
Yu Zhicheng: I want to attack the "high-yield champion".

author:Snow is all toot

In 2023, the new wheat variety SD1605 jointly researched by Shihezi University and Xinjiang Xinruihe Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. will be accepted in the field, and the yield of this variety per mu will be 763.9 kg, which is a record high for the yield of spring wheat in Xinjiang.

Yu Zhicheng: I want to attack the "high-yield champion".

What is the basis of the "high-yield champion"?

The answer given by agricultural experts and large growers is: good land, good seeds, and good methods.

In recent years, Qinghe County has continued to consolidate and improve its comprehensive grain production capacity, actively promoted excellent seeds, and ensured the stable and increased yield of grain crops in the county through the implementation of precision fertilization, standardized sowing, deep ploughing and subsoiling, one spray and three preventions, and drip irrigation, water and fertilizer integrated wheat yield technology.

Walking into the 4,000 acres of spring wheat field of Yu Zhicheng, a grower in Agdala Town, it is full of vitality as far as the eye can see. Spring wheat emerges neatly and grows evenly, and the breeze blows, and the wheat waves are wave after wave.

Yu Zhicheng: I want to attack the "high-yield champion".

"This year, I chose to continue planting Hechun 115 and SD1605 wheat. Last year, through the planting of new varieties, the average income per mu was 500~600 yuan, plus subsidies, the average income per mu was 700~800 yuan. For this reason, I will continue to plant and attack the 'high-yielding champion'. Yu Zhicheng said.

Yu Zhicheng: I want to attack the "high-yield champion".

In addition to excellent crop varieties, the agricultural technology department of Qinghe County has also widely implemented new planting technologies, and the "improved varieties + good methods" have ensured the steady increase in grain yields.

Yu Zhicheng said: "This year, the average number of wheat seedlings per mu has increased from more than 60,000 to 65,000~70,000, and the amount of seeds per mu has decreased from 30 kg to 26 kg, saving costs and increasing the amount of planting." If this year's harvest is good, I will continue to expand the planting area next year. ”

In response to the problems encountered in planting and field management, the Qinghe County Agriculture and Rural Bureau regularly carries out agricultural planting-related training, so that farmers can master planting techniques and lay a solid foundation for achieving a bumper wheat harvest.

Wang Jinghong, intern reporter of the Altay Regional Financial Media Center

Correspondent: Zhou Weijie