenery while eating fresh river food. Feng Yufeng called Chen Xiaomei, transferred a painting boat, and went straight to Xiaoshiguling.

He took out a bag of broken silver and said that as long as he caught up with Miss Xie Er, the money would belong to the boatman, and the boatman worked hard to support the boat.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

Hurry up, and when they arrived at the foot of Xiaoshigu Ridge, Miss Xie Er's Qingpeng boat was parked in the river bay, the boatwoman was boiling water to kill fish, and the boatman was resting on the bow of the boat with Erlang's legs crossed, saying that Miss Xie Er had just gotten off the boat, and their Xie family's guards and carriages were already waiting in the river bay, carrying her and going to Xiaoshigu Ridge.

Chen Xiaomei found an ox cart in a village near Hewan, chased all the way, and finally caught up with Miss Xie Er in front of Xiaoshiguling.

At that time, the maid happened to help her get out of the car, and the wind blew, blowing the veil, revealing the true face of Miss Xie Er, and Feng Yufeng looked at her.

Feng Yufeng was dumbfounded, this Second Miss Xie Er's face was like a ripe lychee, red and fluttering, and there were clumps of rashes, it was too scary.

Second Miss Xie glared at him angrily and hurried up the steps of the mountain.

The Xie family's guards recognized him as the second son of the Feng family next door, and when they saw his dumbfounded appearance, they couldn't help but smile, and left with the young lady slowly.

Chen Xiaomei just gave the car money, didn't see the scene just now, saw Feng Yufeng's stunned appearance, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Look stupid, a beauty deserves to be a beauty!" ”

The second maid also got out of the car with a copper incense burner in her hand and hurried up the steps.

The fragrance wafted in the wind and into Feng Yufeng's nose, and he couldn't help but sneeze.

Strange, the fragrance is obviously very light, why do you sneeze?

Chen Xiaomei dragged him up to Xiaoshiguling.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

Feng Yufeng inhaled the fragrant breeze all the way, sneezed several times in a row, and when he looked down, a pale red pimple appeared on his arm.

He suddenly exerted his strength, crossed Chen Xiaomei, fought three steps into two steps, ran all the way up the mountain, crossed the surprised guards and maids, stopped Miss Xie Er, and asked her not to go up the mountain, her illness can be cured by herself.

Miss Xie Er was so excited that her body trembled in an instant: "You know what the disease is, you can cure it!" ”

Feng Yufeng snatched the copper incense burner in the maid's hand and said, "The root of the disease is it!" ”

The maid was startled and stammered, "You said I hurt the young lady?" I didn't! ”

He didn't care about the maid, grabbed a branch from the side of the road, stirred the incense ash in the incense burner, pulled out a piece of blue-black wood, and said that he had found it.

The wood chips are covered with circles with a slight golden light, which is a very rare wood that only grows in the deep mountains of Yuncheng, called Yuanbo, with a special aroma, if it is accidentally smoked with agarwood, it will make some people's skin have a large red rash, he was hit when he was a child.

At that time, he heard that the aroma of the Yuan Bo was special, and the Yuan Bo carefully cared for by his father cut a branch to smoke incense, but the original agarwood crumbs in the furnace, just smoked for a while, he was itchy and rashed, and invited many doctors who didn't know what was going on, or his father went out and came back, took some old ginger for him to wipe his body, and drank a few sticks of decoction, which was good.

On the first night of Miss Xie Er coming to Cloud City, she woke up with itching all over her body, and suddenly found that she had a rash all over her body, and her face was especially bad, and she was so frightened that she screamed.

Mrs. Xie thought that the old house room was rarely inhabited, dark and insect-like, and took her to the Doujia Garden to borrow it the next day, who knew that the doctor took medicine, but there was no effect, and the red rash on her face became more and more serious, only by smoking some incense was quieter, and the red rash was not so itchy.

I heard that there is a Yaowang Temple on Xiaoshiguling that is particularly effective, and Mrs. Xie was going to take her to burn incense, but before going out, she suddenly had pain in her abdomen and diarrhea, so she could only let her go out with the two maids.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

"Who did you hear say that the Xiaoshiguling Yaowang Temple is very effective? As far as I know, there is no Yaowang temple here. Feng Yufeng asked.

Miss Xie Er looked at the maid who had tinted the incense burner before and said, "Guizhi, you say, what's going on." ”

Yuanbo only grows in the mountains of Cloud City, and Gui Zhi was also brought over from Cloud City, so naturally she was a troublemaker.

Gui Zhi looked at her with resentment on her face, saying that her wife claimed to be virtuous and virtuous, but she refused to promote her mother, who had been waiting for her, as a concubine, but instead asked her mother to marry the coachman in the house, and Miss Xie Er has been picking and choosing and refusing to marry, she is almost twenty years old, what future is there.

Feng Yufeng couldn't cry or laugh, these two reasons are to be poisoned and disfigured?

Gui Zhi's face was still resentful, saying that his father was drunk and died early, and his wife let his mother come out of the house, and his mother had been practicing in Xiaoshiguling until she died of illness last year.

"If it weren't for your mother, she could have been your father's concubine, and she wouldn't have been trapped in this barren mountain and wilderness alone, if it weren't for your delay in getting married, I could have returned to Cloud City earlier, and I could have seen her for the last time!"

Gui Zhi yelled at Miss Xie Er.

Miss Xie Er was silent, secretly clenching her left arm. Gui Zhi lied to herself about what was the purpose of coming here, she didn't dare to think deeper.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

"What about you, who do you want to marry?" Feng Yufeng asked.

Gui Zhi blinked and said, "You want to marry her?" Then I-"

"My Feng family has strict rules, and you can't take concubines!" Feng Yufeng directly dispelled her thoughts, not to mention that he didn't want to take a concubine, even if he did take a concubine, he would never dare to provoke someone like her.

Miss Xie Er's eyes lit up, and she quickly lowered her eyelids.

The wind blew, and only the branches and leaves were heard, and Feng Yufeng had a lot of things he wanted to say to Miss Xie Er, but in the end he didn't say it.

Because Miss Xie Er was not held accountable, Gui Zhi was not sent to the yamen, and took the deed of sale and the silver accumulated over the years, and went to his own future.

Mrs. Xie was annoyed by Miss Xie Er's generosity, and Miss Xie Er said forget it, after all, she had served herself wholeheartedly for many years in the past, and it was considered the love of the master and servant.

The wife of the Feng family, Wu, after several investigations, found that her son's vision was not bad, Miss Xie Er was indeed talented and beautiful, and she was also in love with the second child, so she sent someone to the door to propose marriage.

Mrs. Xie's heart fell to the ground, and the third daughter could get married on schedule, so she nodded on the spot.

Folktale: Beauty Stove

On the wedding night, Feng Yufeng specially checked the copper incense burner in the new house and added some spices to it.

Miss Xie Er asked him what to add, should it be Yuanbo again.

Feng Yufeng smiled and said that he would obey his mother's orders, and add good spices to fill our children and grandchildren.

Later, Feng Yufeng quickly regretted it, Miss Xie Er had just turned one, and she was diagnosed with a pregnancy, and she couldn't add a trace of spices in the room, and the copper incense burner, with an empty stomach every day, squatted honestly, as if laughing at his wrong plan.

@高凉叶故事原创, thank you for your companionship and support along the way, and continue to share the world of stories and joys and sorrows in 2024
