
A blood pressure prescription, half a lifetime of experience! Difficulty falling asleep, dizziness, backache, dry mouth and bitter mouth are all applicable

author:Guo Jingzhi, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

It is difficult to fall asleep and wake up, dizzy, walking as if stepping on cotton, irritable personality, soreness in the waist and knees, red cheeks, dry mouth and bitter mouth, etc., these are typical symptoms of hypertensive hypertension on the liver yang.

You see how domineering this name is, it is not to soothe the liver, calm the liver, and soft the liver, but to suppress the liver. Zhen means to exert force and pressure, which is a symbol of strength. If you play hard, you will naturally get results. Next, I will take you to see its treatment ideas.

A blood pressure prescription, half a lifetime of experience! Difficulty falling asleep, dizziness, backache, dry mouth and bitter mouth are all applicable

Let's talk about what is called liver yang hyperactivity, for example, everyone has not watered the vegetable garden, pulling a long water pipe, the vegetables close to themselves are very easy to water, and the vegetables that are far away from themselves should be squeezed a little flattened at the mouth of the water pipe, so that the blood vessels have a pressure, so that the water flow has an impact, and it can be poured farther.

This is very similar to the principle of hyperactivity of liver yang, in order to make the blood go further, nourishing the mind and limbs far away from the liver and kidney, the heart will be pressurized, and this pressure will be given to the blood vessel wall, causing the liver wind to move internally, and the liver yang is vigorous.

Liver Yang runs to the head after several twists and turns, and in the process, it will not only make the mind uneasy and sleep poorly, but also cause symptoms such as dizziness, headache, tinnitus, and flushing.

In response to this situation, the treatment idea of the Liver Suppression Soup is very simple and rude, first suppress the liver yang, and then make up the liver yin, balance the yin and yang, so that the liver yang can no longer get up.

A blood pressure prescription, half a lifetime of experience! Difficulty falling asleep, dizziness, backache, dry mouth and bitter mouth are all applicable

Zhen liver quenching wind soup: hyssop, raw ochre, raw keel, raw oysters, raw turtle plate, white peony, scrophular, asparagus, neem seed, raw malt, Yin Chen, licorice.

Ox knee bitter discharge, acid into the liver, good downward. Put the cow knee in the first place, because it sets the tone of the recipe, while lowering the liver yang, while nourishing the liver yin.

Lowering the liver yang: raw keel, raw oyster is animal bone, ochre is ore, these three flavor medicines are more crude than plant medicine. If the yang energy of the upward rebellion is compared to Sun Wukong, then the raw keel and raw oysters are like Nezha Yang Jian, who was sent to suppress it by force. And ochre is like a five-fingered mountain, so that the yang energy can not turn over at all.

Nourish the liver and yin: In order to completely subdue the yang energy, it is necessary to nourish the yin of the liver and kidneys, so that the yin and yang are balanced with each other. It's like giving Tang Seng a tight spell to discipline Sun Wukong. Turtle plate, white peony, succulent ginseng, and asparagus are the masters of nourishing yin, and the yin of the liver and kidneys is replenished, and the yang energy is more honest.

You think that's the end of it? Earlier, the recipe was more clever in that it added four flavors: malt, yinchen, neem seed, and licorice.

A blood pressure prescription, half a lifetime of experience! Difficulty falling asleep, dizziness, backache, dry mouth and bitter mouth are all applicable

Malt, Yin Chen, and neem can regulate liver qi and clear liver heat, and with so many heavy medicines in front of you, it is inevitable to hurt the harmony, slap and rub it three times, so use these three herbs to smooth the liver qi and prevent the liver qi from falling too violently. Finally, licorice, a peacemaker, can be used to reconcile various medicines, which can also strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and help biochemical qi and blood.

Let's see if this recipe is powerful, latent yang, nourishing yin, clearing heat and soothing the liver, and using thunder means to solve the problem from the root. Although the prescription is good, but the medicine is too dangerous and strange, it is not easy to control, and there must be professional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation, so you should not take it privately.
