
In 1987, battalion commander Zhao Hong was on the front line of Laoshan, wearing an "old mountain skirt" and a few rare photos

author:Old photos speak of history
In 1987, battalion commander Zhao Hong was on the front line of Laoshan, wearing an "old mountain skirt" and a few rare photos

In 1987, it was a time full of gunsmoke and sweat, and Battalion Commander Zhao Hong was on the front line of Laoshan Mountain, where the mountains were high and dense, and the climate was extremely difficult. However, it was in such an environment that he wore the first skirt designed for male soldiers in the history of our army - "Old Mountain Skirt", leaving a very meaningful photo.

In the photo, battalion commander Zhao Hong is smiling, holding a guitar in his hand and wearing a steel helmet on his head, looking heroic and optimistic. His smile was like a ray of sunshine that pierced the haze of the battlefield and gave people hope and strength. Despite the extremely difficult conditions on the front line, he was able to have fun in the midst of hardship, and this optimistic attitude not only infected his comrades, but also crossed the screen and deeply touched us.

When we take a closer look at this photo, we will find a strange thing, that is, Battalion Commander Zhao Hong is wearing a dress with a very special style. This kind of skirt is rare in our daily life, and it can even be said that it is unheard of. However, on the Laoshan front, it became a "life-saving skirt" for the soldiers.

It turned out that the area where the Laoshan front line was located was high and densely forested, the climate was humid, the amount of rain evaporated was large, and the air was hot and dry. In such an environment, the fighters defended in the cat's ear hole for a long time and could not take a bath, which led to the growth of bacteria on their bodies, and many fighters suffered from "rotten crotch disease". This disease is unbearable, and it is bloody when you scratch it, and some of them are red and swollen. In order to solve this problem, the relevant departments specially designed this "old mountain skirt" and distributed it to the fighters.

The design of the "old mountain skirt" is very user-friendly, it uses breathable materials, which allows the fighters to stay dry while wearing them. At the same time, its style also takes into account the actual needs of the fighters, allowing them to move more freely. With this skirt, the "rotten crotch disease" of the fighters has been effectively alleviated, and the condition of many fighters has gradually improved.

It can be said that the "old mountain skirt" has made great achievements on the front line of the old mountain. It not only solves the practical problems of the soldiers, but also reflects the army's love and concern for the soldiers. It is precisely with such support and care that the soldiers are able to stick to their posts in a difficult environment and contribute to the peace and prosperity of the motherland.

Looking back on this photo, we can't help but be full of respect for Battalion Commander Zhao Hong and his comrades-in-arms. They used their sweat and blood to guard the borders of the motherland, and the "old mountain skirt" has also become a unique memory of that era, witnessing the care and love of our army for the soldiers in a difficult environment.

In 1987, battalion commander Zhao Hong was on the front line of Laoshan, wearing an "old mountain skirt" and a few rare photos
In 1987, battalion commander Zhao Hong was on the front line of Laoshan, wearing an "old mountain skirt" and a few rare photos